The Next Day

Beauty of the Deaf

Once again their parents aren't there in the morning again, luckily. "Here we go eating cereal again" signed Dino. Younghee sighed and continued eating her cereal. Once they were done, they headed out to school. Younghee tapped Dino on the shoulder and signed "Let's go to the store to get food afterschool." Dino smiled and nodded a yes but frowned automatically. "We can't. Remember mom and dad said we can't use the money." Dino looked at Younghee. She sighed again but signed back "It's okay. I'll take the blame." He shook his head furiously and walked off. Younghee followed him closely and can see that he's pouting, she just smiles. They finally reach the school entrance and start to seperate like usual. Younghee waved goodbye and entered the corridors to her locker. She grabbed her book for her first class, but something catches her attention when she sees a very tall guy stumbling down the hall with his eyes closed. She stares for a bit but returns to her locker. "BAM!!" Her locker slams right closed and it startles her. Younghee looks up to see the tall guy in front of her locker. He opens his eyes and stares at her and starts to bow down an apology. Younghee was dumbfounded and didn't doing anything. And so the very tall guy continues stumbling around the hallways with his eyes closed.


Lunch Time~


Younghee still had that incident from this morning and she kinds of giggles to herself. In midst of giggling, she's about to walk out the classroom door for lunch but ends up drenched with water from head to toe. Younghee looks up to see a bunch of students laughing at her and with their phones out. She slowly walks off but they push her back to the center and throw flour and eggs at her. Younghee can't help but boil with anger as tears run down her eyes from this humiliation. She can't scream for help or tell them to stop, thanks to her freaking deafness her tears run down faster. She pushes her way out the crowd and runs as fast as she can to the restroom and hide herself. Younghee closes the door and locks it while sobbing. Why did she have to be deaf? why? why? why? Sometimes she's jealous of Chan who has friends, can talk and hear...but she can't because he's the only one who actually loves and cares for her. She's so stupid for thinking like that. Really...


'Ding~' Chan's phone beeps. "Message from Unknown"....'Video Clip' Chan's face is lost and presses the message. "What is this?" The video pops up and there he sees Younghee get water poured on her. Chan tenses at this and continues to watch and see how far they gone. Once he saw the flour, he can't help but not watch the video anymore and gets up from the lucnh table. His friends look at him with concern and Chan just smiles at them and starts to run towards the restrooms. But before he goes someone calls his name. "Chan, are you okay?" Chan nods and ignores the looks he gets from his friends. Chan pants as he reached the restroom and is now standing in front of the girls restroom. He slowly knocks on the door and waits for a response. That's right she's deaf. Chan takes out his phone and texts Younghee if she's okay. A couple of seconds a 'ding' goes off. 'I'm fine. haha why? Are u hurt?' ​  Chan just sighs and sits down against the door and replies. 'oh nothing...just making sure. Also i'm not hurt! I can take care of myself!' From the other side he hears a mini giggle and he sighs in relief that she seems okay, well for now. 

It's been 30 minutes and Younghee still hasn't gone out the restroom. Chan yawns before he hears a 'Bing~' from his phone. 'Hey sweetie, we'll be home early!' He reads it then the door opens, making him fall back. Younghee jumped back terrified and looked at him. Chan plasters a dorky smile upon his face while looking at Younghee and starts to laugh. She pouts and walks right by him. Chan quickly gets and goes after her. There they were in front of her locker and still in the mess from earlier. Chan just sighs and goes to his locker to grab his extra pair of uniform since Younghee forgot her's. She smiles and goes change. Once she got out Chan signed to her, "Our parents are coming early today and we can go gorcery shopping tomorrow" Younghee's smile slighty disappeared but looking at the smiling Chan she smiled back at him and playfully shoved him out her way.

They both walk down the hallway while pushing each other for fun till some students started to stare at them. "Omg is she wearing Channie's clothes?"  "This !"  "Tsk just cause she's deaf she can go and around!" Theey give her the dirtiest looks while Chan just blocks Younghee's eyes from looking at them. "Yah! Shut up! You have no ing right to talk about her like that! Tsk You're just ing jealous she's with me. Yeah because she's my ing sister! Go around somewhere else s" Chan takes a big breath and looks at the shocked girls and just walks off with Younghee. 

Younghee looks at Chan worriedly and thinks if she should say something or not; they're finally out the school gates. "Are you okay Channie?~" she signed. Chan smiles softly and nods holding up an 'ok' sign. Younghee knows he's not okay and she feels sorry that she's deaf, stupid, helpless, and for being the older one. Sometimes she just wishes to die or if she wasn't born at all. "I'm sorry Chan..." she signs to him. Chan shakes his head and signs back saying "No it's okay. As your brother, i'll always be there for you!" Younghee smiles at him sadly but shakes it off by shoving him a bit and laughing aat hoe he almost fell. 

They both finally reach home, and Younghee sure isn't ready to face them yet but to show strength she had to be prepared for anything. Chan unlocks the front door while she stays a bit further before entering the house. "Mom, we're home!"  "Oh my wonderful son! You'll late then usual. Was it Younghee?" their mother said while giving Younghee a hard look. Younghee not really knowing what's going on but she guessed it was coming home late and it was her fault like always. Chan looks at me and then back at his mother "What? no of course not mom. Why would you think that?" She doesn't reply but goes around the question but changing the subject "My Channie hasn't eaten yet right? You must be starving. I'll go get you something to eat" As she was about to leave Chan says "Don't forget Younghee too! She didn't eat all day" She stops midway to the kitchen when she heard Chan but shakes it off.

Younghee walks to her but to her surprise her bedroom door is open. 'When did I leave this...' she opens the door to see her "Dad" sitting on her bed. Younghee starts to panic a bit wondering what to do. He slowly starts to get up and advance towards her. She had to face it to be strong for Chan so she stays still trying not to show her fear. He now stands in front her with a smirk put on his face and starts to touch her hair. Younghee starts to close her eyes from anger and fear then he stopped touching her hair. She opens her eyes and he slowly goes down to her shoulder. With this tiny touch, Younghee couldnt take it anymore and so she slaps hiim across the face without thinking. "Tsk, did u just slap me!!?" he said. Younghee didn't what he said but she knows for sure he's angry. She keeps her cool and places a smirk on her face too. Here she made the wrong choice; she sees him walk to the door and lock it. He walks back to Younghee and pulls her by the hair, shoving her to the ground, by now her smirk was definitely gone. 

"You think you have the right to hit your father! huh!? You piece of ! Go ing die!" He slaps her over and over again no giving a . Younghee cries in pain , wishing for someone to stop his abusive actions towards her. As for Chan, his mother gave him some work telling him that starting from today, he'll be working for the comany they own. Chan didn't know how to feel about this situation at all and grabs his phone to text Younghee to come to his room. About 2o minutues she hasn't replied or came over to his room. He starts to get worried and gets up to go to her room. When he reached her door, he hears crying; it was Younghee. Chan quickly opens the door and sees Younghee in a mess sitting in the corner with all her lights off. There was clothes everywhere and broken frame glasses on the floor with books flipped open. Chan was upset by the mess in her room. As he approaches Younghee's bed he sees her with a razor to her wrist. He quickly snatches it out of her hand as she was about to cut herself. In midst of grabbing the razor, Chan cutted himself. Younghee looked up to see Chan and that made her cry even more. She can't do it anymore. She can't deal with these hits. She endure keeping this from Chan. She can't have Chan as her caretaker and bodyguard. She hates everything. She hates her life.

The End!!~  Yeehh~ I finally updated! I haven't updated in a very long time for fanfic so I hope you guys liked it! I'm very horrible at writing so my bad! lol Subcribe and thank you for reading my ty fanfic!!! :)      

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JeonKookie_ #1
Chapter 4: chan please be my brotherㅠㅠ update soon!!!!!
Chapter 3: I really like how the story is going. Jihoon with a bear pen would be absolutely cute. Won..haha. I hope you update soon
Chapter 1: thanks for the update! what her father did to her is unforgiveable >:( especially at the age of 7??? let me just adopt younghee and demand those people T.T please update soon!
WonZiGyuMin #4
Chapter 1: They're really mean to her. ..poor younghee
Maknaee #5
Looking forward to more!
this is interesting! please update soon! ^^