Let's meet in our next life


"Time was a funny and fickle thing. Sometimes there was never enough of it, and other times it streched out endlessly." Quote by J.lynn


Yi-en first met Jia-er when they were young, maybe 5 or 6, in a store. Jia-er wanted to get a stuffed bunny but his mom wouldn't let him, so Yi-en got it and gave it to the cute boy who wouldn't stop crying. Flash foward twelve years and they are the best of friends. One day when they sneak into Mr.Tuan's lab while he was away, they find somehing they shouldn't have.

The first time Mark met Jackson was in a classroom. He came in yelling about a pencil. Mark soon learned that Jackson had a habit of losing his pencils, much to the boys annoyance and his friends amusement. They become fast friends. After accidentally coming upon an old book at the library, Mark starts to have severe headaches and odd dreams. What do these dreams mean? And who is Yi-en and Jia-er?  



Genre: Drama, Mystery

Characters: Mark, Yi-en, Jackson, Jia-er, Got7, (a few Ocs...)

Setting: Yi-en/Jia-er - Old times?, Village? Mark/Jackson - Modern times, School, 

Other: Kinda what I wanted Let's meet in our next life to be like... also if anyone is interested in Let's meet in our next life (The ongoing story) feel free to message me ^^ 



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Don't mind me, I'll go through these to see if anything inspires me. I'm a masochist since I struggle to finish my fics, lol!
Chapter 6: I was just wondering, whats the story about the 3 ninjas stuck in an infinite time loop called? I think i wanna read it ^^
Chapter 38: Sorry for spamming with the comments... just really like your ideas. ^_^ though i cant foster any of em as I have my own library of ideas in my head,notebooks and laptop folders so... ^^"
Chapter 28: No wonder this sounds familiar... i went to a play once, based off of agatha christie' books. Mousetrap, it was amazing...
Chapter 17: Le gasp.......
Chapter 8: This one's rly cute XD
Chapter 28: Whoa this one is super interesting! I might snatch this after I complete the graveyard one (which is only at 15% so far otl)