Chapter VI

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"Do you love him?"

She froze.

"Do you love him."

If it was meant to be, they would be together.

"Do you love him?"

Her heart jolts, the answer flying out faster than she could stop herself,


"Would you go back?” 

That question. That ‘would you?’

She can’t decide. 

Maybe. Maybe it would work. Maybe not. 

“Would you go back?” 

What does it matter? Does she still love him? 

No. No. 





“Would you go back?” 

It would be weird.

“Would you go back?” 

She grounds her teeth together.

“Would you go back?”

The moon is gazing at her knowingly. 

“Would you go back?” 

A pause. 

A breath. 

And she can’t stop herself: 


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