Are your legs Nutella? 'Cause I wanna spread them.

Pickup Lines

Day 7
Pairing: KrisSoo
Don't smoke kids.

His long and tender finger tightened around the wheel and his eyes narrowed as he tried to see the front of the traffic jam. Of course it didn't work and he leaned backwards on his seat, a sigh escaping his throat and he quickly ligthened a sigaret and annoyingly grinted his teeth for a moment. They hadn't moved for like a hour, but when they finally did he could move one car forward, just to find himself standing still for another half a hour once again.

Usually he only needed twenty minutes to get to work, today he needed about three hours. Cursing he walked into the building, his personal secretary quickly helping him out of his jacket, another secretary quickly running to give him his bag and number three ran to him with coffee. He didn't thank them, he didn't smile and when he sipped the coffee he made a face and pushed it in her hands. "It's cold." Kris pointed at the first secretary. "You. Get the new secretary to bring me a new cup with coffee and teach this one how to make proper coffee." The secretaries all bowed down to him, waiting for him to disappear into the elevator before they made their way back to their desks or a new cup of coffee. Kris took some papers out of his bag and threw them on the desk of one of the coworkers and he glared at him. "Read this. I want to know if their actions are legal or not. When you are done bring them to Mr Kim and let him send in a new lawyer." He continued his way over the floor, all to the back and entered his room. He dropped the bag on his desk and made his way to the window, his hands folding behind his back and he stared out of the window. Being on the highest floor on one of the highest buildings always thrilled him, different scenes of disaster going through his mind, but also the excitement. Running a company as big as his had always been a pain, but also a lot of fun to him. A soft knock took his attention and he his heels, glaring at the door. "Come in." He looked at a little boy, who looked at him as if he would kill him on a instant. The other boy, or rather young man, looked like the cold-blooded murderer you would always see in horror movies. He was holding a cup and placed it down on the desk, bowing unwillingly to the boss. "Here is your coffee sir." he snarled and took a step backwards. Kris noticed how the guy didn't fear him, not even a little. He stepped closer to the desk, reading the man his name 'Kyungsoo' on his uniform and he took the cup in his hand, slowly directing it to his lips as he continued to look at the man, who simply continued to glare in return. I will tame this boy. Kris thought and he took a sip, liking the coffee to his surprise and he lowered the cup. "Are your legs Nutella? 'Cause I wanna spread them." He said, testing the boy, who formed a small smirk on his lips. "I ain't that easy to get, nor to tame sir." The man said and made his way out. Kris walked with the cup back to the window, looking out once again. "Mission accepted." He murmered and brought the cup back to his lips.

Thank you my friend ChunniesAngel for giving me this pickup line!

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