You Don't Understand, Sir

Hold Me Tight My True Love






"This is what I hate the most, people abusing others just because they're stronger." The man continues as he takes two steps closer to Jaebum and Jinyoung. The latter breathes in hard; listening to the guy's monolog makes his heart run for miles. If he had known he would meet his destiny this way, he would not have run along with Jaebum.


"Let him go." And Jinyoung hearing that man talk with utter conviction and strength makes his knees go jelly. The young brat only snickers at the guy, but not in an insulting manner. "Oh, you don't understand Sir. We know each other, right?" He says, eyes becoming wide as he looks into Jinyoung's.


He doesn't know what has gotten into him, but tearing his eyes away from the younger man was a challenge. "Is that true?" The tall man questions again, taking another step, keeping a defensive stance. "That's not true. I don't know him." Jinyoung states, stuttering, successfully making Jaebum's eyes' even wider.


Jaebum may be younger than Jinyoung, but he knows what the older is trying to do. So, instead of countering the older, he takes a step back and lets Jinyoung's hands go. The latter blinks his eyes profusely and timidly runs towards the man's side. "Thank you for saving me. Young men today can be really dangerous." He says exaggeratingly, closing his eyes, hugging himself and all.


He can hear Jaebum snickering at the back, but he pays him no attention, he looked up to the tall man instead. "Should I lead you out in the streets? Just to make sure you'll be safe?" The man says and cherry blossoms suddenly start blooming on his background. Suddenly, Jinyoung feels like he's in a shoujo (or is it, a ?) manga.


"You really don't have to." Jinyoung replies but keeps his fingers crossed that the man would insist. "Are you sure?" The man says and Jinyoung automatically regrets his decision. "No, I should lead you out. Again, just to make sure you're safe." But the man continues as he throws glances to Jaebum's direction.


"If you insist then." Jinyoung bites his smile and bows his head. Then, carefully, the tall man leads him out and he prays to god this will lead to their happy ending too. Jinyoung is not short, he's pretty tall, to be honest, but the man is way taller than him. The tip of his head probably only reaches the bottom of the man's ear.


Now it's like he's back in a manga again. Their height difference gives him butterflies in his tummy, it's perfect for kissing. Jinyoung glances at the man at the same time the latter does. He gives Jinyoung a warm smile and he tries his best to keep his internal screaming internal.


The tall man has this thick brows, perfect double eyelids, prominent nose, a jawline that can cut, and lips that are so kissable. "Is there something on my face?" The man asks since Jinyoung has been staring at his face the whole while. Jinyoung finally tears his eyes away, blushing hard.


"No, it's just- Um. What's your name…? If you don't mind me asking?" Jinyoung tries stealing glances at the man and he sees him smiling a little. "I don't mind." He replies and then he looks at Jinyoung's eyes. "Honestly, I was about to ask yours." Jinyoung will definitely mark this day. Because as soon as the man gives him a grin, Jinyoung's soul leaves his body and flies to the heavens.


"I'm Kris, Kris Wu. How about you?" The tall man, Kris, says as he reaches his hand for Jinyoung's. Jinyoung stares at the hand then back to Kris' eyes before he envelopes it with him. And god, their hands looks so cute like this. Kris' is so huge against his. So manly. So lovely. So ideal. So destiny material.


"My name is Jinyoung, Park Jinyoung. It's nice to meet you." Jinyoung replies, reluctantly pulling his hand away because he doesn't want to appear too desperate, too clingy. But Kris stops him, gently squeezing his hand. "I should be the one saying that." Kris gives his hand another squeeze before he lets it go.


"I think you're safe here." Kris breaks the moment and looks around the street. Jinyoung does too, hiding his smile by keeping his head low. "Thank you." Jinyoung says as he looks back to Kris' face. The latter looks back at him and gives him the same warm smile.


"You're welcome." Kris smiles at him. "I can offer you a ride home. Would you be fine with that?" He says and Jinyoung's really melting inside now. "No, it's okay. I'm fine." Jinyoung says and hopes, again, that Kris would insist. If he asks one more time, he would definitely take the offer.


"Okay then. Goodbye." And then, he turns around, leaving Jinyoung and what could have been their happy ending. But Jinyoung wouldn't let that happen easily, now that he found him, he wouldn't let him go. "Excuse me!" He yells softly, then Kris turns around and looks at him.


"Is it okay if I ask for your calling card? I would like to take you out to a dinner as a form of my gratitude." It's unlikely for Jinyoung to say these things mainly because he likes to be the one on the other side. He waits and waits but Kris only gives him a smile.


"You really don't have to do it. I'm glad that I helped you, but you don't have to pay for it." He says waving a dismissing hand in front of him. "Goodbye, Jinyoung. Take care." And then he turns around again and walks until he reaches his car.


Jinyoung watches the car leave and sighs when it's out of sight. Then, he turns around and walks to the other side. "What? Did your destiny got away?" Jaebum then appears, his hands both in his pockets and he has a curious look on his face. Jinyoung looks up at him and groans.


"Yes, he did." He replies and groans again. "You know what, that was mean of you to ditch me like that." Jaebum states, but instead of apologizing, Jinyoung glares at him. He rolls his eyes as he breathes in hard.


"You're really a bad luck, you know. And you know what, why don't we just end this? All you're giving me is headaches." He grimaces at Jaebum as he sends him annoyed looks. "Why did I even take you as my boyfriend? We should break up." By now, Jinyoung is expecting the younger for his rebuttal.


Jaebum's a tactless guy who doesn't have a brain to mouth filter. But Jaebum isn't talking at all, isn't firing back at all, he's just moving his head side to side with a small smile on his face. "What? You're creepy." Jinyoung asks and the only reply he receives is Jaebum looking at his back.


Ever annoyed Jinyoung halfheartedly turns to his back and sees the horror of his life. Kris is holding out a small rectangular paper, but he has his jaws clenched and his eyes fixed on Jaebum. "I should not have interrupted you


"I told you, we know each other." Jaebum replies, giving Kris a smirk. Jinyoung looks back at Jaebum and mouths, 'what the ?' but before he can come up with an explanation to Kris; the guy has already turned his back on him. 'Noooooooooo.' Jinyoung thinks as he tries to reach for Kris' calling card, but he is too late.


So, he turns around with a scowl on his face. "Ugh!" Then, he hits Jaebum's shoulder with his shoulder bag. "I hate you!" He yells before he storms off, but Jaebum remains on his spot with the same smirk on his face.


Jinyoung continues to walk towards the train station. It's nice that it's Friday, he can come home to his mother's house. And maybe spend the weekend there too. And as soon as he stands in the waiting area, an old and drunk man walks up to him.


"You! What do you think you're doing? Aren't you supposed to be home by now?" The man says drunkenly, he can't even stand properly. "What are you saying?" Jinyoung asks unknowingly as he stares at the old man who obviously grew angrier.


"You! You stupid-" "Stop it." Then, Jaebum appears again, holding the man's arm. "What- why-" "I said stop it." Jaebum repeats, he keeps his glare on him until the old man leaves them. But when he turns around he has a bright smile on his face.


"What are you doing here?" Jinyoung asks, looking at Jaebum disbelievingly. "Are you following me?" He asks again, squinting at Jaebum, but the younger only laughs at him. And then, the train comes, Jaebum turns around and heads to the train. It is only when Jaebum is finally inside when he realized something.


Something like this happened before. He can remember it clearly, eight years ago, on his first day at Waves. It was even the same drunken man, but he couldn't quite remember the man who somewhat saved him. He was wearing a cap and it was covering half of his face.






















Monday comes and goes, sure it's not Jinyoung's favorite day, but he has to go through it. He has to stay alive and live. But he isn't expecting to see his destiny that got away walking inside his company building. He's with four other men and they're heading to the director's office.


When Kris passes by him, he smiles and lifts his palm, but the other pretends not to see him at all. "Jinwoo-sshi!" Jinyoung runs to his colleague who is carrying a tray of coffee. "Oh my! Jinyoung-sshi, you startled me." The shorter replies, balancing the cups on the tray.


"What is he doing here?" Jinyoung asks, pointing towards Kris' direction. Jinwoo slowly turns to him and breaks into a smile. "Oh. Kris Wu? He's Nikon Korea's new CEO and they will be our business partner." as soon as he finishes his explanation, Jinwoo bids him goodbye and walks towards their office.


Then, all of a sudden, he sees Joonmyeon running frantically towards him. "Jinyoung-sshi!!!" He yells few meters away from him and once he reaches Jinyoung, he clutches in his arms. "There's a commotion in the makeup station!!!" He says breathlessly.


Jinyoung and Joonmyeon rush back to the makeup station and they see people yelling at each other. Jinyoung also sees Mark on his seat, his eyes are closed and he's covering his ears. "Excuse me? San we all please tone this down?" Jinyoung tries, but no one paid him attention.


"Excuse me?" He tries again, and someone actually turned to him. But he isn't expecting the person to run towards him like she's about to slap him. Fortunately, before the woman can do so, Jackson barges in and stops her. Jinyoung yells again, but still, no one paid attention to him.


He tries to look around, thinking of a solution to calm the people down. And when he sees the vase beside him, he wasted no time and throws it onto the ground. "Will everyone shut the hell up!?" he yells as soon as the people hear the crashing sound.


"In case you've forgotten, this is an office! And you are not allowed to do these things here. If you don't want me to call the police for what you did, you can help yourself and find the way out of this building." Everyone, except the employees, albeit unwillingly, walks out of the room.


When he looks around, he sees Mark clutching to himself. He slowly makes his way to him, resting his palm on his shoulder, but the guy got startled. "They're gone now, Mark-sshi." He says in a comforting voice, but Mark ignores him and abruptly leaves the room.


He also sees Jackson watching Mark leave with a dejected expression, but he did not try to follow him.








It's just the start of the week but a lot of things are happening already. First, he suddenly sees Kris in his office, but he got ignored. Next, the people who are complaining against Mark made a commotion in their building. Now, he's sitting inside a room with Kris.


He really can't help it. He can't help but watch him. His serious expression makes him look ten times hotter. Like he's oozing with such flaming charisma. And then, Kris glances at him, he tries to smile but Kris ignores him again. "Jinyoung-sshi?" Kris says after sighing. Jinyoung jerks up and looks at Kris, wide-eyed.


"If you can't focus on the meeting, why are you even here?" He asks coldly, definitely not like how they first met. "Eh?" Jinyoung manages to make up because everyone's eyes are on him. "You've been staring at my face ever since the meeting started. If you're going to be like that, I don't think you deserve your position. You're slacking too much."


That's when Jinyoung knows it's enough. He has been here for eight years, he might be a disaster magnet, but he never slacked in his job. And who does Kris think he is? He may be Jinyoung's destiny, but no, he is not allowed to belittle him like that. But before Jinyoung can even come up with an explanation, Kris has turned his head away from him already.






















"Mark?" Jackson knocks on Mark's door, but he receives no reply. "Mark?" He tries again, louder this time. "Mark, let's talk." But he is still not getting any replies. "Mark, if you don't open this, I will break in." He says as a warning and after a whole minute of no reply, he twists in the knob.


Jackson's eyes grow wide and suddenly his heart starts beating unevenly. The door is unlocked which is very unlikely for Mark. He opens the door and walks in carefully. "Mark?" He calls, but no one answers him. "Mark Yien Tuan?" He calls again as he walks in deeper into the house.


He goes to his bedroom and sees no one. He heads to the kitchen and still sees no one. When he's about to dial Mark's number, he sees the bathroom door ajar. Slowly, he makes his way there and pushes the door. And there on the floor is a lifeless Mark. "Mark!" Jackson yells, kneeling down to pick up Mark on the floor.


Jackson gently taps his cheeks and shakes him. "Mark wake up!" he tries again and fortunately, this time, Mark opens his eyes. "Jackson." He says weakly and then he closes his eyes again. "What happened to you?" Jackson asks and carries Mark into his bedroom.


"You're too warm; I think you have a fever." Jackson states after wiping Mark's face with the towel he saw on Mark's bed. Mark sighs with the contact, but he keeps quiet and avoids talking. "Are you hungry?" He asks and this time, Mark nods with his eyes closed.


Jackson smiles at it but eventually frowns. He doesn't know how to cook. So he does what he thinks is the best. After wiping Mark's face again, he leaves the room after, texting his friend.






It is twenty minutes later when Jinyoung comes in. He's breathless and dead tired from rushing. "How's he?" Jinyoung asks, peaking at Mark's room. "He's better now than how he was earlier." Jackson replies quietly, not really wanting to disturb Mark.


"My friend." Jackson then looks at him seriously. "Help me cook something for him." It's almost funny for Jinyoung to see how distressed Jackson is. The creases on his forehead multiply each time he talks about Mark. And whenever Jackson looks at Mark, Jinyoung can't help but notice the warm looks he is giving him.


"Sure, my friend." Jinyoung replies as he taps Jackson's shoulders. When the latter finally smiles, he heads to the kitchen and opens the fridge. But tada! Here comes nothing. Even in Mark's cabinets, there was no food at all.


While checking the fridge again, something popped up in his mind. He takes his phone from his pocket and dials the number of the person who can help them. "Hello, Jaebum-ah. I need you to buy me a couple of things; I will pay when you get here. I'll also send you the address later." Then, he goes on telling the younger what to buy.






Another twenty minutes passed by with Jackson wiping Mark's sweat from time to time and with Jinyoung watching them. But unlike before, this time, it's with pure adoration. Seeing Jackson worked up like this all because of Mark warms his heart. Then, as he continues watching them, the doorbell rings.


Earlier, he had asked Jaebum to buy the ingredients for a kimchi soup. "What took you so long?" Jackson quietly says as soon as soon as he sees Jaebum walking into the house. "Well, it's not like I have these things ready." Jaebum replies nonchalantly, placing the plastic bags on the kitchen table.


Jackson immediately sushes him as he urges Jinyoung to start cooking. But when Jinyoung opened the kimchi pack, Jackson whines about the smell. "Go and open the window." He tells Jaebum, so being the youngest; Jaebum has no choice but to obey.


But as soon as he did, Mark makes a noise and says, "It is cold." Jackson then turns to the younger and says, "Close it!" So Jaebum closes it again, and Jackson forces himself to ignore the smell as much as he can. "What's next?" Jinyoung suddenly asks after washing the rice. "What do you mean what's next?" Jackson asks back, walking up to his side.


Jaebum peaks in too, "Measure the water." He says a little later, showing Jinyoung how much water he should put through his hands. Jinyoung's forehead creases and asks, "What?" It's not because he doesn't know how to cook rice, he can okay, but soup is different.


Then Mark whines again. "Noisy." He says so Jackson hits Jaebum and Jinyoung's shoulders. "Keep quiet!" It is minutes later with a messy kitchen and burnt fingers when they finished cooking. Jinyoung carefully brings the bowl of soup towards Mark's bed and guides the latter to eat it.


"So, how is it?" Jinyoung asks after Mark's first spoon. Mark eats another spoon and stays quiet before he breaks into a comfortable expression. "It is good." he says and the trio can't help but cheer for their successful mission.


"Water." Mark says after the fifth spoon, making Jinyoung throw a look at Jackson. "Oh, okay. Wait." So Jackson stands up and takes the water bottle from the kitchen, he opens and hands it to Mark. After few gulps, he goes back to eating. Jinyoung then stands up, smiling as he watches Mark eating the soup he made.


"We should leave now." He tells him and Mark nods at him without looking. "Thank you." He says quietly that Jinyoung almost missed it. "You're welcome and get well soon." He replies, grinning at Mark while the latter turns to look at him. "We need you at waves."


Mark gives him a tight-lipped and tired smile. Jaebum stands up too and bows to him. "I'm Jaebum if you still remember me. And please get well soon." He says as he walks towards Jinyoung's side. Mark nods at them then Jackson stands up too.


"I guess, I'll go with them." Jackson says and Jinyoung gives him a curious look. "Water." Mark speaks again, not looking at Jackson. The latter takes the water earlier and hands it to Mark. "Warm water." Mark replies and finally looks into his eyes.




And that's when Jinyoung pulled Jaebum out of the house. It's already dark outside when they got into the parking lot. But Jinyoung still has this warm smile on his face, like he's stuck in a dreamy thought. He doesn't notice it, but Jaebum has been watching him with a small smile.


Then, he sighs and looks up to the purple sky. "You know, sometimes I can't help but wonder how it would feel to have someone by my side." He starts and he has the look in his eyes that is so beautiful in Jaebum's opinion.


"To have someone to take care of me when I'm sick." He continues and then he looks back to Jaebum. "It would probably feel so good. I am already old, but I haven't found my destiny yet. I wonder if there's something wrong with me." he ends with his voice getting weaker. Instead of a mocking reply, Jaebum walks up to him and hugs him.


"This is a special service so you don't have to pay." He whispers to him as he tightens the hug. "You're not old, Jinyoung-sshi. You still have a lot of time, so don't go rushing. And there's nothing wrong with you, so don't ever think like that."


Like his hug, Jaebum's voice is warm and comforting. Jinyoung is starting to think that if this is the hug that he will get every seventy-five dollars, he wouldn't mind it. Then, just as Jinyoung is about to hug Jaebum tighter, the latter pulls away. "Your destiny will come and find you, for the mean time all you have to do is wait for him."


Jinyoung sees the sincerity in his eyes and he can't deny it. So, he smiles back at Jaebum, nodding his head softly. "Oh, before I forget it." Jinyoung says, fishing the car keys in his pocket. "Some kid, probably, poke my car tires, hence, it is flat." Jinyoung motions to the car beside Jaebum.


The latter looks down to it, analyzing the tire. It seems like someone used a knife to flatten it. "I'll pay once you get it fixed." He says handing the keys to Jaebum. The younger smiles as he takes the keys from Jinyoung.  "Bye." Then the older turns around and leaves Jaebum who is still watching him.


But something catches Jaebum's eyes, as soon as Jinyoung leaves the car beside Jinyoung's leaves too. Another thing that he noticed is the ring of the person driving. A huge star on his ring.

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Hihintayin ko padin ang update mo . Godbless :)
sunhwaXX #2
Chapter 4: are you okay authornim? is everything okay? you usually update regularly..
Jaesonforever13 #3
I just realized..... U didn't update for more than a month and I'm going crazy here!!! Pls update soon author nim!! Pretty please
Chapter 4: just done reading and.. kris wu, what'cha doin'!? i know its you right?
pls, jin, your destiny might have right around you. maybe, just maybe, jaebum is there for you? and the man that saved you 8 years ago was jaebum, maybe?
the cliff hanger made me wondering how the next chapter would be >< pls update soon :'3
kimi_chan #5
Chapter 4: how many days usually you take for a new update? I don't think I can't wait too long, authornim. help! *grabs authornim's hand desperately*
Chapter 4: " Jinyoung is starting to think that if this is the hug that he will get every seventy-five dollars, he wouldn't mind it. "

i can't help but laugh at this. but jinyoung. your destiny is right in front of you though.
Chapter 4: Did some bad guy followed Jinyoung & try to harm him?! How dare u >:(
Chapter 4: I had to read the last paragraph a few times to grasp the meaning... ><
Is someone trying to harm Jinyoung? Oh my god! >_<
Chapter 4: I dont understand the last part...its kinda confusing for me but update soon anyway lol