Chapter three

Secrets told

Just like Hanbin said, all three of them met in the dining room. One table was completely empty. Four chairs stood around it. Three chairs for the Kings and Chanwoo and the fourth for the person that will accompany Chanwoo to his meeting. It was eerily quiet when Chanwoo stepped into the room. The Kings were already sitting at the table following him with their eyes until he sat down.

Chanwoo was avoiding eye contact and was looking instead at the paintings on the walls. He could see the former King and Queen smiling a warmhearted smile. Chanwoos heart hurt, that was the only painting they were able to retrieve . After a tragical fire the whole castle burned down, the royal family that was inside also died tragically. The fire is still a mystery to the people living in iKon. Sudden fires weren't uncommon in this area but there was never a documented case of such a big fire in the middle of the monsoon season.

Chanwoo focused his attention back to the other two people in the room. There were a few minutes of silence before Bobby sat up straight put on a smile on his face that looked obviously forced and asked him: "Now, tell us. Who are the Seers?" Even though Chanwoo knew that the question would be the first one to be asked he didn't expect the King to be so blunt about it. King Bobby was never one to sugercoat things but it still came as a surprise. Knowing that there was no way out of this situation, Chanwoo put his hand on his chest to feel the familiar bump underneath the fabric the Amulett would cause. He took a deep breath and started to tell them everything.

"As you know all of us are capable of using magic. Some can use more magic others less. Every child, it doesn't matter how high it is ranked or what status it has in our society has to undergo the Examination, to see how good they already harmonize with their powers-" Chanwoo has started his explanation but was abruptly cut off by King Bobby. "Chanwoo I went to school I know all of this already!" said a slightly irritated Bobby. 'Why isn't he getting straight to the point?'. "Shut up and let him finish you idiot! He only just started!" shushed him Hanbin and slapped his arm with an annoyed expression on his face. "Right, sorry. Please Continue."

Chanwoo chuckeld at the small bickering of the couple in front of him and started to realize how much he would miss them. As quickly as his expression changed to sadness it changed back to a neutral expression and he continued his explanation.

"As I was saying. The children will undergo examinations to see how good they already harmonize with their powers, but that's only half the truth, as you probably noticed during your own examination that some children didn't come back from theirs. The doctors that carry the examinations out will tell the parents of these kids that they would like to train them to let them work for the Kingdom later. That's only true in some aspects. In reality they found out that the child has some rare powers. They take these kids with them and train them and their powers to function better while at the same time running tests on them, they are basically the Kingdoms Lab rats. In the end they really do work for the Kingdom. Mostly as peace keepers or some Officials. They are also known as the Special guard. They are the ones who will 'fight' if something is threatening the Kingdom."

Chanwoo was only halfway through his explanation and the new Kings were already shocked by how much information was hidden from the public.He was really anticipating their reaction to the Information he was going to tell them now.                                                                                                                              "But even between these children you will always find ones that are even more powerful that have even rarer powers. These children will be taken away and will be brought to the custody of the elders. They will receive specialized training and are going to meet other special 'cases' from other Kingdoms. They hate each other mostly, but it's important for them to get to know each other so they can communicate with each other. This group of people are called the Seers and they work together with the Kings and Queens of the respective Kingdoms. After they finish training with the elders, that's usually when they turn 16, they will be put into high positions to be as close to the rulers of the Kingdoms as possible. When something happens all of the Seers in the Kingdoms will be called to a place that is only known by them and What happens next is decided by all of them together. And this is what's happening right now. I'm one of these Seers. It means that I have to go as quickly as I can, the Solistice is just in a few days. The place where I have to go is far away from here."

Chanwoo was silent after that not daring to say anything. He was waiting for their reaction. "And... When were we supposed to find out about this?" asked Hanbin after a few minutes of processing the information he just got. "Tomorrow actually. I was planning to tell you tomorrow about it, but it seems you were a little quicker." Chanwoo scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "So what are we going to do now?" asked Chanwoo.

He was curious what the two Kings will do and if they will stick with their plan of giving him someone to go with him. He kept looking at the couple in front of him trying to find out what they were talking about. Sadly that wasn't working due to the fact that they were probably having mind conversations. Screw them and their Powers. Hanbin closed his eyes for a second he had a concentrated look on his face. "I talked with Bobby about this and we think we know with whom you will go there. After your explanation, we believe that the person we chose might be one of those people who had some special training. He will be here in a few minutes. He will tell you his powers, what he is able to do and what he knows himself about what is going on. We ordered him to tell us if he thinks that you might need help from us. You can go as soon as you can. We already packed for you the things that you would most likely need and the horses are also ready for you.... Please stay safe!"

After Hanbin's speech Chanwoo was left alone. The kings have left and he stayed getting anxious about the idea of having to pull someone innocent into the battle he is most likely about to face.

Chanwoo pov

Suddenly the doors opened and a handsome young man dressed in black came in. Seriously, everything was black. His shoes, his pants, his Shirt, even his Jacket was black, dressed like that I started to wonder if his underwear was also black. After I realized that I was staring at the guys' pants for a little too long I could basically feel my blood shooting into my head. First impression= nailed it Chanwoo seriously. I groaned slightly but it seemed that the guy didnt realize my not so discreet staring or he was just acting like it never happened. Either way I became a little curious.

He didn't seem very muscular and I couldn't feel his powers. Is he that powerful that he can hide his powers? Does he even have any? Finally he stepped forward, he stretched out his hand waiting for me to do the same but I just stood in front of him not moving. The guy grinned, nodding at me. "Good, you're not as stupid as you look"

"Excuse me? Whats that supposed to mean?" I was slightly suprised, that guy had the nerve. "Anyway, my name is Yunhyeong. Your bodyguard for this 'quest'"

I couldn't believe that arrogant, self loving, good looking toad is supposed to come along with me?

"For your Information, you aren't my bodyguard youre actually something along the lines of a maid." I countered. Grinning at him, he glared back.

" By the way you were supposed to tell me your powers?"

"I guess so but only If you tell me yours."

"Fine by me we need to know about each other anyway. So?"

If we are supposed to get along we will have to know our strengths and weaknesses. "Power replication and Clairvoyance."

"Impressive. That's why you wanted to shake my hand? Sorry but it won't work with me!"

"What, why?" That Yunhyeong guy looked genuinely surprised by that. "My name is Jung Chanwoo. My Powers are: Environmental adaption, precognition and power manipulation. Nice to meet you." I just stood there and grinned while he looked at me with his eyes wide open. "Power Manipulation? Does that even exist? I have never heard of that!" I just sighed and prepared myself for the next round of explanation. "Well I'm sure you can remember after your examination......."


So What do you guys think? I worked really hard on this one. Its the longest Chapter in this story so I hope you will like ;) And did you expect Yunhyeong to appear? What surprised you the most? Tell me! :) Ahh and btw Clairvoyance is when you show somebody for example a picture and he can tell younwhere that person from the picture is.

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The next chapter will probably be updated today or tomorrow!


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The setting of the story is good . . Please update soon . . .I'm definitely subscribing to this . . :)
Chapter 2: I still can't understand this because maybe there aren't many explanation~ but I like it, it sounds interesting for me^^
anamara #3
Chapter 2: You definitely should continue this. But I think that chapters should be a little bit longer. ;) So I will wait for next chapter. ;) I'm a little bit confused but I think it will disappear with few next chapters.
But can you tell me who are the ones who can "see"? I don't think you mentioned this before ;)
tezzifrea #4
Chapter 1: it sounds good so far :))