Call Me Maybe?

K-Pop Bishounen Idols Scenarios


Call Me Maybe?




You were tapping your pen against your notebook. You're suppose to be studying for a test coming up,but how can you when a guy, a very good-looking-guy-who-happen-to-be-in-your-same-class-that-was-giving-the-same-said-test, walked into to the same library as you and sat about two tables away. One of your upbeat songs was playing as you were slightly dancing in your seat. It was Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. You looked at the guy and blushed as he was looking at you too,having a small smile. Closing your eyes,you stood up from your seat and made your ipod play the song over and the whole place could hear the music as you were singing to it.


“I threw a wish in the well,

Don't ask me, I'll never tell

I looked to you as it fell,

and now you're in my way”

I trade my soul for a wish,
pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this,
but now you're in my way

Your stare was holdin',
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?


You were dancing as you headed towards him. Ignoring the stares people were giving and gave a smile when the guy had an amused look on his face. Standing up as well and met you half-way. Judging from the look he was giving he was encouraging you to continue on. Putting your hands on your hips,you gave him a smirk as the two of were putting on a show.


As you sang the chorus,you were making as if you were talking to him. Holding out your phone and gave a wink.


Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

It's hard to look right,
at you baby,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
try to chase me,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?


You were grinning as he was leaning in towards you,still having his amused look.


“ Hello? ____?” He said breaking you out of your trance.

You shook your head and notice you haven't moved at all and your ipod was now playing a different song. It was just a daydream...which meant you were staring at him..again.


A-Ah? Yes?” You said smiling timidly as he smiled and grabbed your phone,which was laying out on the table.

After a few minutes, he gave the phone back and started walking off, leaving you bewilder. Sighing as you started putting your stuff away,you notice your phone blinking,telling you have a message. Your face turn bright red as you couldn't stop grinning like an idiot.


To: ____________

From: ___________Oppa


Teehee~( ω) Notice you staring and singing. I would like your number and I might call you <3~ But how about we meet at the cafe @ 3ish? We can chat more....and seems like you need someone like me to help you study! Kekeke (*≧ω≦) ~


Looking at the clock, You grab your things and headed out,hopefully to catch up to him.






I like this one,yet I think it's slightly messy and such. But I had the song stuck in my head so yeah!


According to my friend, I tend to write better if it's all dark and angst...yet he's shock(and worried xD) that I write that stuff. Fluff is still meh,since I forget the idea or theme of the said fluff sometimes.


Oh well,win some,lose some.


Oh! I've been wondering Who are you guys thinking about when you read some of this things? I'm little curious to know lmao :3

Also, should I add a main image for each scenario?( I know it's require if its about someone haha) but eh yes,no,maybe, or don't really care?


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SayuriNoona #1
@alwaysme3: Thank chu ^^<3
@fireworkrainbow: I was going to have both a sad ending and a happy ending,but it was hard to write a sad ending ; - ; so I choose a happy ending.

Thoses who want a sad ending...i could write another sad story later ^^"
X3 i thought it was going to end sad but yeah *phew* c': it was so sweet!
awwwe!! thats soo adorable! i LOVE it <33 keke. and thanks for the shout out (is that what its called? oh well xD ) you didnt have to though. i really enjoyed it. and prom!? cool!~ how was it? hehe.
happy happy happy~~~ i like the happy endings. hehehe. can't wait to read it xDDD
SayuriNoona #5
@Alwaysme3: Haha thanks, well I just to see if it's good,or theres improvement. I might make a story like this,or make some squeals oneshots that's connected to this,making a small series. I'll probably end up making a small story that's like this,but with two endings. One thats bad/sad and a happy ending :D
Yah! How can you need a beta reader?!? This is awesome!! XD there's some grammar problems but that's ALL! It's normal~ lol. I really like it!! <33 but she shouldn't go back to him just yet. But I like her reason about everyone knowing it's a broken relationship but it's normal and part of making them stronger~ you should make a story ~~~ yeahh, you should xDDDD
SayuriNoona #7
; - ; It is, I was watching There she is and was on step 4...that song made me write this ; - ;
chapter 5 is so sad ;A;
Lol. Chp 4 is cute. Kekeke. Update when you can xD yes, you should add a picture. And who do i think of? No one in particular. Just a hot guy with a blurred image. Lmaoooo buy if I have to choose... Beast's dujun!!! <3
chapter 3;
<\3 poor block b