
Our Complicated Life
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Yoongi finished his work early. No, he decided to stop in the middle because he wanted to drink. Yes, he wanted alcohol to consume his whole body. He wanted to forget. He wanted to not feel anything. So there he was, sitting on his usual spot at his favourite bar, consuming his favourite hard drink.

“There you are” A very familiar tall person approached him. Yoongi knew who he was but due to his already drunk state, he couldn’t see his face clearly. “I’ve been calling you but I guess I kinda knew that you’ll be here.” The guy ordered his drink, “Although I didn’t expect you to be drunk already.”

Yoongi laughed. Why? Because he didn’t expect himself to be drunk so early as well. He suddenly stopped as tears formed in his eyes. The other guy looked at him in sympathy.

“He’s getting married today” He said, “Joon-ah, my Jiminie is getting married today.”

The younger patted his shoulder as he cried. “You have to start letting other people in your life hyung. Jimin has clearly moved on. You have to get over him”

“How?” He choked a sob, “I’ve been trying to do that for the past 3 ing years! It just hurt so much. Everytime I go on a date, I pretend that it’s Jimin, but they don’t have the ing smile, lips, voice and warmth that I long for. I can’t get him out of my life. I’m miserable!”

“Then, let’s go to his wedding.”

Yoongi looked at the younger in disbelief. “Are you ing serious? You want me to witness him being happy in another man’s ing arms?!”

“If you see him happy, you’ll want to keep him like that.”

“You’re an idiot.” Yoongi laughed while Namjoon frowned, “If I see him, I will have the urge to kidnap him. So no, it’s not a good idea and the wedding started hours ago.”

The two decided to continue drinking until Namjoon’s boyfriend, Seokjin, came to pick them up. Yoongi ended up staying at the couple’s place for the night. He opened his wallet and took Jimin’s photo. He smiled upon seeing the face that he loves the most even though he had seen the photo for a thousand times already.

“Jiminie, baby” He said to the picture, “I miss you so ing much. I’m sorry I didn’t fight for us. I’m sorry I was such a coward to grab your hand and ask you to stay. I’m sorry for bringing tears in your eyes. I’m sorry for ruining us and now I have to face the consequence of knowing that you’re happy with someone else. I know we broke up a long time ago but, why do I still feel pain? Why do I still want to take you away? Why can’t I ing let you go?” He cried as he hugged the small picture to his chest.

“I hope he’s making you smile baby. I hope he’s kissing away your insecurities. I hope he hugs tightly to sleep. I hope he surprises you with kisses, because baby I know you love that so much. Baby, I’ll let you go. But please please,” He looked at the picture again, “Please promise me you’ll smile like this always.”

“I love you Jiminie. Always.” With that, Yoongi cried himself to sleep without worrying what tomorrow will bring to him.  

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE SHOULD CONTACT HIM?!” Jungkook snapped making Taehyung and Jimin’s parents flinch.

“Jungkook-ah” Mr. Park tried to calm him down.

“I am his fiancé! He doesn’t need anyone, but me!” He said firmly, but in a lower voice this time. He kept walking back and forth. He didn’t know when it started, but the anger within him was fuelled the moment they decided that it’s best to contact that almighty Min ing Yoongi. The reason was that Jimin, HIS FIANCE, needs him. His heart died knowing that the person he almost married now needs someone else. He wanted to burn the whole place, thrown anything that will come his way but the broken look on Mrs. Park’s face made him settle down and listen. “I’m sorry. I just can’t believe this..”

“Son,” Mr. Park placed an arm around the sobbing boy. “I know it hurts, but Jimin’s wellbeing is on stake here. We’ll just have to make him calm down and then we’ll slowly tell him what happened in the missing 3 years of his life. Baby steps, Jungkook. The only person who can comfort him right now is Yoongi. I hope you understand that.”

A heavy sigh escaped from Jungkook. He was currently battling himself. He doesn’t want to make Jimin suffer pain at the same time he wants to save his already broken heart. He was scared that Jimin might not come back to him if he spend time with that Yoongi. Who was he kidding anyway? Jimin shared so much emotions with that guy, they’ve been through everything. While him, he watched on the side and took him a very long excruciating time to finally make his fiancé look at him with overwhelming love. If he was being honest, until now, he’s still not confident enough with Jimin’s feelings for him even with all the assurance given.

After so much thoughts, Jungkook finally conclude that he will not be selfish and go after what his fiancé needed now. He may or may not regret it someday but for now, he needs to do everything for his Jimin. He looked at his almost father-in-law and nodded, “Okay, but I will be with Taehyung when he tells Yoongi.” Mr. Park agreed and let the two talk on how they’re going to do this.

“Hyung” Jungkook called softly, “I’m sorry about yesterday.”

The elder smiled at him, “That’s okay. Are you sure about this?”

“It’s for Jimin. I am sure.” He gulped, “No matter how much this is killing me”

Taehyung sighed, even though they didn’t really get along well, he still felt bad for the younger. “Do you want me to call him or should we just go see him?”

“I think it’s better to see him” He sighed, “I want to be able to look at him. I want him to know that this is not for them to get back together. I want to be a reminder to him.”

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1111 Views hahaha cute. Kbye.


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Chapter 11: Please update soon. I love this story so much and I can't wait to read what happens next now that they are finally back together
Clouds22 #2
amel27 #3
Chapter 11: I was like finally an update. But it's okay just be safe and healthy ,we'll wait For you. Fighting and good luck
Chapter 11: oh, its ok, please take your time and dont force it.
cheonsadaria #5
Chapter 10: I read it all in one go. I'm jikook shipper but i loved anyway :) how about some bonus chapter autornim?
Chapter 10: woah... possesive yoongi is cutee
Banging_bangtan #7
Chapter 10: Holy !!!!! I wasn't blinking when i read the part hahahahahhaha..
Chapter 10: That definitely was not a fail. That was so good.
amel27 #9
Chapter 10: Omg kookie and jaebum waaaa *fangirlingsomuch*...and u such a liar liar ,u said u no know how to write . *judgingusoharddddddd*