
Psychopaths || gangster!jimin

After Jungkook left—almost running out the door—I decided that it's best if I get up and go brush my teeth. I was still half asleep, so I tiredly sat up on my bed, and sat there for a few seconds to remember where I am. Then I got up and went to the bathroom. 

When I opened the door and walked in, I still too tired to comprehend anything that was going on, so I grabbed a random toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. It was only a few seconds laters I noticed that Jimin was standing there, with only a towel wrapped around his lower part of his body. What was he doing here? Good lord, I might hate him, but damn, he's 

I stood there in shock, I've never seen a guy this...toned. I tried to look away, but I just couldn't. Damn you stupid hormones. He's not doing anything either, he's just standing there with a shocked expression too. 

"What are you doing here?!" We both spoke at the same time. 

"Hey!" We both said it again in perfect sync. 

"Stop it!" We were both spoke. 

"What are oh doing in MY bathroom?" Jimin spoke, with emphasis that it's his bathroom. 

"Taehyung told me to use this one! He said I could use this one! Heck I even showered here last night!" I practically yelled, since he stated it. 

"Does he not know that i use it?! Gosh he could be such an idiot." He spoke, finally lowering his voice. 

"Dose this mean—"

"No we are not sharing a bathroom! Also that's my toothbrush!" Jimin spoke interruption me. 

We both went silent again, he's still standing there with only a towel wrapped around his hips, and I'm still standing by the sink, slowly brushing my teeth with his toothbrush. That's when I noticed he was giving me the same angry glare again. Oh no. He started walking up and yanked the toothbrush out of my mouth. I couldn't take it anymore, I don't want him to think I'm just some puny girl that he could walk all over.  

That's when I remembered all the things my dad taught me. Suddenly, I grabbed his wrist, twisted it, then turned him around so that he was behind me. Using all the strength I could muster up, I pulled his wrist over my back causing him to flip over and land on his back. Luckily his towel was still on him. 

He just laid there, with his mouth open and his eyes widened. I smirked in satisfaction. When I looked over I saw 6 guys, all with the same expression that Jimin had. 

"We heard the yelling and wanted to see if you were alright...but I guess we should be checking Jimin instead." The guy with the green hair spoke with a chuckle. He had a gummy smile. It was sweet, like sugar. Still never remembered his name. 

"JinHee! I didn't know you could do that!" Taehyung yelled, followed by Hoseok, who is just laughing at Jimin. Namjoon and Jungkook just kept trying to keep a straight face, but failed when they saw Jimin's face. 

"When did you lean this move? It's quite advanced." Jin asked, also trying to contain his laughter from seeing Jimin on the floor with only a towel wrapped around him. 

Oh well, whenever my dad had his days off, he'd take me to the nearby park, and teach them to me. It's because I've always wanted to be a trained officer, the same as my dad." I spoke with a smile on my face. 

That's when Taehyung and Hoseok "awwed" out loud. How are they a gang? I swear they are like middle schoolers.

"It's pretty good for a tiny girl." Namjoon spoke. 

"I'm not tiny! I'm 5'4! I'm average height." I said. I hated being called tiny.

"Your...your...tiny." Said Jimin. He stood up and made sure that the towel was still wrapped around him. And just started at me with a look of shock, misbelief and confusion. 

"I'll just skip my shower." He said quietly and walked into his room.

"I think you broke him." Said Jungkook. 


When I finished putting on my clothes from yesterday, I went down and was greeted with everyone eating pancakes that Jin made. Apparently he knows how to cook well, and boy dose he cook well.

When I took my first bite out of that pancake, I proceed to stuff the rest into my mouth making a nom sound. I was so distracted by the food, I didn't notice everyone else staring at me.

"Oh sorry." I said nervously, while wiping my mouth. 

"Jin hyung! She eats like you." Jungkook yelled out. Whoa wait, I eat like a man? 

"Your saying it like its a bad thing!" Jin yelled back from the kitchen. Oh so it's not bad? 

That's when Jimin came down, looking like a sick grandpa, and sat down with the others. I looked over and I saw Namjoon let out a small laugh as he looked at Jimin. 

"Okay! Since everyone is here, I have an important plan to discuss, I just thought of it like 5 minute ago. It'll work I swear. It's on how we're gonna rob Kwon JiYong's store." Namjoon spoke, while I was still sitting there eating my pancakes, and having not the slightest clue to what's happening. 

"Isn't that where Nicole works?" Asked Jungkook. 

"Yes, but don't worry, she's not apart of the plan. We just need to have a sort of distraction, so that Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung, could sneak in and get in secure positions with their guns. Then when you guys give the signal, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jin, and I, will come in and shoot up the place." Namjoon spoke. Everyone else looked so focused.

"Now it's it's important part, Jimin and Taehyung, you guys have to sneak into the back and grab the money while we hold off the workers. JiYong always keeps the money in bags so then once you got them, run to the car and hunk the horn 3 times then we'll come out, hopefully with nobody behind us."

"Then we'll go shopping!" Namjoon said sounding like a teenage girl who finally got her allowance. 

"Okay I got the plan but who's going to be the distraction?" Asked Jin. 

Everyone looked over at Namjoon, who had a huge smile plastered on his face. 

I looked up with half a pancake still in my mouth. I was shocked. I've never did any thing like that in my life. Heck I couldn't even steal food when I was a kid.


"All you have to do is act like your trying to seduce him, then we'll take care of the rest." Said Namjoon. How do I do that? I've never acted like a... before. What if somebody tried to take me away? Namjoon noticed the worried look on my face. 

"Don't worry, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook is gonna be in there with you. So if JiYong or his workers is gonna do anything, one of them will blow up his face before he could touch you." 

"Kwon JiYong...isn't he wanted for owning one of the biggest drug cartels in the south?" I remember reading about him once. 

"Yeah, you know about them?" Asked Yoongi.

"Yep, my dad was on their case for a few months, but then he got promoted to no after a different group." I told them. 

"Can I ask which group he's after now?" Asked Yoongi. 

"It's Bangtan I believe." They all looked at one another with uneasiness. 

"JinHee, do you know who we are?" Asked Hoseok, sounding cautious. 

"Uhh...I know your all a gang, but I'm not sure who exactly you all are." I spoke with a nervous feeling. Are they going to tell me who they are? 

"Take a guess." Jimin spoke. No. They can't be right? But they never showed their faces. That's when I looked at Jimin. 

His eyes. 


"Ding Ding Ding!" He said with an almost scary smile. "Congrats, your the first to find out we're Bangtan."

"But— how?" That's all I could speak. Bangtan, they're the most wanted criminal in the south, and I got kidnapped by them? 

"Cat got your tongue?" Asked Jimin with a smirk. 

"Jimin stop, and JinHee, we are Bangtan, but we're not as bad as you think. The media makes up a lot of things, such as killing random people or selling body parts. We do kill though. A lot." Spoke Taehyung.

I'm shocked. Who knew the famous Bangtan, is like this. I always thought that Bangtan would be sitting on piles of cash with a big house, big cars and big rings. I guess I thought wrong. Instead they act like college boys who finally got freedom. 

"Well. I umm...I'm shocked." I said honestly. "So your the guys who are all over the news?" 

"Yeah." Answered Hoseok. 

I looked over at Jimin. This time he had a different expression on his face. When my eyes met his, it almost looked like he was...worried? No, he wouldn't be. I looked away.

"Well then I guess, everyone does what they do for a reason." I told them honestly. "We're all human, we make choices that we believe are best for us. So I'll respect you for yours." They looked shocked. 

"Wait! Your not gonna scream, or run away?!" Jimin asked, a little too eager. 

"You said it yourself, I wouldn't be able to last a week on the streets." I told him with a faint smile. He smiled a bit, and for the first time too. 
It was a smile you could look at everyday and not get tired of. Wait. Snap out of it. 

"Since you know who we are. Let's get down to business—"

"TO DEFEAT THE HANS!" Taehyung sang, making making Namjoon groan.

"Taehyung, please." Namjoon said. Making me laugh. How are these people psychos? 

"Your laugh is pretty." Said Yoongi, with his gummy smile.

" think so? Ah, I think it's weird." I said  and looked down. When I looked up and I saw Jimin with an uneasy look on his face. Was my laugh that bad to him. 

"Time to go." Said Jin making everyone go left and right, which I was assuming that they were getting weapons. When everyone came back, they all had guns and knives, and boy was there a lot.

"Okay let's go." Namjoon said, and everyone began waking towards the door. Looking at everyone who had heavy weapons with them, and me with well nothing, kinda made me feel weird 

"Oh before we go!" Yoongi said making everyone halt. "Take this JinHee, just in case  anything happens." He handed me a small 9mm  pistol gun. It had a small 'M.Y' etched on it. 

"Don't be afraid to use it." 

Sorry for the long wait! I hope everyone likes it! Also I got kinda carried away with this chapter and make it more than 2000 words XD Oh and get ready for some action next chapter!

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Chapter 18: Wjy you didnt continue for the update?....I enjoyed the story....I like Jimin....
Chimchim0907 #2
Chapter 18: Please update ? it's so good ??❤?❤
KiaBear01 #3
Chapter 18: Please update soon!! Its sooo good, I need more! ^^
Chapter 18: Please update soon I'm on edge
Chapter 18: been waiting for this! Jimin won't hurt her right? I hope Jimin protects her in his own will.
-DaeButt #7
Chapter 18: ooh... i wonder what will happen next... (i'll be glad if there's no ... i just don't think will suit this story... you remember how this story started? of course you do.. it's your story *facepalms* anyway.. i think the comedy feel has gone from this.. it became different)
Chapter 17: this story is great:)