
Our Complicated Life
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He didn’t know how but Jimin found himself on the ground, his eyes wide open in shock, a car dangerously close to him and a muffled voice desperately calling out to him. A pain struck through his head as blurred images engulfed his vision. Jimin forced himself to snap out of his stance when he saw the worried look on the source of voice he kept hearing.

“ARE YOU OKAY YOUNG MAN?” The guy tried for the nth time. Jimin subtly nodded and stood on his feet with the stranger’s help. The guy checked Jimin’s body if there were any serious bruises. “Are you hurt anywhere? Why did you cross suddenly?!”

“I..” Jimin felt hot tears form in his eyes as the blurred visions continue to disturb his mind, “I’m sorry” He bowed to the person and slowly walked away. He can’t help but let the visions invade his mind once he was away from the scene.

“Can I take you out on a date for the last time?”

“Jiminie, I will always support you”

“I miss calling you my baby. I tried so hard to take you back but I guess I was too late”

“That doesn’t mean I stopped loving you”

“I would do everything to have you again for myself Jiminie”

    “I.. I still love you too hyung. But, I can’t leave Jungkook anymore”

“I know Jimin. I know”

He let tears escape as Yoongi’s loving gaze and his own confession occupied his memories. He was confused on whether he was imagining or remembering stuff. He thought that maybe he was just imagining the scenarios due to his strong feelings towards Yoongi but then the angry face of Jungkook that he had never seen before appeared in his visions.

“WHY DID YOU MEET HIM?!” He was shaken aggressively by the younger. Jimin felt himself tremble as he met the deadly gaze of his fiancé. “ARE YOU GOING BACK TO HIM?! Let me remind you that we’re gonna get married in less than a week Park Jimin. IN ING THREE DAYS”

“Jungkook I’m not gonna lea—“

Jimin fell on the ground once again when he saw himself being pushed hardly on what seems like a mattress, with a dark eyed Jungkook hovering over him. “Maybe I should imprint on that brain of yours that you belong to me now” The younger said in a threatening voice, the next thing happened fast and Jimin unconsciously cried his eyes out, earning weird looks from people. The memory continued and he helplessly laid on the floor until someone shook him vigorously.

“PARK JIMIN SNAP OUT OF IT” He bolted up and saw a pair of worried eyes staring down at him.

“Ja..Jaebom hyung” The elder cracked a soft smile of relief and took the crying younger in his arms. “Hyung…”

“It’s okay Jimin-ah,” Jaebum caressed the younger’s back to calm him down, “You’re okay, hyung is here.”

Jimin, overwhelmed with fear and confusion, continued to cry on the elder’s shoulder and let himself be dragged out of the streets. They ended up inside Jaebum’s car, but they didn’t move until the younger stopped crying.

“I’m sorry I can’t stop crying hyung.” Jimin choked a sob and drank the water that was given to him, “I don’t even know why I’m crying so hard.” He chuckled at his own ridiculousness.

Although seeing the younger crack a smile made him somehow relieved, Jaebum still couldn’t help but be worried. “What happened there Jimin-ah? Why did you suddenly break down?”

“I..” He sighed as his hands started to tremble, “I think I just had some memories flashed earlier..”

Jaebum held the younger’s trembling left hand, “Okay, you don’t have to tell me if you’re not ready.”

“Hyung, I don’t think I can tell it to anyone though..” The younger looked down, frustration started to build up within him, “I want to tell someone, but I can’t think of anyone! I mean Taehyung is my best friend but I don’t feel confident enough to approach him. It’s like there’s this gap between us”

The elder chuckled and wondered how in the world Jimin was still able to look so adorable in the given situation. “Jimin-ah, you’re so unfair” he pouted and the younger shot him a confused look, “You can’t think of anyone? When for the past year it was me whom you run to whenever you want something off your chest. Ah really, I feel betrayed.”

Jimin finally flashed his famous blinding smile, “Did I really? We must be really close hyung!”

“Yah! We’re more than close you fool!” Jabum smiled back, the younger’s left hand still in his right “You would crash in my lovely house whenever you don’t feel like seeing your boyfriend or bestfriend! I should really have that bestfriend title”

“Hyung, did Jungkook and I fight a lot of times?”

Jaebum was taken aback by the sudden question, “On the contrary, you guys never fought.” He then furrowed his eyebrows, “But I did receive a call from you days before your wedding.”

Jimin gulped, the memory before replayed in his mind. “What did I say?”

“You were crying” Jaebum sighed, “You asked me if you made the right decision”

Jimin remained silent. ‘Did that really happen then?’ His thought sent shivers down to his spine.

“Does this have to do with what you saw in your memories?” The elder asked as he saw the stress creeping up on his dongsaeng’s face.

Jimin nodded, he tightened his grip on the elder’s hand as he shared the flashback he had. Tears started to form yet again. Anger sparked within Jaebum as he listened to the younger, no wonder Jungkook started stressing out about Jimin running away from him, at first he thought it was ridiculous but now he knew why that bastard was so scared and paranoid days before the wedding.

“Hyung, why can I feel the pain now? I feel like my insides are getting ripped! I don’t like this feeling hyung”

Jaebum groaned. He didn’t want to be a meddler but the situation calls for it so he decided to send a message to Taehyung.

To: Kim Taehyung

Taehyung, Jimin is with me. Will you meet us? Just you alone?

From: Kim Taehyung

Thank goodness you found him hyung! Okay, where should I meet you guys?

To: Kim Taehyung

At our dance school. We’re heading there now. Bring the letter.

Taehyung gulped. Hoseok decided for them to split up and look for Jimin. He found himself at the playground that he and Jimin usually runs to whenever they were troubled. Several thoughts ran through his head when he read the last message.

‘Is it the right thing to do?’

‘Should I tell the others?’

Apparently, he answered yes for both of his thoughts. He quickly grabbed a taxi and once inside, he sent a message to everyone involved.

I found Jimin. You can stop searching and rest, it’s late already. Thanks for your help.

He immediately turned his phone off as he knew he will be bombarded with calls from the two men in his bestfriend's life. After he payed the driver when he finally arrived at the destination, he dashed into the building. He was greeted by Jaebum with a smile and was lead to the room where his bestfriend was currently at.

“Ya pabo!” He shouted and ran towards Jimin who seem to be startled and switched glances from Taehyung to Jaebum. “Don’t you dare run off ever again with that condition! You made us all worried to death!”

“I’m sorry” Jimin answered quietly. “How’s Jungkook?”

Taehyung shrugged, “He was devastated of course, but more of worried when you ran away”


“Are you feeling guilty again?” Taehyung ruffled his hair in frustration, “Stop being hard on yourself Park Jimin! You have the right to be happy too! Here read this!” He shoved the letter to the other’s hand and glanced at the elder behind him who gave a nod.

Silence filled the room as Jimin read his own letter carefully, shock was painted all over his face. “I.. I set up my own accident?” He asked wide eyed and shaking. The other two sadly nodded their heads. “Wh..why?!”

Jaebum grabbed Jimin’s shoulder, forcing the younger to meet his gaze. “Who cares Jimin? Just like what you wrote! You’re alive and this is your chance to actually go after your happiness!”

“What about Jung—“

“It’s about time for you to be selfish, Jimin-ah. It’s about time for you to end this suffering. I want the old chirpy Jimin back and I’m pretty sure everyone else too!” Jaebum smiled at the younger while Taehyung just intently watched their talk. Something about the way Jaebum talked made Taehyung uneasy, he was supposed to be the one saying those words to his bestfriend. His thoughts were interrupted when the elder took Jimin in his arms and when he saw how the younger relaxed, he decided to shrug of

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Chapter 11: Please update soon. I love this story so much and I can't wait to read what happens next now that they are finally back together
Clouds22 #2
amel27 #3
Chapter 11: I was like finally an update. But it's okay just be safe and healthy ,we'll wait For you. Fighting and good luck
Chapter 11: oh, its ok, please take your time and dont force it.
cheonsadaria #5
Chapter 10: I read it all in one go. I'm jikook shipper but i loved anyway :) how about some bonus chapter autornim?
Chapter 10: woah... possesive yoongi is cutee
Banging_bangtan #7
Chapter 10: Holy !!!!! I wasn't blinking when i read the part hahahahahhaha..
Chapter 10: That definitely was not a fail. That was so good.
amel27 #9
Chapter 10: Omg kookie and jaebum waaaa *fangirlingsomuch*...and u such a liar liar ,u said u no know how to write . *judgingusoharddddddd*