Surprises and Our Chances ( Yang Yoseob)

K-Pop Bishounen Idols Scenarios

* Note: The Image/Gif is not mine,it is oneuldoinfiction. She also writes scenarios,but for BEAST. They are really good so go check out her tumblr :3. I got the idea from oneuldoinfiction gif and a video i saw on youtube. I'll post the link of the vid at the end of the story. Also I suggest to listen to Marry you by bruno mars or some type of cute love song of your chance for you. 

*Another Note: I'm using my OC from my other Yoseob story and the characters in there. The Stubborn story.



W-I-L-L Y-O-U M-A-R-R-Y M-E ? <3




I stared at the paper in my hand as Yun was giggling like a madwoman. Today was a special day,it was the day Yoseob and I started going out. Shockingly we managed to be be together for almost six years. Dating an Idol is really hard with the schedules,the jealous fans, and just anything. There were times when we had fights, even a time when we broke everything off. I shudder at the memory of me crying my eyes as Yoseob slam the front door. While I was in deep thought Yun was pulling me into Lotte World. It seems the boys had something planned and made us do a scavenger hunt. More like make me do the hunt.


Come on Mi young! Let's find the first clue!” Yun said smiling as we headed to a ride. We found the first balloon. It had a W on it. “ Only fourteen more~” She said giggling. I stared at her and held the balloon. “ Yun...what are the boys- no what is Yoseob planning?”


You just have to wait and see Mi Young~” A voice said scaring me. I turn to see the owner and saw Kikwang. “ Oppa!” Yun said smiling hugging her fiance. Yes, they are engaged, about a month ago. As the two were having a moment, I went off alone to find the other balloons.


Need help?” Junhyung and Hyungseung asked grinning. I nodded as we managed to find eight balloons. “ What is that gaki doing?!” I asked feeling silly with the balloons. “ Aish,such an impatient girl!” Junhyung said rolling his eyes. “ How Yoseob still with you..aish” He said joking, but earn a punch in the arm from me.


Will you me...what the hell is that?!” I said turning to only see Doojoon. “ You need to find Dongwoon for the rest. After that,be sure to look at them,let them go,and find Yoseob!” He said and pointing at the maknae in a panda suit. I held a laugh at my good friend before walking up to him.


Dongwoon notice me and took off. For a guy in a suit he was fast. I chased after him and tackled the maknae. “ Yah! Why are you running?!” I said out of breath as Dongwoon gave a sheepish grin. “ I was told” He said giving the balloons. I looked at balloons and gasped.



Will you marry me?<3


Yoseob...” I whisper as Dongwoon grabbed my hand and took me to the middle of the park,where it was crowded but one person standing in the middle with a balloon and was singing along with one of my favorites. . I could feel myself tearing up as rest of the guys started breaking out to a flash mob,dancing to Beautiful. Yoseob walked up to me,giving the last balloon before dancing with the guys,performing Beautiful.


The crowd was clapping and cheering as Yoseob was now infront of me,kneeling.


What do you say stubborn girl?” He said having his adorable smile. I could hear some gasps and the cameras flashing. I was covering my mouth as I pulled him up. I was smiling at his confusion as I kissed him.


Can't really say no, you need me gaki~” I said smiling as Yoseob picked me up laughing.

She said yes!” He said grinning as I was laughing. Letting go off the balloons as he grab the one with something shiny at the end.


The balloon was the one with my name on it, which was holding the ring. I shook my head as Yoseob grabbed my hand as we ran away from the press to have some fun at the amusement park.


This was a very belated Yoseob birthday oneshot and another epilogue to my stubborn girl story.


It was slightly rush because I wanted to finish it and yeah.


Hope you guys like it, be sure to leave feed back and feel free to request something~


Ignore the grammar and spelling errors ^^”



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SayuriNoona #1
@alwaysme3: Thank chu ^^<3
@fireworkrainbow: I was going to have both a sad ending and a happy ending,but it was hard to write a sad ending ; - ; so I choose a happy ending.

Thoses who want a sad ending...i could write another sad story later ^^"
X3 i thought it was going to end sad but yeah *phew* c': it was so sweet!
awwwe!! thats soo adorable! i LOVE it <33 keke. and thanks for the shout out (is that what its called? oh well xD ) you didnt have to though. i really enjoyed it. and prom!? cool!~ how was it? hehe.
happy happy happy~~~ i like the happy endings. hehehe. can't wait to read it xDDD
SayuriNoona #5
@Alwaysme3: Haha thanks, well I just to see if it's good,or theres improvement. I might make a story like this,or make some squeals oneshots that's connected to this,making a small series. I'll probably end up making a small story that's like this,but with two endings. One thats bad/sad and a happy ending :D
Yah! How can you need a beta reader?!? This is awesome!! XD there's some grammar problems but that's ALL! It's normal~ lol. I really like it!! <33 but she shouldn't go back to him just yet. But I like her reason about everyone knowing it's a broken relationship but it's normal and part of making them stronger~ you should make a story ~~~ yeahh, you should xDDDD
SayuriNoona #7
; - ; It is, I was watching There she is and was on step 4...that song made me write this ; - ;
chapter 5 is so sad ;A;
Lol. Chp 4 is cute. Kekeke. Update when you can xD yes, you should add a picture. And who do i think of? No one in particular. Just a hot guy with a blurred image. Lmaoooo buy if I have to choose... Beast's dujun!!! <3
chapter 3;
<\3 poor block b