Chapter 16

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Please don’t go” she whispered silently as she watched a cloud swam across the blue sky.

The sadness in her tone wasn’t enough. Within the blank of an eye, he had already turned his back on her — the girl he once loved and cared for. Sighing in disappointment, he looked down at his feet, both of them seems to have been taken control of by gravity, pulling him down as he tries to leave, “is that all she has to say?” he thought, he was hoping for so much more. Something deep inside of him, a snarling, bestial force told him that it was really time to go. The dark creature wrapped around him, strangling his heart and pressed its mouth to his mind to remind him this is what he wanted… To leave all their memories behind, to leave her when he is needed the most. 

He turned his head and glanced back at her. In that moment of time, their eyes connected, it was exactly like the first time they’ve ever laid eyes on each other. He still remembers her then, the girl with long brown hair, the deep, puppy-dog brown eyes of hers captivating even at a distance. She smiled, a perfect wh

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