-Shim Haru-

-The Secret Game-


Today is Sunday. I have a plan with Haru to watch a movie and now I'm in the middle of trying to mix and match some clothes. Sadly, not many pretty options because my clothes are limited to big sizes only.

When I was buttoning a shirt, some knocks come from my room's door. That must be Haru.

"Come in"

"Sebi, I bought the newest volume of Attack on Titan! Did you know that they release some new edition for the prequel's story? Oh! There's a new interesting manga called One Punch Man, everybody's talking about it even-" Wonwoo stops his babbling when he raise his face from the shopping bag to me. I stop buttoning my shirt. We froze.

"YYA! GET OUT YOU ERT! ASDFGHJKL HOW CAN YOU GET IN LIKE THAT?" I pushed Wonwoo out of my room and quickly close the door.

"Hey, I'm not the one to blame! You told me to come in!"

"I thought you were Haru!"

"Oh yeah? Did I knock like a girl???"

"Not funny, Jeon Wonwoo"

"Who said I was kidding?"

This is not going to end so I choose to give up. Walking to the door, I check if I already dressed properly this time.

"Okay, what do you want?" I asked, meeting his face. A blush still can be seen from his ears.

"I have a band practice today, so I think you want to read it first..?" Wonwoo offered me the manga temptation with gaze diverted anywhere but me. This is what I adore from him the most. He could be this considerate and sweet. As a friend, of course.

"Okay, thank you Wonwoo" I take the shopping bag from him

"Moreover, you have nothing that interests me enough to peek at" he mumbled

"GEZZ THIS RASCAL!" I smack his head with one manga from the bag

"That hurts!"

"Go home already! Haru is coming, we're going on a date today"

"Where are you going today?" he asked as we both stand in front of my house.


"Nice, buy me a mango slushie when you came home later! I'd love to drink it after band's practice!" Wonwoo smiled. His signature smile, the wide and scrunched nose's smile.

"Geezz, just go! It's up to me I would buy it or not"

"Why are you so mean to me?" he started his ultimate weapon: the-mighty-annoying-aegyo. Geezz this selfish king.

"At time like this, I wish you always had that one girlfriend whose willing to do anything for you so you won't interupt my fun time" I rolled my eyes. "I get it! I'll buy it!"

"Yeah! Jung Sebi you're the best!" he said as he started running towards his house

"Wait, you're going to walk to your band practice??" I hate people that smell bad. Wonwoo hate it too. That's why we pretty strict with reminding each other.

"No, I want to take a bath first. I'll go with my bicycle later. Bye!" Wonwoo finally bade his goodbye. I sigh with a content smile.


"I didn't expect that kind of ending at all" said Haru as we walk into a cafe

"Yeah! Such a twist! I mean, who guess the father is the real evil one? I'm glad he's killed"

"Me too, I'm glad the evil's brother was killed and got his lesson too. I hate that kid so much"

"Kids like that are the most annoying to be honest"

"Of course even though they're still kids, it such a bad habit"

Even though Haru and I are really different in personality, we shared same interest in horror movies. We just finished watching the sequel film of Sinister, and to be honest, I like the ending for the second movie more than the ending of the first movie. The history of the curse has finally revealed on this movie.

"May I take your order?" the waitress asks us

"I'll have tuna sandwich and lemon squash. Sebi?"

"I want... Mushroom Parmesan Fettucini and Iced Mocha"

"It's rare to see you not ordering Mango Slushie" said Haru

"I will. Later after we finished the food. I'll just bring it home."

"Ah, right. Because it's already so late. Sorry, Sebi. Because I overslept,  we have to watch the evening schedule"

I shake my head, "No, I'm okay. You bought me the ticket, though"

Haru let out a sigh with troubled face. She may seems cool and distant, but is actually a nice girl with soft heart. Her face is also pretty, and she's actually quite popular among boys. Ah, she's the best friend I'm so proud of. Ugh, she'll smack my head if I said this to her directly.


The sounds of splashing water silencing the cafe. All of the customer's heads immediately turned to the sound's direction. A couple fight.

"That's it??? Your moving and you breaking up with me is just because of your cousin? How could you do that to me? Heartless jerk!" the wavy haired-girl left the cafe with pounding steps of her high heels. She looks pretty even though she's crying. In curiosity, I take a glance to her (supposedly) ex-boyfr... Wait, girlfriend???

The-'ex', with wet blue sweater and also wet long brownish hair, get up from the chair. I hold my breath for seconds. He's not a girl. He's a boy. A beautiful long-haired boy. He left the bill and bow to the waitress on her ex's behalf.

"Here's your orders, Mrs. Tuna sandwich, mushroom parmesan fettucini, lemon squash, and Iced Mocha" the waitress come back with our foods. Snapping me back to reality.

"Are we watching another movie, now?" Haru joked

Laughing, I try to get rid of his beautiful expressionless face from my mind, "Whatever. Let's dig in!"

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