Chapter one

Secrets told

Chanwoo knew that it would be a really long day even before it was noon. When he woke up he was scolded by the maids, he woke up to late which meant he missed breakfast, which also meant that Hanbin will be pissed at him... again. Bobby wouldnt be to harsh at him for that mistake but Hanbin definitely would. Chanwoo sighed and made his way to his office, being a Consultant for the new Kings meant a lot of work for Chanwoo. Sorting out the Congratulations, from offered Alliances of the other Kingdoms.

But as he stepped into his office he knew immediately that something must be wrong, for starters his desk was cleaned and his papers were organized and put into neat stacks at the front of the desk. Astound he got closer to his desk when suddenly the chair turned around and in it sat none other than King Hanbin. Chanwoo turned immediately ghostly pale and started to apologize. "I'm so sorry that I didnt appear for breakfast today, my lord. I slept in because I spent the whole night organizing the papers." Now he also remmembered why his desk looked so clean. He spent 3 hours cleaning it while worrying how he should tell the new Kings about the secret of the Kingdoms, about his secret.

"Its alright. I understand." ,calmed him Hanbin down and looked at him with a curious smile," I came for another reason. I got a letter today fro-" Hanbin was interrupted by Bobby who barged in with a large grin on his face. Realizing it was his husband without manners Hanbin could only roll his eyes while having a small affectionate smile on his face.

King Hanbins and King Bobbys marriage was a different one, normally they would've been forced into their marriage, luckily they were already in love, before the anouncement of the arranged marriage. It was practically a gift sent from heavens for them.

"Finally found you, Chanwoo!" exclaimed Bobby," I went to wake you up but it seemed you made it before me." Chanwoo was stunned both Kings looked profusely happy and grinned at him like the Cheshire Cat.

"My lords its an honor, really. But why are both of you here?"

"We came to tell you that, we got a letter from all of the Kingdoms. All of them were addressed to you. We're sorry that we already looked inside but we were just to curious. Its about a meeting of the Seers!" answered Hanbin him. "Chanwoo what are the Seers?" asked Bobby carefully.

Meanwhile Chanwoo was just about to start hyperventilating 'A meeting of the Seers!' He thought, 'Something must be really wrong.'

Without thinking he ripped the letters out of King Hanbins hand and read it.



So how do you like the story so far? Should I continue it? Did I confuse you guys with something? Please let me know! :) And btw 'The Seers' are the 'group of people' they just call themself that, not all of them can "See" XD

The next Chapter should be longer! I hope so XD




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The next chapter will probably be updated today or tomorrow!


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The setting of the story is good . . Please update soon . . .I'm definitely subscribing to this . . :)
Chapter 2: I still can't understand this because maybe there aren't many explanation~ but I like it, it sounds interesting for me^^
anamara #3
Chapter 2: You definitely should continue this. But I think that chapters should be a little bit longer. ;) So I will wait for next chapter. ;) I'm a little bit confused but I think it will disappear with few next chapters.
But can you tell me who are the ones who can "see"? I don't think you mentioned this before ;)
tezzifrea #4
Chapter 1: it sounds good so far :))