
Open Windows
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    Taehyung raced down the hall hair a mess, shoes half on, no socks on and backpack hanging open as he attempted to make it to his lecture before he got locked out for being tardy. He wasn't used to the longer distance it took to get to school from his new apartment and ended up underestimating the time it took to get there. Hence why we was charging down the pathways like a maniac at what was now 8:57 AM. His class started in 3 minutes. Taehyung let out a small shriek when his eyes deciphered the time.

    It's all Namjoon and Seokjin-hyung's fault. They kept me up so late last night. Not to mention I got lost trying to get back to the campus... I don't have a GPS His mind whined as he rubbed his throbbing temple.

    Taehyung continued to weave through the clumps of people moving in crowds bumping into them in the process. Minding the annoyed looks he was getting he turned around momentarily to apologize as he rounded the corner. Yet when he turned to face forward he didn't stop to look before he ran and rammed straight into none other than Jeon Jungkook. Both boys fell backwards wincing as gravity took them to the ground scattering books and papers everywhere. 

    "Aish, who the hell..." Jungkook muttered as he rubbed the back of his head from pain getting ready to beat the living hell out of whoever knocked him to the ground. This is the second day in a row goddam-

    "Haha we seem to be meeting like this a lot at school, huh?" A deep yet familiar voice said as Jungkook opened one eye that landed on the same curly brown haired boy from day before. He attempted to spit out a rude comment and kick his shin for knocking him over but all he could muster was a slight nod. His words wouldn't come out. He was in shock that the usual peppy, put together Taehyung was... well to put it bluntly a mess.

    His eyes were large and panicky lost without their glasses that'd fallen to the ground. He was trying to gather all his papers together without the help of said glasses which obviously was a futile attempt. His hair was disheveled like he'd just woken up sticking up in odd directions and...

    His shirt Jungkook mused as he brought his hand to his mouth to hide his chuckle. Not only was it buttoned incorrectly but it was inside out as well. At least he didn't forget his these he smiled as he bent to pick up the others glasses. But as he reached out for them he halted and smirked as his eyes landed on Tae's untied shoelaces. Oh hoho Taehyung you're so full of openings.

    "Jungkook, yo Jungkook" Taehyung's voice broken him out of his thoughts.

    Jungkook grabbed the glasses and looked at Taehyung as he slowly rose from the ground. Whoa Taehyung's breath stilled for a moment as he watched the younger slowly get up from beneath him. And as blurry as the kid may be Taehyung was still shocked to notice for the second time now just how attractive this kid was. Even with his blurry eyes he could tell with just his outline that the contrast between his dark hair, red lips, and white skin that he could totally slay if he tried. Lucky bastard doesn't even seem to know Taehyung thought but waved it away when he noticed the other staring at him, Tae's glasses in his hand.

    Tae let out a sigh of relief upon seeing they were still fully intact. His face lit up as he reached out to grab them, "Thanks for getting my glas-" but he stopped midway when the they were suddenly pulled out of his reach. Tae looked up questioning Jungkook and when he saw that amused glint in his eyes he knew Jungkook had no intention of him giving them back. I knew it was too good to be true Tae cursed as he heaved another sigh but out of irritation this time. Tae shifted his weight from one foot to the other and ran his hand through his already messy hair.     "Listen Jungko-" 

    "Payback" Jungkook deadpanned as he watched Taehyung dishevel his already tangled hair even more. ...whoa He thought as his eyes tracing every moment Tae made. Jungkook coughed and looked away as his throat suddenly became a little too dry.

    "Excuse me?" Tae squinted at him with his brows furrowed.

    "Payback for knocking me over" Jungkook clarified as he twirled Tae's glasses around his finger and walked past him leisurely . Jungkook's defenses lowered allowing a soft smile to spread on his lips as he watched the now blind Taehyung mindlessly swipe his arms in the air in his direction. Jungkook easily dodged Tae's useless attempts to retrieve his glasses back and by-passers stopped in awe at the sight they saw in front of them. 

    Jungkook the living corpse was... smiling and teasing an honor student. But of course this smile went unseen by one person and that was the currently blind Kim Taehyung. 

    "Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung said voice rising in irritation and panic. "Give me back my glasses I'm gonna be late!"

    "Whoa there" Jungkook grinned and leaped backward as Taehyung got a little too close to reaching his goal. 

    "Jungkook!" Taehyung screamed out in frustration. "Let's just get something straight here," He said stopping in his tracks huffing from exhaustion. "In case you. Don't. Remember" he said putting emphasis on each word annoyance dripping off each one. "You're the one that owes me okay?" He said fishing his broken phone from his pocket and ing it in his direction. 

    Jungkook opened and closed his mouth as if he wanted to say a snide remark but he knew Taehyung was right so nothing came out. He scowled at the broken phone for ruining his fun and looked between it and the glasses in his hands. His face began to heat up out of the embarrassment of the situation. 

    How could I forget!? Jungkook instantly pulled his hood over his head to avoid completely pulverizing his reputation by showing people his flushed cheeks. He's only talking to me because I have to fix his phone. Nothing more nothing less. 

    Thankfully just before anyone saw him an ear cripplingly loud beeping blared from Taehyung's now sparking phone. Tae screeched the sudden activity and aliveness of it and instinctively dropped it onto the sidewalk. 

    "What the..." Tae mumbled now cautiously approaching the mangled object. He looked it with bewilderment wondering what was more shocking: the fact that his phone was still working after all it'd been through or that it was shooting a mini firework display for all to see. 

    Jungkook stopped in his tracks as he observed the other. A small, almost translucent smile was placed on his lips without his knowledge as he watched the others face contort from one emotion to the next in a matter of seconds. First it was fear, then bewilderment, curiosity, and lastly excitement. He's so easy to read... like a child Jungkook thought lightheartedly. He watched for a few moments until suddenly it was as though a cloud covered the sun sending a shiver down everyone's spine.

    'Keep out, scum.' An old voice from the past rang in Jungkook's ears. Jungkook quickly took in a sharp breath of air as though he'd been punched.

    'Don't ruin anyone else's life'.  The voice repeated throughout his mind. All the light seemed to seep out from Jungkook's eyes as the once sunny morning began to loose all of its color and light. Time slowed and the familiar grey scenery filtered over his vision. The world as Jungkook saw it was once again colorless.

    Jungkook lifted his now dull eyes to watch Taehyung's childish ones as he poked his phone with a nearby stick he found. Jungkook's smile slowly faded back into its original straight line and clenched his fist as he thought, Really... what am I doing with this guy. Stop getting involved. You don't have the luxury of seeing the world as he does. You have a goal remember that. That's your top priority. Just earn the money, pay him back, and leave him. He  his heal and began walking in the opposite direction. It's for the best anyways... he reassured himself unconsciously tightening his grip on the glasses he forgot to return until his knuckles were white

    'That's right Jungkook' The deep cold voice whispered again, 'No one wants you anyways'. 

     Sensing the sudden change in atmosphere Tae looked away from his phone and squinted at his surroundings trying to find Jungkook but to no avail. 

    "Jungkook?" Tae called out a little uncertain cocking his head to the side. "J-Jungk-kook?" He said again but this time a little more panicked. He didn't have his glasses. Without his glasses the world seemed morphed and unstable.His phobia. Taehyung's breath began to hasten as he slowly picked himself up off the ground his old fear starting to brew in the pit of his stomach.

    "Move bro. Don't just stand there." A unhappy voice grunted behind him. 

    "Oh! S-sorry!" He stuttered voice quavering because he was blind. He quickly took a step forward to let the person pass only to be met once again by pavement in his face. 

    "Whoa, dude you okay?" The voice said startled at Taehyung's sudden fall. 

    "Pft look at this klutz, his shoelaces are tied together! Haha classic!" Another voice boomed with laughter. Except what Taehyung heard wasn't quite laughter. It was staticy and just as morphed as his vision. 

    It's just your mind playing trick Taehyung. Just your mind just your mind...

    "So that's what was going on. The Corpse was just bullying him! Having a little fun. He tied the honor kid's shoelac

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luna1999 #1
Chapter 6: Update!!!!!!!!!!!! Need an update!!!!!!
innocent-bystander #2
Chapter 6: You just broke tae's mirror do cut. You do know that u owe him something again, don't you? Now u have to pay the price of the mirror. Geez what's with u and breaking tae's stuff? Lol
Chapter 5: That cliffhanger tho lol...hope ur okay author-nim since u said u were in acar accident
celinaelorie #4
Chapter 5: Noooooooo! How can you do that to me??? Why such a mean cliffhanger??
I want to know what happend to Kookie? Why is he suddenly by Tae?? I want to know!!
Please update soon!!

(And now that I calmed down a little bit... (You know this cliffhange is killing me right now...) I want to say that I hope you are alright!! Fighting!!)
celinaelorie #5
Chapter 3: Amazing!! Like always I want to read the next xhapter! :)

But this time you really got me. The part where Kookies aura became darker, I could hear my heart beating while reading. And I'm not kidding, this part was especially brilliant.

I don't know what to say except that I fall in love with your story already. ^^
SekaiLover14 #6
Chapter 2: Ooh I love it already. I hope this is bottom kookie since dominant tae and flustered jungkook are life :) can't wait for next chapter.
Wooji21 #7
Chapter 2: i'm excited for the next chapter. :)
celinaelorie #8
Chapter 2: A great chapter!! I really want to read more!!
It's very interesting and I really want to know the background story of Kookie and generally more about the reason of Kookies behavior.

I can`t wait for the next chapter! ^^