It's Our Last Chance, So Promise No Matter What Happens,We'll both be happy..Right?

K-Pop Bishounen Idols Scenarios


It's Our Last Chance, So Promise No Matter What Happens,We'll both be happy..Right?



*side note: ____= Bias, ------ = you, *****= Other member(or another favorite bias).Rival girl=So-Ri

Bias's Ex = Soo Yun



There was a silence, as I was sitting on the far side of a bench that ________ and I were sharing. _______ had pulled me over to a bench so we could sit and talk. To be quite honest, I don't know why I bothered even staying to hear him out. I should run, yet something in my heart was telling me to stay. So for the sake of not feeling guilty, I kept my gaze towards the river.


What is it? What do you want to tell me ______?” I asked keeping my tone emotionless. I noticed him flinch at the tone.


-----, please look at me.” He said begging, as I clenched my teeth together, I stood up.


Look, if you don't have anything else to say-” I said starting to walk away. I couldn't believe how childish I was feeling, but I didn't want to be there, hearing lies. “What if he wasn't going to tell lies?” a voice in my head said as ____'s hand grabbed my elbow.


-----” He said sternly yet hurt. “ Please! Just...Just at least hear me out before walking out on me” He said, turning towards me so we were eye to eye.


I watched as he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. Studying his facial expression, he was being honest with the confession he was going to make, but he's an Idol, he could be fooling me. Re-opening his eyes, he began speaking.


It wouldn't be fair if I wanted to put all this on my Ex, Soo Yun.” _____ said softly as I remember seeing articles and photo's of them together. I remembered envying her for dating _____, it was a common thing, if you were a fan, but it slowly turned into a deep dislike. Soo Yun broke up with him, her reasons were because she claimed to have found someone better, more like someone who was more famous than ______. “ She was part of the reason why I act ed like that. After finding out about her affairs, I was so hurt. She was my first love.” He said rubbing his neck and looked at the ground. Watching his movements, I couldn't tell what ____ was thinking.


She's the whole reason? _____, if that's the case....then why don't you go after her!” I said feeling an unknown weight on my chest as _____ pulled me into a hug.


I'm not going after her. Let me finish, after our break-up, I promised myself that I would treat every girl like that...the way she treated me. Yet when I met you....something was different”.


Closing my eyes, I was trying to pull away, getting free I took three steps away from him. Looking at his pitiful expression, was the only thing holding back the urge to slap him.


Different? How was it different ______?! In the end you still cheated on me! You never changed.” I said shaking. “ You're no better then SooYun. I bet that you never even loved me!” I said and quickly my heel, running away from him. I stopped running as I reached the other side of Hans River. Glancing over my shoulder I noticed ______ didn't run after me. The weight on my chest was even heavier. I thought if he truly did love me..he would chase after me, but he didn't. “ T-That jerk” I muttered sitting on a bench, hands covering my face. Taking a deep breath, I looked up and noticed So-Ri standing in front of me, glaring. Letting out a shocked gasp as she grabbed my collar and pulling me towards her face. I could see anger in her eyes.


You're such a coward!” She said slapping my face. I couldn't tell if the action of the slapping me, or what had previously happened, caused it but as I placed my hand on my cheek, my confused look had now turned into a glare. So-ri didn't faze under my glare as she growled and pushed me back. “ You think running away from this is going to do anything? You're just ruining _____'s life and your own!” She shouted as I frowned.


Leave me the hell alone So-ri! I'm not in a good mood” I retorted grabbing her arm before she could slap me again. “ Plus! What do you know?! You're just some girl who's a plaything!” I said as So-ri tackled me to the ground.


You're a coward that doesn't deserve _____! You don't know that he loves you! All the times we were together...he was thinking about you!” She shouted holding me down as she lifted her arm to punch me. Seeing an opening, I moved and flipped So-ri over and growled.


If he did love me.... why the hell would he cheat and do all this?! _____'s is nothing but a foolish idiot that I loved!” I shouted shaking as So-ri kicked me off and grabbed the collar of my shirt. I was in pain from the impact of the kick as I hit the ground as she spoke.


You're a foul coward, a coward that can't face the fact that her beloved lover made a mistake and won't over see it!” So-ri shouted. I turned away growling, it seems she noticed this as she shook me. “ If you truly don't love _____ anymore then ing say you hate him and wish to never see him again!” So-ri said as I glared. “ You have to hate him since he hurt you badly!”


I was shaking as I pushed So-ri off and was about to beat the living crap out of her, until unknown arms were holding me back. Wrestling against the person as I noticed that it was _________. “ ________! Let go!” I shouted trying to get free as ****** was holding So-ri was also getting to get free from his grip. “ -----! Calm yourself!” He said making me growl.


Well there's _______! Go on and tell him how you foul coward!!” So-ri shouted as I managed to kick my shoe off and kick it high enough to hit So-ri in the face.


Shut the hell up! You think it's easy to ing tell someone your feelings without having the nagging feeling of what the outcomes are?! You don't think you know me So-ri? Well you don't! You don't know that I wish I could be a foolish idiot,just to keep my hopes of having a happy ending? This is reality! As much as I wish everything was like those dramas,they can't be! Since you want me to admit my feelings So-ri, I'll gladly do it!” I shouted crying my heart out as I pulled away from _____ and faced him. Studying his features and blind in the moment, I shouted the words that stuck my heart in confusion. “ ______! I H-Hate you! Just leave me alone!”


I couldn't face the outcome, so I ran past them and continue running,until I reach some small rural park. Falling onto the grass, I cover my mouth as I was thinking of what just happen.


Wh-What did I just do...” I thought shaking as I felt arms around me. Before looking back to see the person,they spoke.


Cry -----.....”. That voice and the action cause me to break down. The only thing I knew to do right now was to cry my heart out. “It's going to be alright”. It was ******.


Is it really?” I thought choking on a sob as my head was only thinking about __________.




______/Bias POV


I stood there in shocked. Mindlessly I walked to a bench and just sat down. My head was in my hands. She hates me. She truly doe hate me. I didn't bother to notice So-ri taking a seat next to me.


She does care for you.” Was all she said. Something I wouldn't think would leave . Looking at her,So-ri's was staring at the ground. “ She's just...confuse. I wouldn't blame her. Not all the things you've done”.


I open my mouth to tell her it was hers,but So-ri beat me to it.


It was my fault too, but it's also yours. You could have stop. You had the will,but you didn't” So-ri said staring at me. I notice something in her eyes. It was the same as Soo Yun. Then the sudden wave of realization hit me. So-ri was Soo Yun's sister. How on earth did I miss that?! They didn't look much alike at all. I should really pay attention to people.


I understand what my sister put you though, to be honest, I was mad at her. I couldn't see why she would cheat on you with the guy she met and the one she left you for. Yet now, here I am, being that person.” She said sighing.


I closed my eyes as So-ri was right. I was the same as Soo Yun.


Then..why did she stay with me?” I said knowing what ------- is going though. All the pain,the lies,everything. No wonder she hates me.


It's because ----- has something. Something I wish I could give to you. ----- truly loves you. I can see it in her eyes when she's around you,even when you're fighting. She would stay because of that red thread of love and hope she has for you.” So-ri said having a bitter smile.


All the time that ----- and I have, she would always stay,no matter what.


What should I do then?” I asked knowing there could be a small chance I can get ----- back

Go after her and just tell her how you feel”.


That was all I needed.



-Normal/ Reader's POV-


It was Friday, the day I'll leave the place I've grown fond of and treated as my second home. Sitting at the airport,waiting for my flight. I couldn't believe I was going though with this. I'm leaving. I'm leaving my friends. I'm leaving my dream job. Mostly I'm leaving ______.


Thinking of him, my heart ache abit. I told myself it's normal and ignore the growing pain as I hear my flight being called. I felt as if walking to the gate was as if I was walking to a death sentence. I was one step away from leaving. No turning backs.

As I gave my ticket to the flight attendee I hear my name being called. Turning I dropped my bags to see _____ panting as he tackled me. I stumble as he started blabbing.


I don't care if you want to leave me ----! I love you and only you! You dealt with my most darkest side of me. A side most people wouldn't stay for. This proves we belong. Only because you too have a dark side that I grew to love..with the rest of you. I don't care if the world knows about us now. I'll shout to the sky saying I'll love you until we die. Even if we died, I'll never stop loving you.'re my world” He said gripping my hands.


I could see every ounce of humble and love in the words he poured out. My eyes grew even widen and more shocked as people around us gasp. There was ______. One of Korea's most biggest Idols, pouring his soul into this confession,on the floor kneeling. He held out my promise ring...and another ring. I felt myself choking in tears as he explained what he was doing. He was giving the promise ring back,promising he'll forever love me. The other ring,however was given a whole new reason.


______ ______, You are my other half, my world,and just everything I've wanted and even things I didn't even knew I wanted in a woman. Will you do me the honor of being mine forever as my wife?” _______ asked showing fear and hope in his dark orbs.


I could feel everyone staring,some cheering,some crying,some in awe. Me? I was in shock. I closed my eyes,shaking my head in a nod.


Yes”. It was the most quiet yes I’ve ever said,but I felt arms wrapping around my waist,twirling me away,making a show of kissing me deeply. Looking at him, I knew I wouldn't regret this,not after seeing the old ____, the ______ I first fell in love with.



I finally finish this! ; 3 ; I'm so sorry for the long wait.

I had test,exams,prom and such. Then I lost the will to write... ; - ; I'm so sorry!

I finally chose to end with a happy ending. Why? I didn't want to end it bad,because I couldn't think of anything ><

So enjoy, feel free to comment! And thank you for alwaysme3 for being my beta reader for this mini-series. ^^ 


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SayuriNoona #1
@alwaysme3: Thank chu ^^<3
@fireworkrainbow: I was going to have both a sad ending and a happy ending,but it was hard to write a sad ending ; - ; so I choose a happy ending.

Thoses who want a sad ending...i could write another sad story later ^^"
X3 i thought it was going to end sad but yeah *phew* c': it was so sweet!
awwwe!! thats soo adorable! i LOVE it <33 keke. and thanks for the shout out (is that what its called? oh well xD ) you didnt have to though. i really enjoyed it. and prom!? cool!~ how was it? hehe.
happy happy happy~~~ i like the happy endings. hehehe. can't wait to read it xDDD
SayuriNoona #5
@Alwaysme3: Haha thanks, well I just to see if it's good,or theres improvement. I might make a story like this,or make some squeals oneshots that's connected to this,making a small series. I'll probably end up making a small story that's like this,but with two endings. One thats bad/sad and a happy ending :D
Yah! How can you need a beta reader?!? This is awesome!! XD there's some grammar problems but that's ALL! It's normal~ lol. I really like it!! <33 but she shouldn't go back to him just yet. But I like her reason about everyone knowing it's a broken relationship but it's normal and part of making them stronger~ you should make a story ~~~ yeahh, you should xDDDD
SayuriNoona #7
; - ; It is, I was watching There she is and was on step 4...that song made me write this ; - ;
chapter 5 is so sad ;A;
Lol. Chp 4 is cute. Kekeke. Update when you can xD yes, you should add a picture. And who do i think of? No one in particular. Just a hot guy with a blurred image. Lmaoooo buy if I have to choose... Beast's dujun!!! <3
chapter 3;
<\3 poor block b