Chapter four

Secrets told

Chanwoo and Yunhyeong were riding for half an hour now and they slowly started to approach a forest. Behind the forest is the Kingdom of Winner. There they will meet Taehyun, he isn't one of the Seers, he is the adoptive son of an elder, so he knew everybody. He was a quiet person. Always looked like he was ready to murder someone, but he has a big and a caring heart. Taehyun was married to the Prince of Winner, Prince Mino. Chanwoo never met him in Person but he always heard praises from other people when the Prince was mentioned.

They started to ride into the forest so both of them went a little slower so that their horses won't trip over roots or fallen branches. The sun started to set and it got darker and colder in the forest. Chanwoo remembered how he always took the other Seers with him to play in the dark forests hide and seek. He and the others would always get in trouble for it later, but he loved the times where he could be just like the other kids his age, to run around freely to have lots of friends and a real childhood. Because Chanwoo didn't have one, he was always pressured to be everywhere on time, to be able to do something after only seeing it once. He was supposed to know things that he never even heard before. Sometimes he was left alone in the middle of nowhere and was supposed to survive on his own. Back then he hated his elder for doing that to him but now he was kind of grateful for it, knowing that it turned out to be useful.

Chanwoo was so immersed in his memories that he almost didn't hear the shouts of warnings coming from Yunhyeong behind him. Suddenly there were arrows coming from every direction around them. Chanwoo fell of his horse and hide behind some stones that were hidden in the dark. He looked up to see where Yunhyeong is but he couldn't find him. Chanwoo started to get worried hearing the shouts of pain from the horses but he still couldn't hear anything from Yunhyeong. Suddenly there was a blue beam that shot into the sky and it fell in waves like a dome around them. The arrows that were previously shooting at them started to backfire once they hit the blue light. Chanwoo crawled out of his hidden place and walked back to where they were before. He could see thousand of arrows stuck in the ground. He maneuvered himself around the arrows until he could see the older boy and his horse. When he saw them he immediately ran to them. Not only was the horse covered with arrows but there was also an arrow stuck in Yunhyeongs shoulder. But Yunhyeong didn't seem to notice his own injury rather starting to fuzz around the injury of his horse. You didn't even need to be a doctor to see that the animal wouldn't make it. The horse lost too much blood.

"Yunhyeong, we can't help him! No matter what we will do he will die either way! We have to go!" Chanwoo treid to coax Yunhyeong to go with him, he felt sorry for Yunhyeong and the horse but he knew that they are only loosing time, time that could turn out to be precious. Yet the older didnt budge kneeing next to his horse.
"No I'm not leaving him. We can still help him. I think I have some bandages in my bag, we can use them and...and...and. No... Please. ", Yunhyeong started sobbing. His head hang low and the tears streamed down his face falling into the wounds of the wounded animal.,"Please help him. He's the only thing I still have that is as close as a family to me! We can't just leave him here! You don't leave your family behind!"

His words hurt me. ´You don´t leave you´re family behind` he was right you dont leave them behind but what if you´re family doesn´t want you anymore? Chanwoo was so immersed in my own thoughts that he jumped a little a the loud sobs coming from the boy next to him. Chanwoo´s heart hurt seeing him like this but he also knew that they couldn't help the horse. He didn't have the powers to heal the animal or Yunhyeong.

Just then a boy appeared almost like out of thin air and wandered into the net of protection that Yunhyeong was still casting. The boy didn't look very muscular or terrifying more like really cute. He looked like was slightly older than Yunhyeong and he had a dimple on his right cheek. With quick steps he went to Yunhyeong and his horse and put his hands over the wounded animal. His hands glew in a faint green light and he was completely silent as he worked on the horse. Pulling out the arrows and closing the wound. When he finished and the horse could stand again ahe turned around and started working on Yunhyeongs shoulder.

"Hello! Nice to meet you two. My name is Zhang Yixing but everybody calls me Lay" The sudden disturbance of peace startled Chanwoo. Lay had a small accent that showed that he wasn't from this area. He finally close the wound on Yunhyeongs shoulder and stood up.

"Come, Lord Taehyun is waiting for you!" He turned around and went into the direction that Chanwoo and Yunhyeong were previously headed to. Both boys shared a look and took the leashes of their horses and followed Lay. Miraculously Chanwoo´s horse was unharmed. They followed Lay in silence for a short time when suddenly the boys head shot up and startled Yunhyeong.

"I think I didn't introduce myself completely.", he began." My name is Lay and I'm one of the guards of the Tree of Life. As you can see my power is healing." He had a charming smile on his face after he said the last sentence.

"Guards of the Tree of Life! You must be from EXO then!" Yunhyeong looked positively surprised. No wonder, thought Chanwoo, the Guards of the Tree of Life is a fairytale that is told to kids as a bedtime story. But Chanwoo knew that they existed. The two leaders of the Guards, Suho and Kris, always came to the meetings of the elders. Remembering his friends he asked Lay about them.

"How are Suho and Kris doing. And what about the rest of you guys?"
"They're alright. I guess. Little stressed out preparing for the war but alright I guess. The others are a lot more anxious about the issue."

"Wait what war?" Chanwoo looked taken aback. Nobody would start a war without consulting the Seers first!

"Well we didn't get the official word yet but there is no other option for the Seers other than war."

"But what is even happening? Why did we get the letters?"

"It started a few weeks ago in EXO-K. People would disappear for days even weeks and when they came back they would be dull, emotionless, they didn't talk didn't made any eye contact and on their second night back, they would go on a rampage destroying everything they could see. At first there were only a few cases and just a few damages but these disappearances continued with even more people and the first victims of these rampages were noted. It spread over to EXO-M and to f(x). We heard that it started to happen in 2NE1 to. 
Chanwoo, I thing it started! The Prophecy has begun!" He looked him straight in the eyes and Chanwoo felt himself shudder. 

"What? No, No, No, No! It's impossible, it can't be! We don't even have the whole translation of the Prophecy!"

"We know that's why Big Bang, Miss A and Super Junior sent some of their troops to find a translator for it."

"We haven't found anyone yet" said Lay looking defeated at the ground.

"Oh no this can't be happening! Why now?" Chanwoo shook his head.

"I really hate to disturb your conversation but I think we arrived." announced Yunhyeong from behind them.

Chanwoo completely forgot about the older being there because he was to immersed in the conversation he had with Lay. Yunhyeong also held the leashes to both of their horses. It seemed like Chanwoo dropped them during Lays explanation.

And it really did seem like they arrived. But instead of the familiar mountains and and seas you would see when entering the Kingdom of Winner you could see seas of tents instead. The tents looked bigger than normal ones, you could fit at least 15 people into one. They were all beige with symbols drawn on them. He could recognize some symbols as symbols of protection or bravery but he also recognized the symbols of the Kingdoms on them. People of various ages were running around, some where holding armor or books and scrolls, others where talking passionately gesticulating with their hands, but most of them where just running from one t not to another all in all it looked like one big organized mess. While Chanwoo and Yunhyeong were still watching in amazement at the people walking around them, Lay was already taking them into the Center of all this Chaos into the biggest tent. It had a sign that read Central on it. They went inside and Chanwoo was immediately overrun by Taehyun who was talking so quick that you couldn't understand a word. 

"Hold on for a second! I can't understand anything if you're talking so fast!" Laughed Chanwoo. He had a big smile on his face and returned the hug the smaller man gave him.

"I'm just ... Happy that you arrived safely. I was getting worried so I sent Lay to look for you and help you if anything happened. Nothing happened right?" 

"Well actually", Chanwoo confessed," we were attacked by someone in the forest. I don't know who, but they hurt Yunhyeong and his horse. Thankfully Lay came and healed them!"

Taehyun had a mixture of surprise and shock on his face.

"In the forest? That can't be! We're patrolling it. MINO!!"

 A good looking guy with an eyepatch on his right eye appeared almost immediately next to Taehyun.

"You called, Love?" He ran his fingers through Taehyun hair while wearing a goofy smile on his face.

"Mino! Stop grinning like that. The three just came back and said that somebody attacked them in the forest." Taehyun looked positively angry and stared the young prince down. The Princes expression changed from a goofy grin to a concerned face in a second.

"What that can't be! I mean we are patrolling it right now! There's no way they could've been attacked!"

 "And yet it happened. And there was awhile group of them, they must've been at least 20 of them in it. They attacked us with arrows. We couldn't see them, they hid themselves in the trees." explained Yunhyeong.

"I'm going to sends a few people to investigate it. The forest is supposed to be a safe place!" With these words he turned around, went out if the tent and right into the flood of people. Taehyun went over to a table and sat down.

The others followed him.  He ran his fingers through his hair and only now did Chanwoo see the dark circles beneath his eyes and how thin he looked in his baggy clothes. Taehyun only wore some worn out pants and an oversized Shirt that clearly belonged to Mino.

He sighed." Since all of these things started happening I don't know what to do anymore. We're sitting down here preparing for war while not even half of the Kingdoms know about it!" 
Who do we already have here to fight and support." asked Chanwoo. The way Taehyun described everything made him feel nervous.

"All of YG and SM knows. I think JYP too. BigHit is sending their fighters, they should arrive tomorrow. Cubes Kingdoms are either sending troops or resources. The same with Jellyfish, Fantagio and Pledis. I haven't gotten any information from the others yet. Chanwoo nodded he felt slightly relieved all of these Kingdoms had good warriors. Some of the best even.

"That's good lets see what the other Kingdoms will say. And what about the Seers?"

"I will bring you to the meeting myself. We have another Seer here so both of you will be traveling with me."

"Really? Who is it?" Chanwoo almost jumped out of his chair hearing that. Taehyun had a small grin on his face.

"It's Hyuk. He's in the tent on the left next to us." I nodded making a mental note to visit him later, we never really been on good terms. Since a misunderstanding between King Bobby and Hyuks lover, Ravi, he was a powerful warrior and known through all the Kingdoms.      


So did you guys expect theses two? Is the story moving to fast. Is there anything bothering you.

Please tell me what you think! ;)

EDIT: I changed a few things in this and the last chapter, I think it would be better if you re-read them.

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The next chapter will probably be updated today or tomorrow!


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The setting of the story is good . . Please update soon . . .I'm definitely subscribing to this . . :)
Chapter 2: I still can't understand this because maybe there aren't many explanation~ but I like it, it sounds interesting for me^^
anamara #3
Chapter 2: You definitely should continue this. But I think that chapters should be a little bit longer. ;) So I will wait for next chapter. ;) I'm a little bit confused but I think it will disappear with few next chapters.
But can you tell me who are the ones who can "see"? I don't think you mentioned this before ;)
tezzifrea #4
Chapter 1: it sounds good so far :))