
Psychopaths || gangster!jimin

I'm still angry at the fact that they both think I'm the president's daughter.

Yes, I'm still tied up to this rusty old chair, and still in this empty basement. I decided to study everything around me, which isn't much. There was a small desk in the corner with a bunch of notebooks on top of it. To the right of it, there was the door. That's it. The rest was just emptiness. 

Well except the graffiti on the walls. Most of it was just random words such as "cypher" or "dead leaves".  But what caught my attention the most was the words written in the center with bright red paint. "The most beautiful moment in our life." Just what exactly did that mean? This just leads me to another question. 

Who are they?

I really want to know. I mean that thought has been lingering in my mind ever since I got here. Also are they just going to leave me here all by myself and let me die? What about Food and water? What about when I need to use the bathroom? Are they going me? 

"NO!" I yelled out impulsively. Oh no. Why did I yell? I heard loud foot steps rushing over. Why do I always over think everything. With a loud bang, the door burst open and stepped in 7 young men. I am so screwed. The familiar brown haired guy still had the same expression on his face. While the rest either looked annoyed or monotonous. 

"What's with the screaming?" A guy with bright orange hair said. He looked really innocent, but his voice proved otherwise. 

"I-Uh-Umm...sorry." I stated flatly l, maybe it's best if I don't go against them. Looking at them now. I'm nothing. They're so built, and I'm just a little stick. But I could try a bit right? I should try to defend my self.

"I-I still stand by w-what I said before. I don't know anything about the president's daughter, and I certainly am not her." I said as I keep my head low. It grew quite, so I slowly lifted my head up to see a man with wide shoulders, big lips and tall figure right in front of me. He had a distant look on his face. 

"I believe you." 


"HYUNG! Can't you see she's lying?! She just wants to be free so she can finish her shopping with her dad's money!" The jerk with brown hair said. Wow he really hates me. I wasn't even shopping, I was getting food! That's what really matters to me. I saw the older guy look at the younger in an uneasy way. 

"Jimin, she isn't Kim MiYoung. Have you looked in her bag?" He said. Finally! Someone believes me, I thought I was going to be sold to someone in Mexico. 

"I looked in her wallet, you guys got the wrong girl." He said still with a distant look on his face. Was there something wrong? Is it because I'm the wrong person? As I looked around the room I noticed the guy with the silver hair from before had an worried look on his face. 

"Jimin, Namjoon. I don't know how this happened, but rather than taking the president's both kidnapped the head policeman's daughter. His one and only daughter." The guy spoke as if he saw a puppy got run over. Almost instantly everyone in the room had the same expression. 

"What?!" The guy with orange hair yelled as he almost leaped forward to the so called jerk 'Jimin'. "How stupid could you two be?!" He yelled while the guy with green hair had to hold him back. Jimin on the other hand looked shocked. His mouth was open and he was staring at me, and when I met his eyes he looked away scoffing. 

The older guy continued speaking. "We can't just bring her back to the other side of the wall so quickly. For one thing we can't do that. This month security, is stationed near the walls." Does this mean I can't go back home? What about dad? He'll be able to find me...right? 

"Also, the only time we get get her over without drawing any attention to ourselves is at the end of next month, when everyone goes to celebrate the president's birthday. Mostly all the security forces will be more in the city and not guarding the walls." He spoke. 

"So she's gonna live with us for 2 months?" A small voice said. He was standing near the grumpy looking guy with green hair. He was tall, well they all are tall, except for the fact that he looked young, like my age? These people are confusing.

There was silence. Do I have to live with them? The older one looked at the rest and spoke. "She has to weather we like it or not, we can't risk getting caught by the police, just because we kidnapped the wrong person." He finished and then smiled, he smiled

"Looks like your going to be with us for a while, I'll introduce you to the rest." From left to right he pointed them out and told me their names. "There's Jungkook, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, and I'm guessing you've already met Jimin and Namjoon. I'm Jin." 

"We really didn't mean to kidnap you, it's just that you really do look like the president's daughter and you were standing out in the the rain..." Said Namjoon while looking away awkwardly. 

Even though, I'm still tied up to this chair, I had to think. I have to live with these people- I don't even know what they do- for 2 months before I could go back home, see my dad and go back to live my normal life. 

"So all I have to say is get comfortable here." Jin said. "Is there anything you'd like to say?" He added. Okay just tell him straight forward that you want to be untied from this chair. Not that hard right? I looked up and looked Jin straight in the eyes and spoke...

"I-I need to do...the thing people the b-bathroom...."

Damn it.


Sorry I haven't updated in this week, school is just too much :( 

Anyways I hope you liked it!

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Chapter 18: Wjy you didnt continue for the update?....I enjoyed the story....I like Jimin....
Chimchim0907 #2
Chapter 18: Please update ? it's so good ??❤?❤
KiaBear01 #3
Chapter 18: Please update soon!! Its sooo good, I need more! ^^
Chapter 18: Please update soon I'm on edge
Chapter 18: been waiting for this! Jimin won't hurt her right? I hope Jimin protects her in his own will.
-DaeButt #7
Chapter 18: ooh... i wonder what will happen next... (i'll be glad if there's no ... i just don't think will suit this story... you remember how this story started? of course you do.. it's your story *facepalms* anyway.. i think the comedy feel has gone from this.. it became different)
Chapter 17: this story is great:)