Longing For NM3

My Robotic Bodyguard [Semi-HIATUS]

-No one- 

                 The next morning, Mrs Nam woke Victoria up at 7 a.m..


                 "Victoria.. Wake up.. It's already 7 a.m" Mrs Nam shout from outside of Victoria's room..

                 "It's still early omma.." Victoria said with her eyes still close..

                 "Early? The school will start on 8 a.m.."

                 "I don't feels like I wanna go to school today.."

                 "What's wrong?? Are u sick?" Mrs Nam begin to worry..

                 "Ani... Just lazy..." when Min Woo, who is already woke up heard the word 'lazy'.. He walked nearer to Victoria's room's door..

                "Vee.. Wake up.. It's getting late.." Min Woo said..


                Great.. Now he's joining the conversation..

                "I don't want to.. "

                "Wake up.. A girl suppose to wake up earlier than a boy.. And why didn't u wake up already?"

                " I don't know.. Since u came here, I didn't wake up earlier.." then I heard him sighing..

                "Vee.. wake up.. Before..." my eyes opened and turned to look at the door.. Waiting for him to continue his words.. " I'll break this door of ur room.."

                "ANDWEEE !!! " I shouted..  Loud enough for the other neighbours hear it.. "Urgh.. Having a robot in my house would give me a problem.. If he break the door then I'll have to ask someone to fix it.. It's cost a lot of money.. =.=' " I said to myself.. Luckily no one heard it.. Huuhhh...

                "Vee... U'll come out or..."

-No one-

                The door opened and some what made Min Woo and Mrs Nam startlet..

                "Finally.." Mrs Nam said while smiling.. Victoria looking at her expressionless then she turned her gaze to Min Woo who was smiling to.. With her towel on her head.. She said to Min Woo..

                "Move.." she walked passes him.. He just smile.. When Victoria went into the bathroom, Min Woo help Mrs Nam prepared the food.. He's already in his school uniform..

                "Omma.. I'm going.. " suddenly Min Woo said after taking a few bites of the bread and quickly drank the tea..

                "Eo? Don't u wanna wait for her?"

                 "Mmm.. Nope.. I've something to do.."

                "What was that?"

                "Something... I'll tell u later.. ;) " he wink and just go to school..

                 Victoria just got out from her bedroom in her school uniform while caring her school bag.. She went straight to the dining table and only found omma Nam was there..



                "Where's Min Woo?" she asked..

                 "He had went earlier.."

                 "Mwo??" she don't know why but she's a bit shocked.. She wanted to go with him since they lived together..

                 "Waeyo?? What's wrong??"

                 "He should've told me.. Aish.. I'm going.." she said while rushing to the door..

                 "Ah? Victoria.. Your breakfast?? " Mrs Nam asked her..

                "Huh??? Uhm.." she turned back, took out a food container in the drawer and put a few sandwich in it and picked up her water bottle that has filled with a clean drinking water.. "I'll eat them at school.. Gotta go.. Bye omma Nam.." she said as she kiss her cheek and rushed again to the door..


                "Eh?? Why did I wanna go after him?? I can just go with Dong Jun... I walked to Dong Jun's house which was next to mine..

                "Annyeong!! Ahjumma Kim!!!" I shouted as I stood infront of Dong Jun house's door.. Suddenly the door opened..

                "Ah.. Victoria.. Looking for Dong Jun?"

                "Dae.. Had he went to school already?" I asked with a smile on my lips..

                "I'm here.. What's wrong?" suddenly Dong Jun appeared from behind his omma..

                 "Ahhh.. Dong Junnn-ahh~ Let's go to school together.. Juseyo~ (please).. Eo???" I asked.. almost like pleading.. Dong Jun just watching what I'm doing infront of him..

                "I'm going omma... Jalgayo (bye-bye).." Dong Jun walked off after saying that to his omma without looking at me.. My face lighten up as he said that..

                 "Annyeong ahjumma.. Love you.." I sais while giving her the brightest smile ever since I was too happy that Dong Jun wanna walk to school with me.. Yes, he didn't say anything.. But he didn't said that I can't walk with him right?.. I try to catch his pace..

                 "Dong Jun-ah.. Sala- " I was too happy untill I almost said 'I love you' to him.. He had turned his head to face me behind him..


                 "Err.. Amu geosdo (nothing).. Hehehe.. Palli.. We're gonna be late.." I said to cover up.. Hehehe..

-Dong Jun-

                 What did she wanna said just now? I only heard 'sala'.. When I asked her, she just said..

                  "Err.. Amu geosdo (nothing).. Hehehe.. Palli.. We're gonna be late..".. she's changing the topic.. Just let it be.. I don't wanna care.. What? Don't wanna care??.. Actually , I do care.. Really care.. She's my 1st crush.. Since we're in kindergarten.. Ah..It's ridiculous if I say that I was in love with her since we're in the kindergarten.. When I was a kid, I still didn't know what's love actually.. I just love to befriend with her.. She's nice.. Although she always kept bullying me.. She always asked me to do this and that.. Then, when we enter the high school, I just realised that if I wanna win her heard, I shouldn't act like a weak person.. She'll definitely don't like me.. And she might just think of me as her friend or worth, slave.. So I've decided to act like a cold person.. But even if I'm acting like I'm the coldest person, anything that related to her will attracted my attention and I'll soften when she asked me to do something for her.. Just like now.. How can I reject her request when actually, I wanna walk to school with her too.. But, you know, right?! Just pretend that I don't care at all..  [wah !! his explaination was a bit.. ANI !!! TOOO LOONNGGG !!! hahaha.. Oops, sorry.. Keep on reading, guys..]

                  We remained silence untill we reached the school.. Then suddenly..

                 "Whooa... Look who's walking with Victoria.. Our coldest prince!! " Kevin come up from nowhere and just put his arm around my neck.. Then we, I and Victoria saw all of our friends, Kwang Hee, Jun Young, Si Wan, Tae Hun, Min Woo and Hyung Shik.. And ofcourse then crazy boy next to me, Kevin..

                 "What's wrong with that? Like you guys never saw me walking to school with her.."

                   "Yeah.. That's often happen.. But don't you remember Dong Jun-ah? She already got 'someone'.." Si Wan replied.. Ah! That's hit me.. I forgot.. I took a glance at her.. She was looking at me but then avoiding our eye contact..


                 I was just like.. *gulp* .. swallowing my saliva.. Oh no.. Why did Si Wan has to mention abt that??? 

Aishhh... After that, Dong Jun just walked away.. Leaving me and the others..

                 "School will start soon, or you guys wanna get punishement from Mr Hong?" he said without looking at us.. As soon as we heard Mr Hong name was mentioned, we began to run.. Who wouldn't scared of that dicipline teacher? Just by looking at his face, sent us a shiver.. Okay, let me describe him, a bit.. His size as big.. Not really big, but.. BIG.. ??!! He has a round face, narrow eyes.. Thick eye brows and also THICK MUSTACHE THAT CURVE UPWARD... Hahaha.. now that's funny.. Can't imagine it? Then don't.. Hahaha..

                 He always brings the thumb size cane.. Once you got hit by that cane, the effect will last forever.. How can he be that strict and fierce? Well.. As far as we know, his farher was a soldier.. And you know, a soldier must always punctual on time, always serious abt almost everything, doesn't play around.. His father teached him like that.. So, Mr Hong was one of the example what will happen if you raise your children like that.. Hahaha.. But I don't think all the soldier was as strict as his father.. Maybe only some of them did.. 

                Enough of that.. Class will start soon.. No time for daydreaming...


*Next few days* (end of school hours)


              Okay.. this is weird.. Why did he, a.k.a No Min Woo always went to school earlier than me and didn't even wait for me? And he even go home after class without waiting for me, but then came back home late than me.. What's wrong with him?? It's not like I really care abt him but this was just weird.. He was always sticking to me but then?? He's acting really, really weird.. Hah! Just count, how many times did I said 'WEIRD' ?? Aish!! I mentioned it again.... >:O  I'm scratching my head...Did it feels itchy? I don't know.. Just scratching.. I don't care.. Am I acting weird??? AAAAARRRGGHHH. That word again.. X(

               "Vee, what's up?" it's Jun Young, well she came with Soo Jung..

               "Uhh.. Jun Young-ah.. I don't know what happen to me.."

               "What do you mean? I don't see there's something had happen to you.." he look at me from head to toe.."

                "Aish.. Ani~ Not that.. It's just that.. I'm feeling something weird.. And I think I'm acting weird too.."

                 "Such as?" Soo Jung asked..

                 "I don't know, it was me or him who was being weird? I feels like he's avoiding me these days.. He always go to school and go back home earlier than me and we're rarely meet each other.."

                 "Who? Dong Jun? He was always like that.. you know him, right?" Jun Young said..

                 "It's not him.. But Min Woo.."

                "Min Woo? Which Min Woo? Ha Min Woo or Noh Min Woo??" he asked..

                 "Yah.. you such a dumb.. Ofcourse it's Noh Min Woo!!!" Soo Jung answered on behalf of me, but the word 'dumb' was a bit rough.. =.=!

                "Yah ! Soo Jung, this dumb was the one you're asking on how to solve your maths problems.. >:P "

               "What ever.. I have Kevin anyways.. He's better in maths.. XD "

               "Aish.. Stop it..Who's the one asking for help just now? You guys or me??" I interupted.. Not wanting them to argue any longer..

               "Oh.. Sorry.. Well Vic.. He's your boy right?" Jun Young said.. AIsh.. He's not my boyfriend!!!! But those words didn't come out from my mouth.. "So I think you must be longing for him.. since he didn't pay any attention to you.." he continued and Soo Jung who had just had a fought with him, seems to be agreed.. Huh?? They have achieves the consensus??

              "Huh?? Me? Longing for him?? Keep on dreaming.. Definitely not!! "

              "Hey.. He's your boyfriend, so why shouldn't you?" Soo Jung asked.. Hmm.. Let's think for awhile and forget abt the 'boyfriend' things... Did I really miss him?? Nah.. I'm actually curious with him.. Why did he suddenly act like that? But maybe they're right.. I was used as he always tagging me along wherever I go.. Did I.. Miss him?? Shih!!! That robot??? I hope I'm not..

             " Or maybe he just purposely did that to make you miss him.. Hahaha.. Maybe.. Since you didn't really care abt him at school, am I right??" Soo Jung added..

             Huhhh~ What ever.. These two just given me more headache!!! AAARRGGHH >X0 "


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zeasbabybana #1
Chapter 9: Nice.Hope you'll update very soon~=)
loveypanda #2
Chapter 9: ^_______^"
Chapter 7: So sweet noh min woo with Vic.!! please make them become couple. Hehe. Please update fast authornim. ^^
Chapter 6 updated !!
Geegee123 #5
Chapter 5: Hey! New reader here! lol I love how your story line is and i love No minwoo!! I hope you can update another chapter soon THX.
YEY!!!! i received 1 upvote for my story!! KAmsahamida for those to vote it.. <3 u... :)
hye there.. it's been awhile since i updated this fanfic.. sorry 4 d late upadate,, i'm focusing on my exam last last last week since it's my important year.. and only focusing on Strange Love more than other fanfics since i have updated to 12 chapter..
still didn't have a chance to update ch.3.. bcoz i'm working on ''Strange love'' next chapter.. hope u'll be patient.. :)
chapter 3 is on going.... i'll update it this Saturday... InsyaAllah.. (if Allah will)
sorry for not updating for a few weeks/months.. im very busy these days... mianei.. but i'll try to keep updating a bit by bit..