Warming up

I am crazy too.

Back in school 2 weeks later and ever since that incident, Haeun and Junseo did not really talk. The only thing that went through Haeun's mind is how Junseo know her. It could be that he already knows Haeun existence, or it's his first time knowing her through her Whatsapp display picture. Either way, Haeun can't believe that he finally knows that she exists.

In the school's ladies, she look herself in the mirror and somehow wishing that her hand is blessed, so that with the touch of her face, she will look prettier than any other girls in school. "Aish i need to get rid of these pimples. And this mustache." She looked at the mirror, the pants got to go, the shirt go to go. She looked at the mirror, smiled confidently and got reminded that her teeth is crooked. I should probably get braces.

However, Haeun knows deeply that even how much she wants to change for the better, she wouldn't do it for a man. It should not happen this way. A man should not make a girl feel like they have to change for them. That is what Haeun believed all along. 


Clicking her pen in class as her boredom starts to kick in. But she suddenly stopped clicking, raised up her head, only to hear famous Byun chatting away and making fun of the teacher. Mrs Min wore earrings, but both earrings were different. One was a small and sparkly, another one was long and circular. Famous Byun laughed, "Mrs Min, is that a new fashion? You have two different earrings."

Haeun looked carefully and laughed, along with the rest of the class. Mrs Min laughed along, then took out both ear rings and placed it in her pocket.

"Yeah i'll get better mentally only if you'll stop talking." Mrs Min talked back, trying to hide her embarrassment of course. Famous Byun's friends started laughing at him for getting burnt by Mrs Min, but he just took it as a laughing session, no harm intended.

Sometimes lessons are much more fun with Baekhyun's around. When he's not around, Haeun will possibly sleep in class and get detention for it. Now that Haeun thought of it, having Baekhyun around actually brightens her day, it wouldn't be that bad..


During lunch time,  Subin purposely went to buy food with Haeun. She carefully looked at Haeun's every actions, who she looks at and how she responds. She wanted to know how did Junseo looked in real life, how attractive is he that have attracted Haeun's heart, and his height.

Haeun saw Junseo beside her, but he probably did not see her. Haeun's face began to turn apple red, her smile began to be uncontrollable, and her ears began to go red and hot. Out of nowhere, Subin's face appeared in front of her. Subin looked at Junseo, then back at her, then looked at Junseo once again, then back at her. Haeun's blush faded as Subin interrupted her train of thoughts.

"YAH. Stop it!"

"It's been a month. Look at you, you blush constantly. Hmm. He's cute."

"Yah he's mine. Get yours." 

Subin rolled her eyes at Haeun's reply.

Haeun looked at Junseo one more time, this time, Junseo turned and looked around. Haeun hoped he would see her. Unfortunately not.


At the end of class, she probably regretted thinking that Baekhyun actually brighten her day. Not anymore.

"Yah Haeun, Ha-Ha-Ha-Haeun. Why is your face so red?" Baekhyun took a closer look at Haeun's face, "Oh sorry, they are pimp- ples........" Baekhyun's face became red, he was apologetic as he really did not know, but Haeun took it as an insult, a disgrace, a mockery. Haeun looked at him with eyes, maybe not the best angry look, but she sure was hurt by his insensitive words.

Haeun's heart dropped, it was the first time ever that someone actually criticize her face to face. She wouldn't mind if others say it people her back, as long as she doesn't know, but she really minds a lot when someone stabbed her right in the heart by saying it in front of her. She flared up, threw her hands up, packed her things, looked at Baekhyun, "Maybe you should have checked before judging!"

Behind her was Baekhyun, trying to say sorry to her. "Y-yah Haeun, Haeun! Don't shout at me! Sorry! I really didn't know! YAH! aish what did i just do." Haeun ignored him and walked away, with crystals of tears surrounding her eyes, droplet by droplet rolled down her face.


During class, Baekhyun turned his head to look at Chanyeol who is behind him. He saw a glance of Haeun's behaviour, boredom. All around the class in boredom, that's not where he is born into. He's born into a zoo, full of loud noises and laughter everywhere. He decided to make fun of his subject teacher who is wearing two different earrings.

"Mrs Min, is that a new fashion? You have two different ear rings." Baekhyun sni

Baekhyun turned around to look at the class and he got a warm laughter that he yearn. Seeing bored Haeun laugh also made him laugh. Cute. Mrs Min laughed along embarrassingly, then took out both ear rings and placed it in her pocket.

"Yeah i'll get better mentally only if you'll stop talking." Baekhyun laughed at the response. HAHAHA oh my gosh, this is a fun teacher.


During lunch break, Baekhyun was in the same queue as Haeun. 2 minutes later into queuing, what Baekhyun saw was what made him smile for that moment. Haeun's blushed face, her prettiest smile even with her crooked teeth. Baekhyun tried to find a guy that would make her blush madly, and thanks to Subin, Baekhyun saw the guy who obviously did not know that Haeun's looking at him, Park Junseo.

Seeing her blush and smile prettily, Baekhyun's heart warmed up. He did not think that a girl like her, so conservative, would have a crush on a guy. Seeing that warmed his heart, knowing that she'll perfectly normal with no fashion sense, period.


Seeing that the only two person in the classroom is him and Haeun, Baekhyun took the chance to mock her out of pure fun, and possibly try to communicate with her too.

"Yah Haeun, Ha-Ha-Ha-Haeun. Why is your face so red?" Baekhyun took a closer look at Haeun's face, his palms had to be constantly wiped against his khaki pants, and his heart raced. Taking a closer look at Haeun really made him realize that Haeun does have beautiful features. Round big eyes, button nose, full lips. They were all pretty. Somehow Baekhyun hated pimples, although he does not have any pimples. How dare these pimples grew on her face.

"Oh sorry, they are pimp-ples........" Baekhyun's face became red due to his blush, he did not intend to hide it anyway. Realizing what he have just said, he felt like digging a hole on the ground and bury himself in forever. He bites his lips, .

Baekhyun looked at Haeun, feeling deeply apologetic as he really did not mean it. But clearly Haeun took it wrongly. 

 "Maybe you should have checked before judging!" Haeun shouted at him. Ahhh me and my stupid mistakes. Dammit Baekhyun dammit.

"Y-yah Haeun, Haeun! Don't shout at me! Sorry! I really didn't know! YAH!," He slapped his forehead."Aish Baekhyun-ah what did you just do."​



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Looks interesting and good ^_^