When God made you, he was showing off.

Pickup Lines

Day 8
Pairing: LayTao

Lay brought his hands to the fabrics on the mannequin and smiled. A soft balled played on the radio in the front of the store while he continued to work in the back. The store he worked at ran on clothes which were ready to wear, but also on exotic, hand-made pieces. The made to measure and sometimes custom clothes did cost a lot of money, but then they would have guaranteed life-time quality and it would be one of a kind. None of his personal productions were the same, he always made sure to do someting little different. "The way you cry, the way you smile." He sang softly as he placed the mannequin aside and took another one, placing it in the middle of his working area and he continued to sew a beautifull red dress together. His colleague made his way to Lay and eyed him. "Ah. Lay. I have a problem, I have a customer in my room, but I need to pick up my sister... but the customer is really short on time, only available right now and he refuses to return a other day since he is overseas and here for a unintended charity party, so he is kinda in a hurry to." He said and Lay nodded at him, smiling faintly. "Don't worry, I will solve it, you go pick up your sister." He said and the man hugged him. "Thanks man! You are saving me!" Lay watched his colleague and friend go and laughed. They had been working together for years and his colleague only used his sister as a lie to cover the fact that he was either going on a date or trying to get Lay to hook up with a customer. Lay shook his head and made his way to the other his room. Usually they both would work in their rooms on new pieces and helping out customers, while their other two colleagues ran the store. He closed his door behind him and continued his way, softly knocking on the door before entering and he stared at the tall man who stood in front of the mirror. The man was wearing the trousers, his shirt opened while he examined himself into the mirror. Lay found himself looking astonished at the man. He simply looked perfect in those pants and Lay blushed as the man moved his eyes in the mirror, looking straight at Lay. Lay knew he had to apologize for staring like that to the man, but he thought that a simple 'I am sorry' wouldn't do well enough. Heavily he swallowed and moved to the man, adjusting the shirt on his shoulders a little. "When God made you, he showed off." He stated, both saying sorry and complimenting at the man and he stood in front of the man, starting to button the man his shirt who let him be. "Thank you. I assume you are Lay?" the man asked and Lay nodded silently. "My name is Tao. Your colleague told me a lot about you." Lay looked a little apologizing to him. "I am sorry if he bothered you." Tao gestured his apology away. "No he didn't." and soon they found themselves talking about different things. From the smallest innocent things, to deeper thoughts, even to dreams about their futures and before Lay knew it he had finished the man his suit and handed him the bag after the man changed to his casual clothing. Black leather pants, a black v-neck and sunglasses and Lay found himself astonished looking at Tao again. Tao handed him a card and Lay blinked while looking at it. "You should join me during the charity gala tonight. Call me." Tao said and left the room, leaving Lay behind and Lay watched him leave, his eyes turning to the card in his hand and a smile formed on his lips when he saw the chinese letters which spelled Tao his name and he smiled while typing Tao's name in his phone and called him. "You told me to call you. I will join you." He said after Tao had picked up. He didn't need time to think about it, he knew this was the right thing. After all, what could happen?

Thank you Ryna-oppa for telling me that the couple would end together.

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