T(hank) Y(ou)

Random Drabbles/ One Shots

I just wanted to write something where Taehyung and Yoongi were there.

'(Y/N)' Yoongi muttered, tracing soft kisses down your neck as his hands explored the slip of skin exposed by your top, leaving behind hot imprints that had you squirming for him to touch you more. 
Before you could vocalise your thoughts on the matter, and perhaps move a few articles of clothing from your person, three sharp knocks were the only warning you were given before Taehyung and Jimin came bouncing into your apartment.
'Hyung!' Jimin shouted, causing Yoongi to stiffen on top of you, 'I bought you the CD you wanted!'
Yoongi cursed under his breath and mouthed for you to stay quiet. You raised a confused eyebrow in question but nonetheless followed his demand. 
'Jiminie, just put them in the study.' Yoongi called out. You noticed how his voice was a little out of breath and wondered if you'd be able to get back to what you were doing before. It seemed unlikely to you, especially considering Taehyung was with Jimin and he only ever came to your apartment to ask you for advice. 
You were about to voice this to Yoongi when your breath suddenly caught in your throat. His hand had slipped under your vest top to finger the edge of your bra, lightly rubbing the sensitive area underneath your . His other hand had begun to your jeans, while he held himself on top of you with just the help of his knees. He briefly glanced at you when you gave a short gasp as his fingers brushed over your hardened , flashing you a quick smirk before his gaze was drawn towards someone at the entrance to the living room.
'What is it Tae.' Yoongi sighed, successfully managing to slip your jeans halfway down your hips. 
You reached over to try and stop Yoongi, knowing who Taehyung was going to ask for, when his right hand darted out of your shirt to meet your own. Halting its progress. You stared up at Yoongi, slightly confused as to why he wanted to continue this when Taehyung was right there. 
When you realised that Taehyung couldn't actually see you. The sofa's back was blocking his view of you, with only Yoongi's head being in full view. 
'Is (Y/N) here?' Taehyung asked, you heard the sound of his sneakers scuffing your floor and had the thought to reprimand him on that action at a later date. Right now you were much more interested in having Yoongi move his hand back into your shirt. 
His left hand shifted your jeans slightly lower before he started tracing words from your stomach to your pelvic and lower. You tried your best not to squirm, one hand reaching to stifle your sudden gasp as Yoongi pinched your , rolling it around between his fingers while the other rubbed at your clothed in slow, agonising circles. The heat building up at your base was going to annoy you if Yoongi didn't do something more. 
Of course this was the moment he decided to do the exact opposite and got up from where he was straddling you. Hands slipping out of your shirt and into his pockets. 
The sudden loss of his body heat had you disorientated and the dull ache inside of you had you annoyed, you weren't an exibitionist but you had wanted Yoongi to you there on the sofa despite the fact Taehyung was there. 
'She's right here.' Yoongi muttered, idly scratching his head with one hand and moving towards the kitchen.
Your hands came up to cover your face as you groaned, extremely annoyed by this point. What was the point in teasing you like that. He knew you hated it when he left things unfinished. 
'(Y/N)!' Came Taehyung's excited voice as his smiling head popped up from behind the couch, before it morphed into one of surprise.
'That's a very suggestive position.' He exclaimed, eyebrows raised and grinning. His arm was now resting on top of the couch back, head leaning against his hand and gaze focused on you as if he was enjoying a show. 
You just looked at him confused until he pointed towards your stomach, and then your confusion morphed into horror. Yoongi might have looked composed leaving for the kitchen but you were anything but. Your top had ridden up high enough for the black bra underneath to be visible and your jeans were indecently low. 
Low enough for Taehyung to get a view of your hello kitty , you realised with a humiliated groan as you quickly got up to right your shirt and jeans, shoving at Taehyung's face in the process. 
'You're an .'
'More than Yoongi-Hyung?'
You paused in your attempts to fix your dishevelled hair and pretended to think. 
'Yeah, of course.'
Taehyung mock pouted, pretending to be hurt, 'Aw why~'
'Because you and Jimin came here uninvited and instead of looking away you just ogled me.' You stated glaring.
'I thought you liked me ogling you.' Replied Taehyung as he crossed the sofa to come stand behind you, placing his hands around your shoulders and nuzzling his nose into your neck.
'After all,' his voice grew huskier, making you shiver as his breath ghosted over your skin, 'wasn't that why you didn't try to hide yourself.'
(A/N):  Basically a one shot. I might edit it into a bigger story in the far future.
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