Haunted House Pt3

Random Drabbles/ One Shots
'Remember to send us the money' Yoona mocked, her voice a pitch higher than usual to mimic Julian's own scratchy tone. 
You snickered behind your hand, revelling in Yoona's almost perfect impression of the woman, "You forgot the look of utter contempt on her face." 
Yoona paused, thinking something through before turning around, murmuring to herself. You looked at her in confusion, "You alright Yoona?" 
The next moment she turned around, her face contorted into the best impression of Julian you'd seen on her. The impression was so dead on you bursted out laughing, Yoona followed close behind. 
Clutching your sides you tried to steady your voice, breathing slowly. 
"I can't believe we're doing this when we should be talking about the fact that one) we most likely lost your dad his job, two) we didn't get paid, and three) that was most definitely BTS in that haunted house." You listed off your fingers, an eyebrow raised in anticipation at Yoona.
Yoona suddenly grinned at you, previous anger with the red headed devil momentarily forgotten, "I know. I can't believe it." 
"I think we should get them to talk to Julian, or like pay us back or something." Yoona continued, tone thoughtful and eyes twinkling with something you wish wasn't there. 
"No" You shook your head, because clearly your friend was out of her mind and poisoned with the thoughts of BTS rather than the job and the money. 
"Why not?" She whined, stomping her feet childishly. Which was honestly the most ridiculous thing you'd seen her do considering she was 6 feet of gangly limbs 
"Because I don't want to get involved with them in a way that'll have me remembered as the 'girl who demanded money from them'. That's not cool." You replied knowing despite yourself that it was a weak argument in front of Yoona's utter obsession with the idol group. Or more importantly one Park Jimin.
"You're literally only doing this because you know it's Jimin we'll have to talk to." Your tone was downright accusatory as you crossed your arms. 
Yoona didn't answer, instead choosing to grin she simply hopped around you and out the door, motioning for you to follow her. 
You wonder where the once wide eyed, and awestruck blonde teenager had gone to. She used to respect you so much, hanging on to your every word. While you like Yoona however she is, you could really use some of that respect right now. 
While you slip your feet into your low-heeled black boots, you try to ignore the sense of uncertainty at the back of your mind with this whole ordeal. You're almost a hundred percent positive Yoona won't be able to do what she intends to do, but you just can't help feel like something's going to happen. Something you won't entirely like. 
A/N: I should probably edit these and put them up as a separate story.
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