practically boyfriends

Of denials and not-so-secret crushes

A/N: *cries* get well soon Suga (Yoongi) and V (Taehyung). :((( 

“Yoongi-hyung! Yoongi-hyung!!” the blond-haired male turned towards the voice excitedly calling him and saw Taehyung enthusiastically waving his arms towards him. The older male can see the imaginary tail waving behind Taehyung, paired with full blown puppy eyes that shine whenever he sees something he likes (which is almost anything under the sun).

He walked towards his dongsaeng and spotted an unfamiliar male with Taehyung, which was not a surprising thing, but he was also shocked to see that the brown haired male was not with his bestfriend Jungkook. But then he looked further into the café and there, just a few tables behind Taehyung, was Jungkook, his boyfriend and someone he couldn’t recognize.

Just as he was about to call for them, Taehyung excitedly pulled him to the table and smiled enthusiastically.

“Yoongi-hyung you’re here!” the younger looked so excited that he had slipped into their dialect. Yoongi snorted and smiled slightly.

“Why? Can’t I come here anymore?” he said as he let Taehyung snuggle up to him, resistance is futile. Yoongi will still be beaten down by the younger’s puppy eyes, as if his boyfriend’s is not enough. The younger male immediately shook his head (like a puppy) and pouted.

“Of course you can hyung! I just haven’t seen you for so long.” he replied and the mischievous smile came back. “Oh and this is Seungcheol, my new friend! He’s my classmate and he’s from Daegu as well!” the younger said as he pointed at the black-haired male who stared at him blankly.

Yoongi looked at Taehyung signaling towards the black-haired male, Taehyung who looked confused as well. The said black-haired male continued to stare at him like Yoongi had grown a new pair of head.

“Seungcheol! Hey Cheol are you alright?” Taehyung called towards his friend, waving his hands in front of the other male.

Finally, the male got out of his trance and looked at Yoongi with wide eyes. “I’m so sorry. It’s just… you look like my… uhm.. m-my friend.” The black-haired male said bashfully and looked away from the pair across him.

“Oh… you’re bestfriend?” Taehyung said mischievously eliciting an even deeper blush on the other male’s cheeks. “Aigoo. Seungcheollie is blushing!!” the younger male gushed and laughed at the glare the other male had sent him.

Yoongi wanted to call his boyfriend and his roommate, maybe he will understand what the hell is happening right now. But just as he was about to turn towards the table, Taehyung stopped him with a hand and forced him to face away the table. “You can’t hyung!”

The oldest male narrowed his eyes and stared at the younger male who had finally stopped laughing. Instead he has that innocent smile which gave bad signal to Yoongi, it either meant that he is going to do something he doesn’t want to or he is going to be embarrassed with whatever the younger is going to do.

“Okay. What are you doing?” Yoongi asked, using that voice that managed to make even Jungkook answer all his questions.

 The younger sent him the most innocent puppy eyed look (NO YOU CAN’T MELT MIN YOONGI) and pouted. “You know how much I miss Daegu hyung. And seeing people or anything related to that helps me from being homesick.” It was honestly disarming, especially when the younger pouted sadly, Yoongi can’t help but feel like he has been attacked by Taehyung’s lion plushies.

“I meant why are you letting your bestfriend and my boyfriend continue to think that they are spying at us, when it was obvious that they are right behind you?” Yoongi replied before he even give in to that puppy eyes and pout, like he always did before.

The younger smiled bashfully and shrugged “I don’t know. Jungkookie looks cute when he’s jealous.”

And right then he knew that behind that cute and adorable façade lies a mischievous and devious mastermind that has got all of them on the palm of his hand.

“Taehyung. You know better than to make Jungkook jealous. Remember when he tried to ‘playfully’ splash ice cold water on me on a winter morning?” Yoongi hissed as he remembered that one fateful morning when he crashed at Jimin’s and Jungkook’s dorm only to be awaken by a bucket of iced water, courtesy of Jeon Jungkook himself.

The black haired male visibly stiffened and looked at Taehyung with wide eyes. “You told me he won’t do anything! I swear I can feel him stabbing me inside his head!” Seungcheol whined, he was visibly panicking at the possibility of experiencing Jungkook’s wrath.

“Oh come on Seungcheollie don’t panic. Jungkook won’t do anything, or at least you won’t die from what he is going to do.” The younger male whispered the last part but obviously Seungcheol heard it making him panic even more.

“Taehyung! I still don’t want to die yet!” the other male said as he looked at Yoongi for help. The blond haired male just shrugged “Don’t worry. I’m pretty sure Jungkook won’t do anything brash. At least I hope he would.” He smirked as the black haired male visibly shuddered at his possible fate.

“Don’t worry Cheollie! I’ll make sure Jungkook won’t do anything bad to you.” Taehyung playfully patted the other male’s shoulder and proceeded to pat his black hair.

Just then an arm shot out and pulled Taehyung’s arm from Seungcheol’s head. They all focused on a pink-haired male who sported a grumpy expression which was directed towards Taehyung. And wow, Yoongi stared hard at the pink haired male because what the hell.

This guy looks just like me! Yoongi thought.


‘Ah this .’ Jihoon grumbled as he speed walked and approached the table where his bestfriend sits. He ignored Jungkook’s call of frustration and grumpily stomped towards the table.

He glared at the brown haired male who has his hand on Seungcheol’s hair. Consequently, he felt the gazes of the three male sitting on the table. His focus was broken by a certain blond-haired male sitting beside Taehyung.

‘Wow he kinda looks like me.’ Jihoon thought as he stared at the blond haired male who blankly stares back at him.

“What the you look just like me.” They said at the same time.

“Jihoon/ Yoongi language!” Seungcheol and Jimin chastised said males for cursing loudly. Jimin who had practically ran towards their table was smiled at Taehyung and playfully glared at his boyfriend.

“What the guys.” Jungkook grumbled as he glared both at Jimin and Jihoon who had just exposed their whereabouts.

“Jungkookie! Don’t swear!” Taehyung pouted towards his bestfriend, who practically melted and blushed deeply. He grumbled a quiet apology, and inconspicuously glared towards the black haired male still sitting across Taehyung.

By now the two Busan males were standing beside the table (Jimin jumped into Yoongi’s lap immediately). Seungcheol signaled Jihoon to sit beside him, who tried to hide his face which was almost as pink as his hair. The black haired male smiled widely towards Jihoon and refused to remove his gaze from the pink-haired male.

“Kookie do you want to sit beside me?” the youngest male grumbled but still made his way towards Taehyung’s side. The brown haired male scooted to make room, but there was limited space so he slowly stood up as Jungkook sat on the chair. This action was first unnoticed by Jungkook but he realized that it was probably a bad decision (or not) when Taehyung practically sat on his lap and smiled bashfully towards the youngest.

Jimin obnoxiously laughed and teased the pair whilst whistling playfully. Yoongi sent them a proud look and at the same time smirks at the youngest male who looks like he was about to explode from all the redness.

To be honest Jungkook was internall panicking because, holy , he has his bestfriend sprawled over his laugh. His face felt hot and he honestly cannot handle this. He is almost convinced everyone can hear his heartbeat and goddamnit he can’t think straight.

Jihoon who was observing the pair across him laughed loudly at Jungkook’s red face, he was clutching his stomach and was wheezing as he tried to stop laughing at the youngest male’s flustered face.

Everyone’s gaze transferred towards Jihoon (at least everyone but Seungcheol, because he haven’t removed his gaze ever since Jihoon came) and looked curiously at the laughing male. As soon as the pink-haired male got his senses back he saw the gaze of five males and sported back towards his blank face. “What?” he asked after a beat of silence.

“Look Yoongi! He acts just like you!” Jimin whispered to his boyfriend, which was naturally heard by everyone on the table. The blond male scoffed and raised his eyebrows. “I do not act like that!”

(“Yes you do.” Taehyung and Jungkook mumbled, which earned them smacks on the head, courtesy of the great Min Yoongi)

Seungcheol just smiled even wider and proceeded to ogle at the pink haired male, Jihoon grumbled and tried to ignore the obvious stare. “Aigoo, my Jihoonie is so cute!”

“For the last time Choi Seungcheol. I. AM.NOT. CUTE.” The pink-haired male grumbled, cursing quietly as he looked away. However, his face betrays his actions for his face is currently beet red. Jungkook snickered at the flustered Jihoon which earned him a sharp glare from the pink haired male, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Seungcheol seemed unfazed by the other’s grumblings and continued to ogle at Jihoon. However, this was interrupted by Taehyung’s incessant squealing.

“Aigoo. Look Kookie they’re so cute!” Taehyung gushed towards the pair across them. This made Jungkook and Jihoon grumble, this time Jungkook sent a glare towards the black haired male. Seungcheol, who seemed to sense the dark aura emanating from the youngest male, gulped and tried to smile good naturedly towards the other people on Jimin.

“I’m Seungcheol by the way. Choi Seungcheol.” The black-haired male said as he held out his hand towards Jimin. The orange haired male smiled politely and took the offered hand “I’m Park Jimin.” Said male replied.

Yoongi silently sent a warning towards Seungcheol who immediately got the message withdrew his hand. The blond male sipped his coffee and smiled calmly towards his boyfriend.

Then he turned towards Jungkook and offered his hand. The youngest intends to ignore it but he felt a sharp elbow jabbing on his ribs. He turned towards his bestfriend who looked pointedly at him. Then the older male cocked his head sideways towards the outstretched hand, signaling him to accept it.

Jungkook grumbled (and whined) but accepted it nonetheless. “I’m Jungkook.” He said trying to be as friendly as possible and immediately withdrew his hand (but not without squeezing it with force). The black-haired male winced slightly, but managed to collect himself smiled faintly. He tried to hide his amusement at the youngest’s antics. ‘Gosh they’re all so possessive of their boyfriends’ he thought.

Seungcheol signed towards the pink haired male beside him. “And this is Jihoon.”

Jihoon cocked his eyebrows, sending a silent question to his bestfriend, who looked back at him with wide eyes. Seungcheol nodded towards the pair across them, the pink haired male snorted and mumbled quietly. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Taehyung enthusiastically replied, “It’s nice to meet you too! Seungcheol has told me so much about-“ the brunette humphed and clutched his feet. “It hurts!”

The brown haired male pouted and whined to his bestfriend. Jimin and Yoongi knew better than to look at Taehyung, both of them knew that he has now activated his charms. The one that can make even the great Min Yoongi do what the younger male wants.

Jihoon stared at the brunette who was currently pouting towards Jungkook. No wonder they are all enamored, Jihoon thought wryly. This guy practically spouts hurt puppies everywhere. 

Meanwhile Jungkook was busy consoling his bestfriend, who had draped himself over Jungkook whilst whining about his feet (“Kookie! What if I can’t walk anymore? How can I walk Soonshimmie around the park?!”). The youngest male patted the others head and ruffled the soft brown hair, (“Tae, don’t worry your feet will be fine.”) the older male snuggled towards the hand and smiled sweetly.

 Four pairs of eyes watched the exchange, Yoongi and Jimin rolled his eyes at the normal occurrence while the other pair looked confused and amused at the same time. 

Realizing the stares that they are both getting Jungkook tried to put some distance between Taehyung and himself but received an indignant whine. He tried to ignore the smug smile of his roommate and his boyfriend but his cheeks had betrayed him.

[“Is he always like that?” Jihoon whispered to Seungcheol, who shrugged.

“Not really, he’s usually like that when he’s with Jungkook or when he wants something we don’t usually allow.” Yoongi replied, Jimin nodded and shuddered as if he recalled a painful memory courtesy of Taehyung’s puppy eyes. This made Jihoon curious about how this guy can control them with just a sad pout and puppy eyes.

But Jihoon figured that he wouldn’t want to know. ]

There was an awful moment of silence and awkwardness, the three pairs did not seem to know what to say (because Taehyung still refuses to say anything, all the while glaring a little at Seungcheol).

Surprisingly it was Yoongi who broke the silence. “Why are you here anyway?”

Unsurprisingly the two pairs blushed and thought of a possible response (Jungkook and Jihoon were internally panicking).

“I already told you hyung. I’m here to meet Seungcheol.” Taehyung said a little confused, the older male hummed and looked at Jungkook who seemed to be struggling for an answer.

“I just wanted coffee.” Jungkook replied.

“On the other side of the campus?” Jimin probed, his smug smile was not unnoticed by Jungkook, and the younger male vowed to get back at his roommate somehow. His mind was now off to possible plans of revenge for a certain Park Jimin.

“Yeah, now that I think about it shouldn’t you be in the music room Jihoonie? You said you were going to help Seungkwan earlier.” Seungcheol asked his friend.  Jihoon mentally berated himself because, of course Seungcheol would remember what Jihoon told him earlier (which he only said to excuse himself out of the conversation).

“He texted me earlier and said that he couldn’t make it, he said he was going out with Hansol or something.” Jihoon lied smoothly, he mentally thanked that his face is normally blank which makes lying easier but Seungcheol seems to develop an unusual activity to see through this and catch him lying which explains the raised eyebrows and pointed stare from the older male.

“What a coincidence then! What are the odds that we all see each other at the same time in the same café?” Taehyung said. “Though I’m pretty sure I’ve told you that I was going here Kookie why didn’t you just text me that you were here?” the brunette pouted.

“I forgot” the youngest said trying to hide the fact that he’s lying.

“Jihoon-ah! I told you I’m going here as well. You should have told me you were going here.” Seungcheol demanded. The shorter male snorted and hit Seungcheol’s chest (with a loud smack that made everyone wince) and ignored the older male’s antics.

“I had nothing else to do. And I wanted to try a new place to get some coffee.” He replied missing the knowing looks the Daegu pair exchanged.

“I’m pretty sure they were jealous-“ Jimin smiled knowingly as he received death glares both from Jihoon and Jungkook, but he remain unfazed. “- that you were getting coffee someplace else.”

Yoongi snorted and calmly watched as the two pairs danced around the topic some more. Meanwhile his boyfriend sighed at the stubbornness of these males “Gosh, can’t they just kiss and get over it?” he whispered.

The blond responded, “Well, not everyone can just pull that move like me right?” making the orange haired male snort in response but his smile was blinding as always. “Sure, hyung. As you say.”

And as they saw Seungcheol brush some stray fringe from Jihoon’s face (making the younger male’s face rival the color of his hair) and Jungkook discretely securing Taehyung’s place on his lap, they figured out that it might not take a long time.

They’re practically boyfriends anyway. (despite the constant denial).


A/N: OH MY GOD WHAT IS THIS. *cries* I feel like I've dragged this for too long. This was supposed to be a oneshot but look what happened. Gosh I at endings. I'm so sorry. *sobs* but I promise I'm going to write an epilogue. (for each pair if possible) 

ANYWAY, SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOU GUYS. <3 <3 I am seriously thankful that you are actually taking time to read this work (and my author's note) but yeah ILYSM *hugs*

[but I'm kinda sad that Yoongi and Taehyung are sick rn. :((( GET WELL SOON MY BABIES. :'( ] 

anw my rant has been too long. I'M SORRY

*runs for my life*

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Chapter 6: taekook are so cute
Chapter 6: Re-reading after slipping (or crashing, to be more precise) into the diamond life makes this more amusing.
Jihoon and his guitar are perfect partners in crime lol XD
missazalea #3
Chapter 4: *sighs deeply* fluffy Jicheol is so addictive <3
missazalea #4
Chapter 3: *giggles endlessly*

Gosh, after the wrestling match between them, it's kinda funny now re-reading the part in which Seungcheol was scared of being harmed by a jealous Jungkook lol yet still I can't stop myself from imagining a sulking Jungkook in this universe if by any chance he was defeated by Seungcheol while Taetae's mockingly cheering for the latter's win!! kkkk
missazalea #5
Chapter 1: I'm re-reading this story again for the nth times and still can't get over how cute jealous Jungkook and Jihoon were ;A;
taebuttocks #6
Blue82 #7
Chapter 6: Jinkies that was cute. I loved it!
Chapter 6: That was so freaking cuuuuute! I'm screaming T.T
That YoonMin sequel was just... Perfect <3
I loved it so so so much <3 <3 <3