Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

Hold Me Tight My True Love






It had been a tiring day for Jinyoung, work was same as usual, but his heart wasn't. He wipes his tears as he makes his way inside his apartment, locking it after. Seven years? Or has it been eight years since he first moved here?


Few years after college, Jinyoung managed to find a job in the heart of Seoul. He found himself another home in It's an online media company producing varying forms of arts. Jinyoung started humbly as a Junior Production assistant; slowly but surely he made his way to the top. It had been eight years since then.


He glances around, recalling his first nights alone in the apartment. Unconsciously, it made him tear up more. With what happened earlier, his desire to go home to his mother's house is stronger than ever. Times like this, Jinyoung misses her and his sisters the most.


He walks towards the fridge and gives himself a glass of cold water, wishing it could wash away the clog in his chest. 'Damn you, Jackson Wang.' He whispers to himself as he wipes his cheeks again. 'Damn you, Mark Tuan.'




Letting out a loud cry, he bangs his head on his dining table, hissing afterward. Apparently, his supposed boyfriend, Jackson, is two-timing him with Mark, with The Mark. Mark Tuan, Mark ing Tuan, Waves' most popular personality. The guy who is every netizens' favorite personality.


Also, the guy who is secretly always getting on his nerves. Well, Mark may be popular, he may be Waves' most sought after celebrity, but Jinyoung is the Head Producer. If it weren't for Jinyoung's writing and managing craft, Mark wouldn't be as he is today. But darn it! The guy has the audacity to sass him whenever he pleases.


Thinking of it again, Jinyoung bangs his head and hands, almost knocking his glass. "Where did that ing asswipe got the guts to cheat!?" He yells to himself, throwing a tantrum like a kid that definitely he isn't.






"Why does he think it's still cool to cheat!? What is he a twenty-something fresh lad? For crying out loud, he's already thirty-three years old!" A while ago, Jinyoung's still on the couch, but with the current state of his emotion, he somehow ends up lying helplessly on the floor.


Upon realizing what he has just said, he giggles and opens another bag of chips. Stress eating, it is. "Aigoo, Jinyoungie, talking like you aren't the same age with that cheating rag." He tells himself and hopes his mother won't call this week to pester him for marriage.


Then, he tears up again, kicking the air with frustration and rolling around the floor. If he were honest, he really thought Jackson was finally his destiny, the one he has been waiting for. He thought it was finally the spring of his life. He thought it was finally his time to get married. But no. Unfortunately, or is it fortunately?



As soon as he finished murdering the poor chips, he quickly runs towards his kitchen to get more. "Aigooo." He whispers to himself, scanning the insides of his empty refrigerator. He sighs and plays with the light inside, closing and opening the door. Then, he stands up straight and finally closed the door.


"Desperate times call for desperate measures." He mumbles and quickly makes a detour to his room, grabbing his coat and his wallet.








Since it is winter, it's still cold and snowy outside. And for some reasons, the people haven't taken down their Christmas lights yet. It is still somehow still festive outside, numerous couples passing around Jinyoung. He sighs and tries not to look at any of them, avoiding eye contacts and mostly avoiding sending looks.


If only Jackson didn't cheat on him, they could be them. They could be there, walking hand in hand, whispering sweet nothings, ignoring the world. Just like the people around them. He then wakes up from his trance when his phone starts ringing. 


Sighing for the nth time, he takes his phone from his pocket- almost hesitantly. Before he could even see the caller is, he hears a loud, "Get out of my way!" Then, his phone meets the ground as he gets knocked by a running guy. Everything goes slow when he sees a small crack growing onto his iPhone's screen. "Nooooooooo!" He yells as loud as he can and the shattering is almost as fast as his heart.


"Oh, . Oh, . Oh, No." mumbling to himself, he picks his phone and sees the damage through his own eyes. "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" He then yells again, looking towards the direction of the guy who bumped him earlier. "You insolent brat! You broke my phone! Shouldn’t you, at least, say sorry!?" And before he loses sight of the guy, he goes after him.


Immediately after they went farther from where they were earlier, unluckily Jinyoung lost the guy. He looks around and realizes that he reached an unfamiliar building. Probably a recently abandoned place, but instead of walking away, he trudges in deeper. The place is eerie as hell, not to mention wandering inside during the night.


But there's one thing that everyone should know about Jinyoung. He has a brave heart, well, at least, when it comes to these things.


Then he hears a slight moving coming from one of the empty rooms. "Ahhh. Come on, show yourself. Face me and be a man. Pay for my phone." He says slowly, matching his pace, but before he could peek inside the room, he gets pulled inside.


With the abrupt force of being pushed onto the wall and a hand on his mouth, his eyes widen. '.' he says in his mind. There is a young man, not too young but definitely much younger than him, in front of him. He’s only slightly taller than him, but he’s definitely thicker and more built than Jinyoung. His eyes are sharp and his jaws are clenched tight. He’s not looking at Jinyoung; he’s looking out, like he's hiding from someone.




'Oh my, is this the end of me? Am I going to die here? Am I going to die with a broken heart? Am I going to die a ? Am I going to die without meeting my Mr. Right?' He continuously asks himself as the guy starts pressing himself onto him. 'Oh, . What is he gonna do? Oh, . Oh, .' The guy then starts roaming his free hand on Jinyoung's hips.


'Fuuuuuuuccckk! Is he going to do something nasty to me? If I had known, I would have allowed Jackson to do it first!' The guy keeps his eyes out and his hand inside Jinyoung's back pocket, taking the wallet along. Jinyoung's could do nothing but look at the guy who opens the wallet, seemingly like he’s reading something.


The guy then sighs and lets Jinyoung go, giving his wallet back to him. "Uhh, hey, I'm sorry; I had to check if you were with them." Now that Jinyoung realizes it, the guy had some goons following him a while ago. "And I'm also sorry for breaking your phone, uhh." He takes out a small rectangular paper from his pocket, handing it to Jinyoung.


"I'll pay you once you get it fixed." Jinyoung stares back at him and he can only nod since he is still shaking. When he's about to move away and take the card from the guy's hand, the latter then encases him on the wall again. Jinyoung's breath hitches up but the guy is smiling cheekily at him.


"You look sad. Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Do you need someone to accompany you during get-togethers? Do you need someone to make your night more bearable? Do you need someone to show off your ex-boyfriends or girlfriends? If that's what you're looking for then I am at your service. Forty dollars for five hours. Basic skinship like holding hands and placing my arm around your shoulder are free of charge. But hugging is seventy-five dollars and kissing is ninety dollars."


Even though the substance of what the guy said was a pure trash, Jinyoung can't help but point out how eloquent the guy is. "By the way, I'm Im Jaebum." The guy, Jaebum, pushes himself away from Jinyoung and tucks his calling card into the pocket of the latter's coat. Jinyoung nods and starts to walk away, walking briskly, trying to flee from the guy as soon as possible.


After hearing that the guy is following him, Jinyoung turns around and tries to hit the guy. Sure, his days spent in the library paid off when he started working, but it also has its downsides. Also, growing up with a mother and two older sisters, no one really taught him how to punch. But it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to slap and pull someone's hair in a way that it would leave his enemy either hairless or with a throbbing scalp. Or kick an aggressor's shin.


Jinyoung tries to hit the guy as much as he can, slapping and kicking all at once. "Ouch! Ouch! What did I do to you?" Jaebum replies. He is shielding himself instead of hitting back, mainly because Jinyoung isn't really hurting him. "You insolent brat! You stupid ! You scared me! I thought- I thought-" Jinyoung can't bring himself to finish his sentence especially after seeing the young brat smirking at him.


"Excuse you, Ahjusshi! I may be working as a freelancer at a dating agency, or as you call it, , but I'm sorry, I have my type." Jaebum cockily says, automatically making Jinyoung's eye widen. And before Jinyoung can throw a comeback, Jaebum walks past him and runs off, leaving him inside the old building.











So, Jinyoung wonders if his night can get any worse. Ten minutes inside the Italian Restaurant he chose while waiting for his order, Jackson and Mark come in. "Oh, hey! Jinyoung! What are you doing here?" Jackson, despite being still a little far from him, calls him. "Are you with someone?" he asks again, then, Mark stops beside Jackson, looking at him with a mocking smile on his face.


Jinyoung smiles as a reply and motions his hands in whatever movement. Mark scoffs then walks away from them, Jackson's eyes immediately follow him, like he's a total love fool. "Ahh, Jinyoung, about this. I'm not cheating on you." Jackson says even without looking at Jinyoung's eyes.


'You er! If this isn't cheating what is this? You stupid !' he yells in his mind, but he only smiles at Jackson, asking him to continue. "It's just that, we never really work. And what's the point of staying in a relationship if we know we'll never get anywhere?" Jackson turns to look at him, giving him an innocent smile that he wants to wipe.


"Enjoy your date then." Jackson waves at him and leaves him, leaves his broken heart and insulted pride. As soon as Jackson is far from him, Jinyoung takes out his phone but cringes immediately after seeing the screen. Even so, he dials the number of the only person who can help him.


"Hello? Wooyoung hyung! Hello?" Jinyoung says with a hushed voice when his friend picked up the call. "What?" comes a surprised reply. "Wooyoung hyung! Wooyoung hyuuuung!!! Please help me!" Jinyoung glances at Jackson and Mark's table, he really wants to throw the almost empty bowl from the other table to their direction.


"What happened? Are you okay?" Worry is evident in Wooyoung's voice. "Do you know someone who can pretend as my date tonight?" Jinyoung replies fast, his words tumbling one another. "What!?" He hears Wooyoung sighing on the other line. Probably he was worried because he thought something bad happened to him, but not really.


"Jackson and Mark are here in this Italian Restaurant I'm in! Jackson thought I am on a date, but I have no one with me." He offers his explanation but even though he can't really see his face, he knows Wooyoung is pissed. "I really have no one, Jinyoung-ah, I'm married and the only guy I know is my husband."


Jinyoung sighs, but he isn't one to give up just like that. "Please, Wooyoung hyung! Please!" Wooyoung sighs again and then Jinyoung hears Nichkhun's voice on the line, asking his husband what's the problem. "Khun and I are baking cupcakes for his niece's birthday party so we are currently busy. Call me again tomorrow okay?" Then, Wooyoung ends the call with a dejected expression.


'. Jinyoung, think carefully! You can take yourself out of this hole.' He tells himself, pocketing his hands and then his eyes grow wide. He hopes the small rectangular paper can save him, it his last resort.


"Hello?" Jinyoung says, purposely making his voice more pleasant. "Hello." comes in the other's groggy voice, "Who is this?" Jinyoung clears his throat and replies, "This is Park Jinyoung, I'm the person earlier." The line goes quiet for seconds and it's totally making Jinyoung anxious.


"Which one?" the other asks. Jinyoung rolls his eyes, "You broke my phone?" He doesn't know why he has to say it in a questioning manner, but he did. "Oh. Did you get it fixed already?" "No." Jinyoung can still feel the cracks on his cheek. "Then what? Are you checking if the number is correct? Yes, you have the right number. This is Im Jaebum."


"No." Jinyoung replies again, blushing at what he's supposed to say. It's really funny how a thirty-three-year-old guy blushes at the thought of fake dating. "Then why did you call me?" Jaebum says, annoyed. "I called because of the offer." Jinyoung whispers, he can feel himself growing redder.


"Ohh. I'm glad I earned another customer, but I can't. I don't work without a prior appointment. I'm sorry." Jaebum replies casually and Jinyoung's facial expression shifted immediately. "Come on! You broke my phone!"


"That's a different case."


"Okay then, I will double the pay!"


"Still no." Jinyoung cusses at his mind, thinking that for an , Jaebum's too choosy.


"Okay, triple the pay and you don't have to pay for my phone."  Desperate times call for desperate measures might have gone a little too overboard.








"Where are you right now?"











Fifteen minutes after the call, Jaebum is still nowhere to be found. When Jinyoung glanced to Jackson and Mark's table, he sees the two preparing to leave. 'Noooooooooo' Jinyoung thinks because that means his money will go to waste and Jackson wouldn't be able to see that he has a date. A young and very good looking date!




"Jinyoung-sshi?" Jinyoung looks to where the source of his name is and sees Jaebum standing by the door, waving at him. "Jaebum-ah! Let's go?" Jinyoung abruptly stands up and runs towards Jaebum's side, but stops in front of Mark and Jackson. "Oh, are you two leaving already?" He says, giving them his surprised but fake smile.


"Oh, yes, we are. We still have a lot of plans tonight." Jackson replies, smiling sweetly at Mark. Jinyoung's face fell and the fake smile on his face immediately vanished. "Oh, is that so? By the way my name is Im Jaebum, I'm sorry but we have to leave first." Jaebum places his arm around Jinyoung's shoulder and pushes the latter to walk faster.


"Don't look back; you will appear as if you still have feelings." Jaebum whispers at him. Jinyoung doesn't know how Jaebum found out, but he's glad he did, somewhat.







Jinyoung drives until they reach a lesser popular bar, much to his liking, Jaebum keeps himself quiet. "What the hell are you doing? Are you planning to kill yourself?" Jaebum says while watching Jinyoung drown on his fifth bottle. Jinyoung doesn't reply, he only continues on chugging down the bitter liquid. "You know what, I don't really care, but you should pay me first."






It's when Jinyoung's on his tenth bottle when Jaebum wakes from his nap. Jinyoung has his head on the table, his shoulders shaking. Jaebum can't really tell if the liquid on his face is his tears or just the soju from the bottle he knocked down earlier.


"It hurts." Jinyoung says but it was too weak for Jaebum to hear so he leans closer and looks at the drunken man's face. "It hurts, Jaebum-ah." Jinyoung says louder, sitting up straight as he bangs his hand on his chest slowly. "It's not even my heart that that is aching!" Jinyoung continues, gripping the soju bottle while Jaebum watches him lazily.


"They hurt my pride! They made fun of me! They made me feel worthless! Who are they to do that to me!?" Jinyoung chugs again another bottle before he looks straight into Jaebum's eyes. "And you will help me." then, he passes out, almost falling to the ground if not from Jaebum's fast reflex.











AN: Hello! I'm back with a new chaptered fic! Please leave comments and tell me your thoughts about it. Also, please don't forget to upvote! Thank you! <3 <3 <3

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Hihintayin ko padin ang update mo . Godbless :)
sunhwaXX #2
Chapter 4: are you okay authornim? is everything okay? you usually update regularly..
Jaesonforever13 #3
I just realized..... U didn't update for more than a month and I'm going crazy here!!! Pls update soon author nim!! Pretty please
Chapter 4: just done reading and.. kris wu, what'cha doin'!? i know its you right?
pls, jin, your destiny might have right around you. maybe, just maybe, jaebum is there for you? and the man that saved you 8 years ago was jaebum, maybe?
the cliff hanger made me wondering how the next chapter would be >< pls update soon :'3
kimi_chan #5
Chapter 4: how many days usually you take for a new update? I don't think I can't wait too long, authornim. help! *grabs authornim's hand desperately*
Chapter 4: " Jinyoung is starting to think that if this is the hug that he will get every seventy-five dollars, he wouldn't mind it. "

i can't help but laugh at this. but jinyoung. your destiny is right in front of you though.
Chapter 4: Did some bad guy followed Jinyoung & try to harm him?! How dare u >:(
Chapter 4: I had to read the last paragraph a few times to grasp the meaning... ><
Is someone trying to harm Jinyoung? Oh my god! >_<
Chapter 4: I dont understand the last part...its kinda confusing for me but update soon anyway lol