Moments of Love
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In the days that followed, the teasers for the Happy Together episode with Jaejoong aired. The program hinted at "special guests", masking voices as the said guests said hello. Speculations ran wild that each guest had a caller
  Dara's 'Oppa, did you miss me?' was played over and over again by fans who were analyzing every nuance of the voice and shippers speculating whether it was for Jaejoong, Siwon, Sangwoo or even Kwanghee.
  Several actors' and idols' name were suggested by fans and unsurprisingly, Sandara Park has been linked repeatedly to Kim Jaejoong.
  Dara tried to act like there wasn't anything happening out of the ordinary and everything was business as usual which was hard especially knowing what she knows now. Dara bit her lip and she tapped her fingers against the car window as she watched the streetlights seem to blur as the car sped by. She recalled her most recent meeting with Yang Sajangnim. While he didn't scold her, it was like he was testing the waters with her. He just told her to expect some scripts and contracts to be sent to her. She waited for him to bring up Jaejoong but he never did, which she took to mean as a sign that she and TOP and Jaejoong should just continue on as they are.

TOP and Jaejoong have been spotted together more often since the photo came out. Sure, they were friends but before Jaejoong and Dara's photo came out, the public would have no idea about their get-togethers. Now, it seemed like they were everywhere.

  Dara also started becoming more open with her friendships, posting photos with Big Bang, Il Woo, even her little brother's former group members.She and Il Woo had a heart-to-heart over a glass of wine, their usual bonding activity of choice. She gave him the basics of the story and he listened intently and did not judge her or make her feel guilty for keeping things a secret. His only advice was for Dara was to think about why the public was so accepting of them, Dara and Il Woo, as friends. Dara took his advice to heart, with the hope that maybe, someday soon, the public would be accepting enough of her friendship with Jiyong that they could reveal their relationship.
  She sighed as the car slowed down. She looked down and checked her outfit: A simple black sleeveless dress with ankle boots and her favorite red leather jacket. She took out her phone and sent out several text messages informing her friends that she has arrived at the party. 
  "Would you like an energy drink?" Jjangmae asked from the driver's seat as soon as he parked. "I saw a convenience store by the corner and can get it to you real quick."
  She smiled at her long-time manager and friend. "I'm okay Jjangmae. If I drink an energy drink, I might not be able to sleep after the event and you of all people know how much I need it."
  Jjangmae frowned but nodded his acceptance. He has suggested that she skip tonight's event earlier but Dara was adamant on attending. This was Jiyong's big night. Well, for this project, at least.
  Peaceminusone was awarded as one of the top up-and-coming brands by one of South Korea's most respected  business organizations. Tonight was a celebration of the brand and the people behind the brand. She can't not be here. She knows how much tonight means for Jiyong, being recognized for something not related to being an idol. 
  She recalled how he casually set the invitation in front of her last week. 

It was before Yoo Jaesuk called her when she was hanging out with Big Bang. She was sitting next to Seungri as the younger idol updated her about the latest on his love life, well dating life would be a more accurate description. She was listening to him as she ate the food that Jiyong kept putting on her plate. 

When Seungri paused for a breath, Jiyong gently nudged her with his arm. She looked at him and saw the goofy smile she loves so much as he pushed the invitation towards her. Gushing over the party and once again congratulating him for the recognition, internally, she was trying to figure out how much sleep a person actually needed before collapsing due to fatigue.

Then Jiyong smiled shyly at her and said, "I'm not sure how heavy your work load is during that time but if you have time to spare, you being there would make everything more meaningful." He took her hand in his and ran his fingers over the ring her gave her when they started dating. "You know how I started peaceminusone as an outlet for my creativity that isn't music but lately it has become something more. This is the start of me being more an idol. This is something that can provide stability ..for the future, you know?"
  Her heart melted and her whole body turned to mush at what his words implied. She decided then and there that if she needed to rearrange her whole schedule, she would be there for him. Of course, knowing Jiyong, he would check with her manager to confirm she wasn't overbooked and overworked. He knows her so well and knows that she would be there for all her friends even if it means sacrificing her health and comfort. So she quickly called her manager and told him to, not exactly lie to Jiyong, but fudge a little bit. At least until she fixes her schedule. 
  And that brings her here, fresh from a plane from a two-day stint in Singapore for one of her endorsements.  She went home, took a one-hour nap then got ready. She's already running behind since a good hot soak in her tub was too much of a temptation to resist. So she indulged a bit.
  She smiled as she read Jiyong's message. He was asking her if she was sure that she was up to it. To be fair to the man, he never pressured her to attend. He even urged her to rest, saying that he'll just come see her after the party so they can have their own low-key celebration but she insisted that she had to be there. More than that, she wanted to be there.   Ever since the photo with Jaejoong came out, after the initial silence, Jiyong has been a  steadfast supporter in her quest to make amends. When she was so confused about feeling guilty for keeping the secret and at the same time, feeling like she doesn't owe her friends anything, Jiyong would cautiously remind her that while she has a right to make her decisions, her friends and even him, only reacted that way because they are so close and they share practically every aspect of their lives with each other, that her keeping something that big is a big deal. Prior to the big reveal, she was most afraid of Jiyong's reactions. This level-headed Jiyong was such a welcome surprise, that she never questioned it. She took the comfort he offered and basked in the love he gave.
  A little lack of sleep is worth it. Jiyong is worth it.
  She lightly slapped her cheeks to wake herself up and started to get out of the car. Jjangmae handed the keys to the valet and rushed to Dara's side. He knows she wants to be here but he can't help but worry for his charge. He wasn't the one with her in Singapore but he was the one to accompany her in Malaysia before that trip. He's still a little tired what with all the rushing here and there, so he can't even begin to imagine what she's feeling now. 
  "Are you walking the red carpet?" Jjangmae asked her.
  "Nah. I don't think I can handle the press right now." Dara admitted. "Maybe once inside where it is more low-key, I can congratulate Jiyong publicly." She smiled gratefully as her ever-reliable manager led her to one of the side entrances. Her smile grew wider when a panting Jiyong came out the door to welcome her. "Hey, babe. Where's the fire?"
  "I asked some of the staff to let me know when you finally get here." He enveloped her in a hug. "I thought you were walking the red carpet so I was waiting for you by the main door. When they informed me you're skipping it, I had to rush here."
  "You didn't have to do that."
  "For this, right here?" Jiyong asked as he hugged her closer. "I wanted to." He pulled back a little, but his arms remained around her. "I missed you, baby girl."
  "I missed you, too." Dara replied and stretched to give Jiyong a sweet kiss. 
  "Ehem." Jjangmae interrupted the couple. 
  Jiyong scowled playfully. "Jjangmae.." he whined.
  "Take that inside, you two." Jjangmae muttered. "That way when you get caught, it's not under my watch."
  "Yes, Jjangmae ahjumma." Dara teased. "Go on. Enjoy the party and I'll send you a text when I'm ready to go." Earlier, Jjangmae told Dara that he will be waiting to drop her off at home once she's ready to call it a night. Despite Dara's many protests, the manager waved her off telling her that he would feel better knowing that she could go home anytime she wanted.
  "I can drop you off, you know." Jiyong whispered to her as he led her inside the party.
  "And leave your own party?" Dara scoffed. "Jjangmae has already negotiated that arrangement to hell and back, so I'm all argued out. I just want to be with you to celebrate this amazing thing and I want you to just focus on that tonight."
  Jiyong wanted to argue but seeing the fatigue in his girlfriend's eyes, he dropped it. In favor of starting another one, "How was the trip? Are you sure you're up to this?" He dropped the arm he had around her shoulder and discreetly took her hand as he led her to a private booth, hidden from the main floor of the party, so that she could relax. He signaled a server as he ushered her inside. And to Dara's surprise, several plates of food were delivered to their table, even before Jiyong sat down next to her. Seeing her astonished expression, Jiyong smiled as he started piling her plate with food. "I spoke with the crew when you told me you were on your way. They've been keeping all these on warming plates so you could eat as soon as you arrived."
  "What if I wasn't hungry." Jiyong gave her an are-you-kidding-me? look. She shrugged. "Fine. Fine. I'm always hungry. You don't have to rub it in."
  "I didn't say anything."
  "Yeah. But you looked it." Dara took a bite and closed her eyes in appreciation. Jiyong shook his head and conceded. He then started telling Dara about who's present at the party and how Forbes Asia is doing a spread on all the recipients of the award. "That's great, Jiyong. You deserve it."
  Jiyong blushed at the compliment."Nah. I have a good team. They did most of the legwork."
  "But this is your vision." Dara insisted. "I'm not belittling their efforts, but I also wish you would take part of the credit. You're more than just the name or the face of the brand, you know."
  Jiyong stared at his girlfriend, her face impassioned by her defense of him. A small smile made its way on his lips as he marveled at the woman in front of him. She who he has hurt before has never wavered in her belief in him, in his talent. Even when they were apart, he knew she still supported his activities as much as she could. She still came to concerts to support his group. He knows she still buys his music and his CDs, even when he gives her free copies. That's just the way she is.
  Dara was still going on about how Jiyong should be proud of his achievements when she noticed him smiling at her."What? Are you listening to me Kwon Jiyong?"
  Jiyong gave a little laugh as he leaned closer to her. "You want to what I think is amazing?"
  Dara narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. "What?"
  "You." It was Dara's turn to blush. Jiyong edged closer his lips almost touching hers. "You're just this.. bright light.. that guides me.. that calls to me.. You've been there every step of the way, even when our paths diverged. I knew. I always knew you were there in the periphery. You give me strength to explore new ventures to reinvent myself and to take risks because I know even if I fail, you'll be there. You'll still be there. To comfort me, to love me, to encourage me to try again. I never want to lose that. I never want to lose you again."
  Dara looked at him trying to read the hidden message he seemed to be conveying in his words. "I love you. Sometimes beyond reason and beyond sanity but I seriously, truly, love you." She told him reaching out her hand to caress his face. "As long you love me and want to be with me.. Maybe even after you don't.. I'll be here. You're my heart, Kwon Jiyong."
  Jiyong was speechless after Dara's words. So he responded the only way he could right now. He kissed her. Kissed her long and slow and deep. For a man known for his words, this was the only way he felt like he could let her know how much her words mean to him. How much she means to him. He pulled her closer, breathing in what she breathed out. 
  The kiss lasted for what seemed like an endless moment, and then they pulled away. Arms still around each other, Dara leaned her head on Jiyong's shoulder while Jiyong ran his hand up and down Dara's back as they both struggled to catch their breaths. "Maybe, we shouldn't do that here." Dara whispered huskily.
  "You're right. I'm sorry." Jiyong closed his eyes as he collected himself. "Just give me a sec and then we can go mingle." He pulled her for another kiss.
  Dara scowled at him. "Not helping."
  "I'm sorry. I need to store up because when we go out there I have to behave." He reasoned out as he stepped out of the booth and waited for her to do the same.    After an hour so of socializing, they found themselves near the media area. A small well-lit space, perfect for photos and interviews. The invited press were given strict instructions to respect guests' privacy and not force them to do PR unless they wanted to. They were free to roam the venue and speak with anyone off the record but if they're reporting something, they go through the proper channels.The implied or else was enough of a deterrent to make sure that everyone is on their best behavior.
  One of the reporters spotted them and asked Dara if she'd like to pose for photos. She happily obliged. She was asked why she didn't walk the red carpet and she admitted that she just came from a flight and wasn't feeling all up to it but she felt that she had to show her support for Jiyong. "Almost the whole YG Family is here. We're very proud of him and his team."
  Jiyong who was also being interview nearby, interjected. "I'm very grateful that Dara was able to come. Everyone knows how crazy hectic her schedule is but she's here to support me. She really hasn't changed all these years in the way she supports us and takes care of us."
  That started a joint interview of sorts for the two of them. They started sharing stories about their trainee days and how 2ne1 still hits up Big Bang for food since the habit started when Big Bang debuted and 2ne1 was still training. "They had money, we didn't." Dara admitted with a laugh. "I'm not ashamed to say we invited ourselves many times to wherever they are because we wanted to eat something good." Just then Seungri and Bom were passing by, Dara quickly flagged them. "And this girl right here, is my main partner when it comes to hiding from Chaerin and Hwangsabu."
  "Exposing me again, Sandara?" Bom narrowed her eyes playfully.
  "I'm just telling them how we woul
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Just read through this again bec of Sweet Escape. I found so many errors. Will be editing this in the coming weeks. Do you get alerted if a chapter is edited or only if a new chapter is added? If you do get alerted, please don't hate me if there isn't any new content.


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Chapter 40: Thank you for this. It was a good read. I loved YG family's relationship. And youre right, this story could go on and on and on...
Hyorin23 #2

It’s soooo different from other Daragon fanfics I’ve read and I’ve read them all! Others are usually start off Dara and Jiyong being strangers - to maybe hating each other - to catching feelings - to being friends - to situations like jealously/ scandals and Jiyong usually have a girl involve - then they fall in love - to dealing with circumstances - to dealing/conquering it all....AND THEN to a HAPPILY EVERY AFTER. Lol
Chapter 39: Roller coasters of emotions.. The ending was a nice touch. Great job author.?
Chapter 39: Whaaaa!!! Geeeez, that revelation!! My Daragon heart! (>^ω^<)
Chapter 26: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1086965/26'>TWENTY-SIX</a></span>
Whooo i love how TOP put the Dragon in his rightful position...

As expected from the Hyung of Big Bang!
rika08 #6
Chapter 40: I Love this... ?
Shiekah03 #7
Chapter 40: Woah! Great story authornim. Keep on writing.??
Fr0zenMus1c #8
Chapter 39: Kyaaaaahhhhhhh!!! This chapter is the reason why I go back here to read this story over and over again. I mean, wouldn’t it be awesome if this happens in real life. I swear this is like THE DOPEST REVEAL EVER!!!! I wish someone would do this.
Fr0zenMus1c #9
Chapter 3: Back here again rereading this story a day before White Day and on Park Bom’s comeback day. This is my favorite Daragon story with many many Ssang Pask moments ❤️
Guys, let’s continue streaming Spring in support of our Corn Queen Park Bom (^_^)
Fr0zenMus1c #10
Chapter 39: I get chills whenever I read this part. If this happens in real would be an epic reveal. Computer servers would crash and fanboys and fangirls around the world would mourn. LOL. I honestly wish this would happen in real life just so haters would eat their words.