Finally Together

Love's Desire


Eunhyuk and Hyeji began to get to know each other well. They would exchange text messages and phone each other every chance they get. Sometimes they would meet secretly but basically they got close through their fervor for dancing. They would fool around trying to imitate each other’s style of dancing.


Being close to Hyeji was a big relief for Eunhyuk. For once, his lusts and desires died down. She was just too pure that it made it entirely impossible to think of her that way again. She’s sweet, kind, cheerful and not to mention stunningly beautiful. Eunhyuk was glad to follow his intuition of being close to her.


She has already met with the other members already. They were curious to why Eunhyuk kept on insisting to practice alone in a studio so they followed him one day. She got easily close with them, much to Eunhyuk’s displeasure. He was dead set against about sharing what, or rather who will eventually be his.




“So, aren’t you comfortable around me yet?” Eunhyuk asked, pertaining to the question the first time they got together in the studio. He and Hyeji were at a restaurant near the studio. They were having their lunch after another morning of fooling around.  He was wearing a jacket and beanie to keep people from finding his true identity. It’s a good thing that most of the teenage fans were at school but just to be sure, they sat at the most secluded area of the restaurant.


“You still want to know about that, oppa?” Hyeji sipped her juice.


Eunhyuk hit his chest twice. “It boosts a man’s pride.”


She giggled then smiled playfully. “Then what if I told you but it’s not you. Would it still boost your pride?”


 “No. But something else will definitely skyrocket to the heavens.”




“Jealousy.” He said seriously.


She started to giggle thinking he was only playing around. “You? You’ll get jealous if you’re not the member I like the most?”


He narrowed his eyes at her then raised an eyebrow. “Yes. Very.” He said with a stern tone.

She finally noticed his very solemn expression and flushed. “Oh.” Now, she can’t look straight at his eyes.


He started to lean in. “do you know why I’ll get jealous, Hyeji-ah?” She shook her head frantically. Eunhyuk raised his hand and brought it the ends of her hair. He started to twirl it around his fingers while staring directly and intently at her warm chocolate eyes. She just watched his long fingers play with her hair as she fiddled with her fingers.


He continued when she didn’t say anything. “It’s because I lo-“


“Oh, wait!”She exclaimed, standing up.




“I f-forgot something at the studio. I b-better get that. Hehe.” She gulped with eyes and started half running back to the studio.


Eunhyuk face-palmed with a sigh.  *I didn’t know confessing to her is hard.*



Hyeji arrived at the studio. As soon as she got in, she started to pace back and forth, ranting animatedly to herself. “Omo! He’s confessing! What should I do?! Oh God, this is making me nervous! This is more pressuring than when I danced solo in Swan Lake! But he’s an idol! Should he be with SNSD or T-ara or something? But he said he loves me! Well, he’s about to- gaaaaah! Why did I run way?! He’ll think I’m weird! Aigoo! Pabo! Eottoke?! Eottoke?! Eottoke?!”


Her train of thoughts was suddenly cut off by a soft chuckle. She snapped her head to where the sound came from and her eyes immediately widened. Eunhyuk was there, leaning on the wall like some model while watching her with an amused smile.


“Hyukjae oppa!”


He started to go near her. “What should you do?” He stopped mere inches in front of her, invading her personal space. Hyeji swore she was breathing his hot breath. “First of all, I think you should listen to what I wanted to say before you go running away from me.” He raised an eyebrow and smirked while she blushed scarlet. “But since you got the hint that I was confessing, you can either reject it and leave me heartbroken for the rest of my life, or-“ He held her hand gingerly and placed it against his chest. Hyeji felt his heart beating so fast and can’t help but be flattered to know that she’s making him like this. “You can accept and be my girl.”


Hyeji’s eyes rounded. “Be your g-girl?”

He nodded while gently cupping her face. “Hyeji-ah, you have to understand. The day we saw and bumped each other, I’ve already felt something deeper that just a simple attraction. You just don’t know the effect you have on me.”


Hyeji gasped at his confession.  Lee Hyukjae? Eunhyuk, the dance machine of Super Junior, felt that way towards her? A normal fan girl? She couldn’t believe it but then he was already in front of her, letting his heart out for her.


“And now that I have this chance, I’m not just gonna simply listen to you favoring other boys.”


She blushed.  She looked away, couldn’t meet expectant eyes and started biting her lip. She was too overwhelmed.


Eunhyuk noticed her uneasiness and started to soothe her hair. “Hyeji-ah, it’s okay. You don’t have to answer right away. I won’t force you. You don’t have to feel uncomfortable.”


“It’s you.” She breathed.




She gradually moved her face up and smiled angelically. “It’s you. The one among the other members that I li-“


She wasn’t able to finish as he sealed her lips with his in a passionate kiss. He s his hand at the back of her neck while the other was wrapped around her waist.  She encircled her hands around her neck and tangled her hands in his hair. They finally broke away to let air through their lungs.


He gazed at her with loving eyes. “Is it really me?”


She nodded with a big smile making his grin widen.


“So you’re my girl now?”


She nodded again but tilted her head as a thought passed through her mind. “Shouldn’t idols not have romantic relationships?”


Eunhyuk shrugged coolly. “Never stopped me. Or the other idols for that matter.”


Hyeji could only blink at him. He pecked her lips and stuck his forehead to hers.


“I love you.” He said with so much gentleness and fervor that Hyeji could feel it all around her.


“I love you, too.” She answered as he leaned in and kissed her deeply again.





I know what you're thinking.

"Finally! She updated!"


LOL, told ya I was a lazy . :)


This update is dedicated to Yeng aka jooyeonlee.

I just wish I had the same diligence that you have when updating.

Harhar. :D


I think I can update during Mondays and Thursdays only

but it still depends!



I hope you enjoyed reading.

Love you! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! <3

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@sjmiinah, yep. Filipina ako. Ang init, grabe! HAHAHAHA! :D
sjmiinah #2
LOL Good thing you updated hahahha this is so hot =))))
Filipina ka? :) sulitin ang summer!! :))
kyufever #3
Ahhh this is the best! Eunhyuk you sweet brat! Could you be any cuter? He's kinda cool here, me likey. I just hope the story won't end so soon, they seem real good together
Unneng! ang galing nito! <3
Omg I love this
Please update!!!
Natsumi_JoLee #6
Please update!! :3 I love your stowie. ^^
sjmiinah #7
Aww.. I hope you could update a lot of cosecutive updates :)
rinasjs #8
auuuuuu......... who is that girl.......... update soon
@AllRiseSilver86 It's like being an intruder of something, usually to couples when they're being sweet and all or when they're doing 'it' then somebody intrudes. Then that's a . Understood? Did I explain it right? LOL~
btw what's :D..sorry