
K-Pop Bishounen Idols Scenarios





It's been days since the hate started. All from one scandal. Glancing over to your lover's spot, he hasn't moved since he got home. “_____?” You said softly placing a cup of warm tea beside him.

Judging from the bags under his eyes and redness, you guess he hasn't been sleeping. “ Ne, will be will go away” You said placing your cup down and hugging him. Getting no response causes you to worry even more. “ Oppa?”.


M-Maybe I should leave...It's what everyone is saying.” He spoke. His sweet voice has turn raspy as if he hadn't spoke or use his vocals for awhile. It was making you cringe. “ It can make them happy.”


You moved from him, you felt your breathing become unsteady as you turn the chair,so he can face you. The feeling in your stomach was getting worse as he had no emotion on his face. It was like he had became a lifeless doll. Kneeling on the floor,you place your hands on his lap and looked at him. Your worried-filled eyes meeting his blank ones. shouldn't care what they say. It was a mistake. Everyone makes them. Please don't leave...” You whisper softly. It was quiet as none of you spoke.


If you leave...I'll miss you...w-without you...” You said feeling tears coming as a sudden force pushed you back slightly and held you.


He was hugging you. It was different then the one's he would give. This had more meaning, it was more for yearning for comfort then love. You wrapped your arms around him as he begin to silently cry on your shoulders. Rubbing his back, you felt like the roles have been switch, like it was your job to protect them from harm. Hugging him tighter before moving and holding his face.


In front of you was a fragile young man,compare to the strong-will man you see everyday. It was breaking your heart how few harsh comments made him crumble. You felt hatred towards the people making your man feel like this,yet you stop to think,if you fought could turn even worst. Right now, you need to be his wall.


Oppa..your not alone. You will never be alone. I'm going to be here for you, I'll protect you. Saranghaeyo Oppa.” You said wiping his face and giving him a loving kiss.


A few minutes passed as you pulled away, all the negative feelings were leaving the room from you two as a very small shy smile form on his face. Three words left you nodding as the two of you sat on the floor,just comforting him and telling him how much he means to you.


Thank you _____.”




Been a while huh?

I wrote this because of the whole Block B thing, but also for other Idol's who ever gone though all this. 

It might be alittle short and messy,but I hope you guys enjoy it still.

Support your Bias/Idols/ Group through any hard times. Just keep cheering them on till the end.<3


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SayuriNoona #1
@alwaysme3: Thank chu ^^<3
@fireworkrainbow: I was going to have both a sad ending and a happy ending,but it was hard to write a sad ending ; - ; so I choose a happy ending.

Thoses who want a sad ending...i could write another sad story later ^^"
X3 i thought it was going to end sad but yeah *phew* c': it was so sweet!
awwwe!! thats soo adorable! i LOVE it <33 keke. and thanks for the shout out (is that what its called? oh well xD ) you didnt have to though. i really enjoyed it. and prom!? cool!~ how was it? hehe.
happy happy happy~~~ i like the happy endings. hehehe. can't wait to read it xDDD
SayuriNoona #5
@Alwaysme3: Haha thanks, well I just to see if it's good,or theres improvement. I might make a story like this,or make some squeals oneshots that's connected to this,making a small series. I'll probably end up making a small story that's like this,but with two endings. One thats bad/sad and a happy ending :D
Yah! How can you need a beta reader?!? This is awesome!! XD there's some grammar problems but that's ALL! It's normal~ lol. I really like it!! <33 but she shouldn't go back to him just yet. But I like her reason about everyone knowing it's a broken relationship but it's normal and part of making them stronger~ you should make a story ~~~ yeahh, you should xDDDD
SayuriNoona #7
; - ; It is, I was watching There she is and was on step 4...that song made me write this ; - ;
chapter 5 is so sad ;A;
Lol. Chp 4 is cute. Kekeke. Update when you can xD yes, you should add a picture. And who do i think of? No one in particular. Just a hot guy with a blurred image. Lmaoooo buy if I have to choose... Beast's dujun!!! <3
chapter 3;
<\3 poor block b