Haunted House Pt1

Random Drabbles/ One Shots

You twitched your nose for what felt like the fifth time that hour, briefly wondering why you had even agreed to help out at the local haunted house when it was a school night. 

'(Y/N)-unnie' called the slightly high-pitched voice in concern, 'are you okay?' 
And suddenly you remembered why you had agreed to this horrible situation in the first place. The voice belonged to one of your closest friends. Her father had unexpectedly collapsed after his last odd job and she was asked to fill in for him, but a 17 year old girl working with 10 males on her own during Halloween really wasn't safe, so you had volunteered to help her out. 
'Ah, Yoona I'm fine.' You sighed and hastily added, 'and I told you to stop using 'unnie' when you refer to me. It makes me feel old.'
You heard her giggles ring through the closed space you both were in and couldn't resist a smile of your own.
'But (Y/N)-unnie-
'Come on.'
'-I thought you liked being referred to with honorifics.' Yoona continued, her question sounding more like a statement to you. 
'Well-' but you cut yourself off as you heard the sound of running feet get closer to your location. It was finally time to do your part.
'We'll talk later, sweaty ankles are calling for me.' You muttered under your breath, Yoona's muffled giggles filling your ears.
As you crouched further down the small tunnel, stretching your arms at an angle that wouldn't be noticed, the itch on your nose came back with a vengeance. You tried to ignore it once you noticed the first pair of sneakers in front of you. Lashing out you quickly grabbed hold of the skinny ankle and pulled, silently praying to yourself that they wouldn't be too hurt. The last person you had done this to had almost twisted their ankle. 
'Oh my GOOOD!' came the sudden, and oddly familiar, cry, quickly followed by a cry of your own as the other foot ascended on to your hand. Multiple times. 
'Get off! Get off! Get off!' Screamed the stranger who, for some god awful reason, had only gotten more scared at your cry of pain and crouched down to pull at your retreating hands. 
'This kid is insane.' Was the only thought running through your frazzled mind as the stranger began to try to pull you out of your little tunnel. 
This just resulted in your eyes widening and you screaming for the stranger to let you go. Which in turn got the attention of Yoona who, while hastily trying to pull out of her own tunnel, accidentally pushed into you causing the propped wall in front of you to collapse from the combined weights of both you and Yoona, as well as the pulling strength of the stranger. 
As you crashed through the now collapsed wall and onto the stranger you suddenly realised why the voice had seemed so familiar, lying on his back with you straddling his waist was none other than Park Jimin of BTS.
His eyes were screwed shut and his face was half covered by a white mask, but you were certain that that was the exact same outfit Jimin was wearing in the airport pictures Yoona had showed you this morning. 
Before you could dwell on anything, like why no one had informed either you or Yoona about why a member of BTS was here, you heard the sounds of running steps come to a halt to your right. Looking up you gazed into the equally shocked eyes of the rest of the BTS members who then turned their eyes to Jimin's prone form and your suspicious (at least to them) position.  
With a quick roll to your left where Yoona herself was staring wide eyed at the members, you scurried to your knees, head bowed and apologies leaving your lips a mile a minute. 
You nudged Yoona, not looking up from your current position, and hissed for her to do the same. 
'I'm so so so sorry!' Yoona quickly followed, her head bowed. Despite her sincere tone you could almost hear the smile in her voice and knew you wouldn't hear the end of this till the day you both died. 
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