A Marriage Contract







※ A Marriage Contract ※








The 'Girl' who will get married to a familiar but unfamiliar 'Boy'

"Look. I have someone I love! But why do I have to get married to you!"

Shin Jimin (19)


The 'Boy' who will get married to a familiar but unfamiliar 'Girl'

"You think I don't have someone I love! You don't need to say that, because I hate it too!"

Lee Jonghwa (19)


The 'Girl' who will go back to her familiar but unfamiliar past

"Excuse me. I think you are mistaken but Jonghwa loves me, not you."

Eun Naeun (19)


The 'Boy' who will go back to his familiar but unfamiliar past

"I know that there is no place to be in her heart, I can tell when I see her."

Park Daewon (19)


The 'Boy' who will have to go through all the unfamiliar situation

"I'm sorry, but Shin Jimin is my girl."

Kim Sangbae (19)


The 'Girl' who will want to run away from the familiar but unfamiliar past

"I don't want to try and remember about my past, what if it's painful?"

Lee Wolhee (19)


The 'Boy' who will have to accept his familiar but unfamiliar past

"You don't know that your past is bad or not. It could also be happy too."

Song Jaeho (18)


The 'Boy' who will get all the pain from his familiar but unfamiliar past

"I don't want you getting hurt because of him."

Kim Joohyun (19)


The 'Girl' who will try to heal her familiar but unfamiliar past

"I've been thinking about it for awhile but it seems like we are all missing something important."

Choi Yuri (19)


The 'Boy' who will try to heal his familiar but unfamiliar past

"We should start all over again, Isn't that the answer to it?"

Lee Kyungtak (19)





 The familiar but unfamiliar love story will start now




Poster Credits to: Euniice9 @ Rude Love Graphics


Won't be updating this week, personal reasons.


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faddyrobot09 #1
Chapter 4: ahhhh wow you're on a roll with the updates! but i'm kinda confused with the item being sold to moos' mom and their stay at jota's place? I mean, how is the item being sold to Moos' mom related to their stay at Jota's place and also why with the marriage? sooo many questions once again. Can't believe Moos got married though, but then again it's probably business related.
faddyrobot09 #2
Chapter 1: ahhhh cliffhanger!!!! so many questions to ask like who's the korean guy shooting people in the alley. and whats with this assassin theme going on. lol i meant that in a good thing btw!