Epilogue (3). It's so awkward it hurts

Of denials and not-so-secret crushes

Taehyung and Jungkook were the last to leave.  Taehyung wanted to stay a little bit more, as he wanted to try the strawberry cake that the café offers. Once the other pairs went on their own ways, Taehyung finally got off Jungkook’s lap, much to the younger male’s disappointment relief.

They called for the waitress to get their orders, Taehyung was excitedly ordering strawberry cheesecake and hot chocolate for himself. Meanwhile Jungkook was too busy ogling staring at Taehyung was oblivious of the coy stare that the waitress sends to the younger male.

“I’ll have the same.” He replied offhandedly when the waitress turned towards him, whilst trying to bat her eyelashes and sending her sweetest smile towards the younger male. But, unfortunately for her, Jungkook paid no heed who was engaged in a conversation with his bestfriend.

The waitress humphed and stomped back to the counter, that little scene brought Jungkook’s attention towards her and asked Taehyung, “What’s with the waitress?”

The brunette shrugged his shoulders and smiled (a little smugly) as he engaged the younger into another conversation involving butterflies, bunnies and the moon. For a normal person this conversation must sound very weird, but nothing is really weird when it comes to Taehyung. It must be part of his charm, but all Jungkook knows is that everytime he gets wired into a conversation with Taehyung, the older male will always say whatever thought is running through his head, no matter how bizarre it was. And surprisingly, the black haired male does not mind it at all. In fact, he was practically charmed that he is hopelessly trying to keep up with Taehyung’s train of thought.

Jungkook does not know why he feels especially comfortable with Taehyung around. The younger male has always been a recluse and an introvert, the first friend he made in college was Jimin (and mainly it was because they are roommates) and Yoongi (who was Jimin’s boyfriend) and finally Taehyung. It was unnerving how the older male had instantly captured Jungkook’s attention and wormed his way into the younger male’s heart.

This was no surprise; really, Taehyung has that ability to charm even the most emotionally constipated person in the entire campus. The male has this ambition to befriend almost everyone in the school. And that was the biggest problem for Jungkook.

Because Taehyung’s only intention is to befriend him, being the nice and friendly person he is. They are bestfriends, and that is all the ever will be.

Whereas Jungkook had hopelessly fell in love with the charming male.

His thoughts were interrupted by the waitress who set down their orders on the table. Both males looked up and noticed that she styled her hair and opened a few buttons of her blouse, exposing her collarbones.

The younger male looked at her weirdly and sent Taehyung a confused gaze, ‘Is she trying to hit on you or me?’ he tried to ask. It is amazing how the brown haired male had practically read his mind and shrugged as an answer. However, the older male snorted as the waitress humphed when he saw that Jungkook was clearly not interested on her.

‘Ha! Take that. Sorry girl, Jungkookie doesn’t swing that way.’

Then the waitress tried to direct her charms towards him, batting her eyelashes and trying to slip her number near his coffee.

‘Uhh. No, I don’t swing that way either.’

He politely smiled back and did the only thing he can think of right now. He slipped his outstretched hands towards Jungkook over the table. The waitress immediately saw their interlinked hands and rushed away from the table, either in cold harsh judgment or pure embarrassment, Taehyung doesn’t want to know.

At least, they got rid of her.

However, as he finally faced his bestfriend he saw that the black haired male was looking at their joined hands with wide eyes, and his cheeks are colored with slight hint of pink.

He tightened his hold, making the younger’s attention turn to him. He smiled slightly, trying to hide his own blush and thundering heartbeat. However, the younger male was still too dumbfounded to comprehend.

“Jungkookie. Are you alright?” he tried to ask but as soon as he asked the younger jumped and promptly let go of his hand. The lack of warmth and the emptiness almost made Taehyung grab and hold the other’s hand once again. But he can’t. He can’t, not yet.

“Yeah. Yeah I’m fine.” Jungkook winced at the slightly high tone and forced nonchalance. He knew that the older male did not believe him but chose not to comment, much to Jungkook’s relief.

They proceeded to dig in and appreciate the strawberry cheesecake. Thankfully, this lightened Taehyung’s mood and was smiling happily at Jungkook.

“This is so delicious Kookie! We should make the other’s try this next time.” He said excitedly as he took his last bite. The younger male nodded and smiled at the sight in front of him. The older male still has that wide boxy smile and his eyes are crinkling in delight. No wonder everyone is enamored by this man, he thought.

“Sure hyung.” He replied as he watched the younger take a sip of his coffee. When the older male put the coffee down he saw the foam forming around the other male’s lips, forming an adorable coffee mustache.

He couldn’t possibly resist the urge to wipe it away (preferably with his lips. Before both of them knew it, the younger male had shortened their distance. His eyes are holding the older man’s gaze until they are a hairsbreadth away from each other. Jungkook can see the moles that are scattered on Taehyung’s face. Their breaths are fanning each other’s face.

Their trance was broken by a loud chime of the door, signaling the entrance of a new customer. The black haired male scrambled away from Taehyung and took a deep breath. He handed his bestfriend some tissues to wipe his mouth with.

They spent the time with an awkward and heavy tension; with both males sporting eternal blush on their faces. But Taehyung still tried to initiate conversations which are awkward and stunted.

Even the waitress (thankfully, this was another waitress) can sense there was something wrong when they asked for the bill.

The awkward silence continued as they made their way out of the café. Jungkook declared that he is walking Taehyung back to his dorm while the older male nodded in agreement. And so they walked in pointed silence, with only the sounds of the cars and the passersby to fill the silence.

Taehyung was busy trying to think of a new conversation topic when he felt his bestfriend wrap those strong arms around him and drag him to the other side of the pavement, away from the street. Just then he realized that he was almost run over by a bicycle because he wasn’t paying attention to where he was walking. He blinked rapidly and tried to get his back his bearings. He mumbled low apologies towards the male riding the bicycle who kindly accepted his apologies and pedaled away.

“It’s dangerous, so walk inside*.” Jungkook said as he turned all his attention to the older male, who seemed to be out of it since they get out of the restaurant. He stared at his bestfriend’s face, who seemed to sport an even darker blush and was looking at his shoulder where Jungkook’s hand is conveniently placed. The younger male immediately let go and distanced himself away from the older male, thinking that he made it more awkward between them.

‘As if this situation can get any more awkward.’ Both males thought as they started to resume walking.

However, Taehyung cannot take this tension anymore. He just wants to say this to get everything over and done with.

“Jungkook.” He softly called, his feet refusing to take one step forward.

The younger turned around and faced Taehyung, confused as to why his bestfriend called him. But he didn’t expect what happened next.

He promptly felt soft lips on his, the lips he wanted to taste since the first day the met.

The kiss was soft and innocent and Jungkook feels like his insides are melting. He immediately wrapped his arms around the older male’s waist and held the other against him. Jungkook felt Taehyung wrap his arms around his neck, slightly deepening the kiss.

They stayed like that until both of them had to break apart for air, they breathlessly laughed as they stared in each other’s eyes. Jungkook slightly tightening his hold on Taehyung, making the older male bury his face into the younger male’s chest.

“I love you Taehyung.” Jungkook whispered as he felt Taehyung mold himself on his body. The brunette hummed and looked up towards Jungkook. He smiled softly as he stared at the younger’s face, admiring the way the moonlight cascades shadows upon Jungkook’s face, accentuating his features and making him even more handsome.

Jungkook feels the same, the way the soft light shines towards the older male’s face. The older looked utterly ethereal and so, so perfect Jungkook wants to cry.

And this male who is now in his arms.

“I love you too Jungkook.”

Taekook epilogue, END.

“Oh, and Jungkookie did you really just quote a pop song earlier?”

“Shut up, Taehyung.”

A/N: *crawls out* I'm finally.. /finally/ done. OMG 

and if anyone is curious, I'm talking about *Seventeen's Mansae. HAHAHA OMG. I know shoot me. 

anw. at least I was still able to post this on Tae's bday (on my own timezone but nonetheless who cares?) 

aaaaaaaaaand I know I say this again and again but really thank you so much for reading this. GOD I don't even know half of what I'm writing. anw ILYSM *hugs and throws cookies*

and uuuh I'll try to update my other fanfics now. BYE.


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Chapter 6: taekook are so cute
Chapter 6: Re-reading after slipping (or crashing, to be more precise) into the diamond life makes this more amusing.
Jihoon and his guitar are perfect partners in crime lol XD
missazalea #3
Chapter 4: *sighs deeply* fluffy Jicheol is so addictive <3
missazalea #4
Chapter 3: *giggles endlessly*

Gosh, after the wrestling match between them, it's kinda funny now re-reading the part in which Seungcheol was scared of being harmed by a jealous Jungkook lol yet still I can't stop myself from imagining a sulking Jungkook in this universe if by any chance he was defeated by Seungcheol while Taetae's mockingly cheering for the latter's win!! kkkk
missazalea #5
Chapter 1: I'm re-reading this story again for the nth times and still can't get over how cute jealous Jungkook and Jihoon were ;A;
taebuttocks #6
Blue82 #7
Chapter 6: Jinkies that was cute. I loved it!
Chapter 6: That was so freaking cuuuuute! I'm screaming T.T
That YoonMin sequel was just... Perfect <3
I loved it so so so much <3 <3 <3