
Open Windows
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    "Tsss...." Was the first thing Taehyung heard as he walked the new, slightly sketchy, route to his new apartment.

    Tae had just left the principle's office who had given him the address, room number, and room key to his new home and he had been following the path on the GPS app on his phone, and he was positive that the road it was taking him on was not the quickest, nor the safest route there was to get to his destination. But he kept going. After all he still had all of his baggage draped all about him and had left his old dorm key back with his probably very unhappy roommates who found their dorm raided of anything edible. It wasn't like he could just go back and face their wrath. 

    He stopped upon hearing the voice that hissed with pain and debated on if he should take a different route to avoid danger. 

    He could be trouble... sounds like he was in a fight... Tae thought as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Aish but this is the only way I know how to get there damnit.

    "Aish, it hurts!" the voice whispered to himself lowly.

    See? He did get in a fight. Taehyung said as he rounded on his heel to begin to walk away from the potential danger. That is until he heard a very loud crash followed by a very almost inaudible whimper.

    Tae, his instincts kicking in, sprinted towards the sound and the pained voice thinking, Nonono if I leave this person here and see a news report tomorrow saying they found a dead body I will never be able to live with mysel- But he regretted his decision as he whipped around the corner. I must look a freaking idiot... was all Tae could manage to think as his various bags banged and swayed around at his sides. There on the ground with an expression contorted in anger, surprise, and slight disgust was Jeon Jungkook.

    "You just gonna stand there like an idiot or help me up?" Jungkook broke the awkward silence that laid over them raising an unfriendly eyebrow at him.

    "Tch" Taehyung looked down at the boy offended at the latter's behavior towards him while Jungkook face hardened at the sound.

    Did he just click his tongue? Jungkook thought a little bit angerly. He thought that he'd made his reputation pretty clear, 'don't mess with me'. But obviously someone hadn't fully gotten the memo. He sighed in aggravation as Tae continued to talk down at him.

    "Who're to call someone an 'idiot' when you're the one lying on the floor of an alley way unable to get up asking me, the only one around, to help you so rudely? Brat." Taehyung scoffed, finding a new found confidence at the sight of the younger helpless on the ground beneath him.  

    "Fine. Don't help" Jungkook spat as he rolled on his side facing the bench Taehyung assumed he'd fallen off of. Taehyung watched as the younger gritted his teeth as he attempted to pull himself up on top of the bench. Tae heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes as he reluctantly walked over to Jungkook to yank him, not so gently, on top of the bench. Jungkook gasped in pain at the sudden force being put on his upper left arm and instinctively pulled out of Tae's grip only to be caught by him again a little gentler this time. 

    "...Sorry" Taehyung grunted as he wrapped one arm around the younger's waist and softly lifted him to sit on the bench.

    Jungkook's breath hitched at the sudden close proximity of their bodies and the curses he meant to say got caught in his throat. His body went rigid from the unfamiliar warmth that enveloped his cold body and he couldn't protest at the others action. He was shocked at the sudden change in force the other touched him with. Before it was unwilling and rough but now it was gentle and his the way his voice went soft carried a sudden tone of worry. Sincerity. Now that wasn't something Jungkook was used to, it was almost foreign, and the action instantly shut him up.

    Taehyung straightened himself up uncoiling his arms from around the beat-up boy in front of him and placed his hands on his hips. The boy looked different with his hair falling down naturally over his features without the beanie he always wore. Minus the bruises he noticed that he was quite a good looking kid. 

    He'd be quite popular if he didn't scowl at everyone he met Tae thought absentmindedly as the boy laid down on his back.

    He looked at the unreadable expression on Jungkook's face and ruffled his hair and puffed out his cheeks at the situation. "I can see how you earned that nickname of yours" He said suddenly looking at the boy up and down. 

    Jungkook snapped out of his trance and looked up into Taehyung's eyes, refusing to allow this guy in front of him to get him flustered again. Jungkook raised his eyebrow forming an unsaid question at Taehyung's statement.

    "You know..." Tae said not breaking eye contact, his stern gaze startling the boy but nonetheless didn't give in. "They call you the 'living corpse'." He said nonchalantly as he finally took his gaze off of him. "At first I thought it was just a stupid rumor, you know some harmless teasing, but damn, you really make it hard to deny when you act like that." 

    Jungkook opened his mouth to retort the comment but thinking on it the name was quite fitting. Stone-faced he removed his gaze from the other and looked to his side at the graffiti on the wall and sighed which went unnoticed by Taehyung. I guess he thinks the same as everyon-

    "But I guess those people haven't ever touched you" 

    Jungkook's head whipped around so fast Tae would've guessed he gave himself whiplash. Jungkook's face was twisted in utter confusion at the suggestive sentence. "Excuse me?" He coughed blinking his eyes at the other.

    "Pft not like that, Kook" Taehyung chuckled. 

    "Don't call me that" he snapped right back looking away annoyed that the man in front of him caused him to get even the littlest bit flustered. 

    "Alright alright" Tae smirked, "what I meant was, you're really warm so that rumor is kinda false" he finished knitting his brows narrowing his eyes at Jungkook eyeing him as though he'd seen him for the first time. "You know... corpses are cold." He finished quietly realizing how stupid he was sounding.

    Jungkook scoffed, "Of course I'm warm, I'm alive you dimwi- whoa whoa whoa what're you doing? Back off, " he said frantically trying to swat the approaching Taehyung away from him.

    "I wonder," Tae said as he knelt down in front of Jungkook and started to pat down the younger checking for injuries, "Do you just curse on instinct? Or were you naturally blessed with such a narrow minded vocabulary that that's all you know how to say, hum?" 

    "Oh off-"

    "Ah-ah-ah~" Taehyung tsked. "Don't go proving me right now." He smiled cheekily.

    Jungkook rolled his eyes and sighed as he looked above squinting to see if he could see the stars. He scrunched his eyebrows at the sight of the smog that clouded his view and let out an unhappy grunt.  

    "What?" Taehyung asked pausing to look at the younger. 

    "Nothing..." Jungkook said still scowling at the sky above. 

    "What the stars?" Taehyung said lifting his head up 180 degrees to try to see. "You won't see 'em here ya know. You're in the middle of the city, iiiidoit" Tae mocked as he returned his gaze back on the younger whose eyes were now shielded by his arm. 

    "Shut u-"  before he could spit his insult out he was cutoff by a sharp stab of pain that shot through his ankle. 

        "What the fuc-hell!" He corrected mentally slugging himself at actually listening to the stuck-up guy in front of him to stop cursing. "What are you doing!?" He said exasperatedly as he used his remaining strength to kick Taehyung onto the ground. 

    "Why you little-" Taehyung paused and closed his eyes taking a deep breath reminding himself that this kid was not like others he'd dealt with. But the disrespect was really getting under his skin. "You know I'm your Hyung right?" He said with clenched teeth as he patted the dust from his pants. He looked up to see a slightly amused expression on the boys face questioning the truth to what was just said.

    "'Hyung'" He put the air quotes around it giving a small smile at the hilarity of the idea. 


    "You?" He raised an eyebrow

    "Yes." Tae deadpanned.


    "You're '97, because you're a second year, and I'm '95. it up, kid." He finished proudly as if proving he was superior. Jungkook's face went slack and a few moment's passed by in silence until he broke it with a quiet low chuckle.

    "Nu-huh" He teased smiling, running his hand through is hair, his inner child peaking through a bit. To say Tae was taken aback from the sudden change in demeanor in Jeon Jungkook, the supposedly emotionless 2nd year, was an understatement. He couldn't believe the younger was actually smiling. It wasn't a full blown teethed smile rather it was merely the slightest upward curve that tugged at his lips, but it still was surprising.

    "Yeah-huh, brat" Tae jokingly said back as he fished out his phone from his pocket to show him his birthdate. "See~?" 

    "What?! You weren't kidding?" Jungkook said in horror as Tae waved the screen in front of his face."Gimme that" He said as he snatched the phone from Taehyung's grasp staring at the screen in disdain. "You've got to be ting me..." He said as he ke

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luna1999 #1
Chapter 6: Update!!!!!!!!!!!! Need an update!!!!!!
innocent-bystander #2
Chapter 6: You just broke tae's mirror do cut. You do know that u owe him something again, don't you? Now u have to pay the price of the mirror. Geez what's with u and breaking tae's stuff? Lol
Chapter 5: That cliffhanger tho lol...hope ur okay author-nim since u said u were in acar accident
celinaelorie #4
Chapter 5: Noooooooo! How can you do that to me??? Why such a mean cliffhanger??
I want to know what happend to Kookie? Why is he suddenly by Tae?? I want to know!!
Please update soon!!

(And now that I calmed down a little bit... (You know this cliffhange is killing me right now...) I want to say that I hope you are alright!! Fighting!!)
celinaelorie #5
Chapter 3: Amazing!! Like always I want to read the next xhapter! :)

But this time you really got me. The part where Kookies aura became darker, I could hear my heart beating while reading. And I'm not kidding, this part was especially brilliant.

I don't know what to say except that I fall in love with your story already. ^^
SekaiLover14 #6
Chapter 2: Ooh I love it already. I hope this is bottom kookie since dominant tae and flustered jungkook are life :) can't wait for next chapter.
Wooji21 #7
Chapter 2: i'm excited for the next chapter. :)
celinaelorie #8
Chapter 2: A great chapter!! I really want to read more!!
It's very interesting and I really want to know the background story of Kookie and generally more about the reason of Kookies behavior.

I can`t wait for the next chapter! ^^