#9 Scenario: Nagging = Loving

I'll B There To C You


I'm back with a new scenario again ^^

Tbh, this scenario is an aftermath of Descendants Of The Sun ep. 14 (I'm sorry for those who aren't a fan of the drama nor have yet watched it, but I'm a big fan of DOTS & love to spoil things). However, now that DOTS has ended I don't know what I'm going to do with my Wednesdays & Thursdays u.u I hope there will be an interesting drama to watch after this...

So... this #9 scenario is about Chanyeol got hurt while protecting someone & Baekhyun saw green here & there... (it is Taehyung's POV)

Don't forget to upvote & leave a comment, mkay?








“He is fine. But I’m afraid he will have to stay here for one or two days. Some blisters would pop open soon by the way so it is going to be really itchy. Don’t worry though… we will change the bandage frequently”




“Just tie this person if you find him scratching… you get it, Kim Taehyung?”




That was a sudden and totally unexpected order, and Taehyun ended up staring with his mouth wide open. “Huh?”

“You can even hit him in case he won’t listen to you”

“W-what?”, Taehyung hesitated as he exchanged uneasy look with a nurse standing near him. “How can I hit a patient?”

“Yes, you can. I’m that patient’s guardian. I’m giving you a green light now”

Taehyung glanced down at the said patient and felt bad for the latter right away. So much for being sick it seemed. “Exactly. This patient is a public figure too. I don’t dare to go against his millions fans”

“Oh… so you’re brave enough to disregard me, huh?”





“Okay, Baek. Stop it. You scared the boy already”

Taehyung turned to the patient—Dr. Byun’s husband back as he heaved a sigh of relief he didn’t realize he had been holding in. He also gave the injured male a smile, albeit discreetly. Because only God knew how long Dr. Byun, that sunbae of his, would keep being mad.

Heck he had no idea why did the older act up like that. First, Dr. Byun was a crying mess at the ER, that he, Kim Taehyung needed to step in to attend the latter’s husband. However, the senior doctor suddenly got pissed, making him all nervous before he was told then that he wasn’t the cause of the bipolar behaviour.

Taehyung was thankful but it didn’t mean he won’t pity the very patient in front of him, that is Park Chanyeol, slash the nation’s chef celebrity.




“I did? Then it’s fair, patient Park Chanyeol. At least I wouldn’t be the only person who got myself scared to death today…”

Taehyung watched the renowned chef as the male let out a sigh, before he unconsciously sighed along. Unluckily, it was such a bad move from him as Dr. Byun heard it and shot him a menacing glare.

“I’m sorry, alright? It was an accident. I wasn’t being careful”, Mr. Park apologized and Taehyung felt glad at once that it finally got Dr. Byun’s attention off him.

“Not you, Park Chanyeol-shi… it was the woman whom you risked your life for. Why on the earth did she get to work in your restaurant if she was that bad in handling the kitchen?”

“Don’t blame Dara noona, please, Baek?”

“So her name is Dara?”

“Sandara. I told you, didn’t I?”, Mr. Park said and Taehyung swore he saw smokes coming from Dr. Byun’s ears afterwards.

“I don’t care, okay! Why should I remember your staff’s name especially hers whose always gave you this sultry look whenever I visited you at your restaurant?!”




As if it was a cue, Taehyung felt a nudge on his elbow that he turned aside and found the nurse beside him tilting her head back, directing to the door. He immediately understood the gesture because he somewhat felt like a teen who came across his parents fighting, which was very awkward.

Still, it looked like luck wasn’t on his side again…

“Stay where you are, Dr. Kim!”, Dr. Byun’s stern voice filled the room just as he was about to make a move towards the door.

“Err… well you and Mr. Park seem to be in a serious conversation… so I don’t want to bother?”

“If someone has to leave, it gonna be me, Kim Taehyung. My husband has just mentioned someone else’s name when I already cried Han river for him an hour ago”

Taehyung gave a tense laugh hearing that as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Urm… yeah, sunbae

“Now tell this patient what is in store for him after trying to be his noona’s hero, will you, hoobae-nim?”, Dr. Byun asked tauntingly and Taehyung groaned in silence. ‘Great I’m stuck’




“Well you see, Mr. Park…”, Taehyung paused, waiting for the said patient to look up. “You burned almost half of your body. This is quite serious because the damage extended beyond the top layer of the skin—“

“I bet he didn’t think of that at all when he shielded his damsel in distress from the hot broth. Why must you do it, Park Chanyeol-shi? Did you think you have superpower or sort?”

Dr. Byun cut him and Taehyung mentally patted himself for keeping mum right away. He then brought his eyes up to check on Mr. Park as his lips slowly tugged into a soft grin. The chef surely looked like an obedient, kicked puppy at the moment.

“I was the closest to Dara noona that time, Baek. Of course my instinct would tell me to save her”, Mr. Park reasoned, and yet, Taehyung’s own instinct told him that his senior couldn’t see nothing but green at the chef’s words.

“Oh… really? Was she pretty up close?”

“Yes, she was pretty. But you’re prettier”


“I’m sorry… you’re the prettiest”

And Taehyung wanted to gag listening to the cheesiness. Nonetheless, as he noticed Dr. Byun’s expression softened a bit, he knew then why the couple suit one another.




“Besides, Dara noona has a boyfriend, Baekhyunnie. It isn’t like I’m upset about it or what, but I’m seriously not her type, alright?”

“Are you kidding me?! I told you I caught her looking at you so many times, okay?”

“That is how you got misunderstood, Baek. She wasn’t looking at me but his boyfriend. You know Donghae hyung? One of the patissier? They have been going out for a year to be frank”

“Lying only make thing worse, Park Chanyeol”

“But I’m not. Trust me. They are dating. I was just happened to be near Donghae hyung every time Dara noona looked at him. Try remember, Baek. I was indeed with hyungie whenever you came visiting, wasn’t I?”

It was silent for a while, but then the slight alarming expression his senior wore after that making Taehyung snorted lightly. ‘Seem like Mr. Park is innocent’

A buzzing sound disturbed the silence later and Taehyung amusedly grinned as Dr. Byun checked his pager. No matter what the emergency might be, the older should really thank God for getting him an escape.

“I-I need to go”, Dr. Byun said, making his grin widened, yet he quickly covered his mouth with the medical chart in his hand.

“Next time let Donghae hyung worry about his girlfriend alone. You only allowed to think about me, you get it, Yeol?”

The older said again, receiving a quick yes from Mr. Park, and Taehyung let out a chuckle as he watched the senior doctor hurriedly walking out of the room next.

Sunbae, where are you going?”, Taehyung asked in a teasing manner.


The answer made everyone left in the room burst into laughter for several seconds. Smiling, Taehyung stepped closer to the bed and checked the bag of fluid connected to Mr. Park’s IV line, before jotting down something on the latter’s chart.

“Baekhyun really nags a lots, doesn’t he?”

Taehyung lifted his head up and nodded in an exaggerated way as he handed over the medical chart to the nurse beside him. “Yeah… it is going to kill me and everyone in our department soon”

“Baekhyun and I have been together for years, you know?”, Mr. Park muttered, all smiley. “Shall I die already?”

Taehyung shrugged as he put his hands in his white coat pocket. “So… what is the reason for you to stay alive until now?”


Taehyung made a face straightway.














I suddenly wondered what do you think of the actual me in real life after reading all these scenarios >.<

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SORRY. I wanted to put an update but I'm so busy lately... the peak of working 9-5


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