i'm not jealous

Of denials and not-so-secret crushes

“Kookie!! You wouldn’t believe what just happened!”  Jeon Jungkook sighed heavily as he bid goodbye to his French fries and a quiet lunch break.  He heard excited pattering of footsteps coming closer to him and, thankfully, had looked up just in time as he saw a blur jump on him. He should be used to this really, but he still gets his breath taken away each and every time his best friend does it.

(And no, it’s not because he’s in love with Taehyung or anything like that. Really, it’s not)

“What Tae?” he asked as his bestfriend settled on a seat beside him. Jungkook saw his bestfriend’s wide smile and suddenly had a bad feeling about it. There can only be two outcomes whenever Taehyung flashes that smile to Jungkook, either he dies out of sheer embarrassment (both first-hand and second-hand courtesy of his bestfriend) or he is put into a dangerous (if you can call it that) situation (again courtesy of said bestfriend).

“I made a new friend!” Taehyung sang as he picked some of Jungkook’s fries, still flashing Jungkook that same smile despite chewing, quite loudly in Jungkook’s opinion.

But still quite cutely, his subconscious said.

“And?” he prodded since he knew his friend is just expecting him to do so. Not because he wanted why his bestfriend was all smiley and happy after making a new friend.

“And he’s from Daegu! He’s older than me by a few months and we’re taking a few same subjects! I can’t believe that I had a classmate from Daegu and I didn’t know. Anyway, we’re meeting up in a café later. Do you want to come with?” the elder sang excitedly as he happily jumped in his seat obviously delighted by it. He was still bouncing in his seat while consuming said fries in an alarming pace.

Meanwhile the older male did not notice how much darker Jungkook’s aura had gotten. The younger seemed to have his mood dampened with every word about this mysterious Daegu-guy, who just so happened to invite Taehyung (in a date) to meet in a café after just a few conversations.

And no, Jungkook is not jealous. He just doesn’t like this Daegu-guy the moment Taehyung had mentioned him.

The last time this happened was, to Jungkook’s relief, with Yoongi-hyung who also happened to come from Daegu. Yoongi was their senior and Jungkook’s roommate, Park Jimin’s, boyfriend.

When Taehyung found out that Yoongi came from Daegu he started following Yoongi around almost everywhere, like a lost puppy. His eyes shining whenever he would talk to the older male in their own dialect, immersing both of them into long conversations that Jimin and Jungkook cannot understand.

Luckily, despite his cold façade, the older male had let Taehyung cling onto him (though the same cannot be said to his boyfriend) relinquishing all the younger’s attempts at conversations because, let’s be honest here, who can resist Taehyung’s puppy eyes?

Not the great Min Yoongi. Not even Park Jimin (despite his whines that Taehyung hoards all of his boyfriend’s time). And certainly not Jeon Jungkook.

However, since Yoongi-hyung had graduated last year Taehyung had really missed the presence of anything that can connect him to his hometown. Thus, Jungkook can understand the excitement of the younger. 

But, still, he can’t help but question the reliability of this new Daegu-guy.

The younger male wanted to tell Taehyung not to meet that person because what if mysterious Daegu-guy is a murderer? Or what if he has been stalking Taehyung ever since they were from and decided to act on it now? What if he is a sick psychopath with homicidal tendencies and wants Taehyung as his victim? There are just too many possibilities that may harm Taehyung if he meets with that guy.

But all Jungkook managed to do was hum followed by a slight shake of his head as a reply. He pushed his cold fries towards Taehyung who had consumed almost half of it and proceeded to listening Taehyung ramble about this new Daegu-guy.


It’s not that Jungkook was following Taehyung in his date meeting with his new friend, he just so happened to have the free time and the chance to pass by the same coffee shop where Taehyung they are supposed to be meeting (which happened to be on the other side of the campus but who cares?)

No, he likes to think of it as protecting Taehyung from possible dangers of this world they live in. Yeah. That’s that.

So here he was inconspicuously hidden in an alcove in the coffee shop, strategically located near Taehyung’s table to be able to see what is happening but still slightly hidden to be able to hide himself from curious glances from other customers. Thankfully, Taehyung was not facing him which effectively hides him from his bestfriend’s line of sight. However, this makes him stare straight towards his rival this mysterious Daegu-guy, Choi Seungcheol,

He tried not to glare at this Seungcheol guy, whose shoulders were quite wide and has a quite lean body (but not to brag, Jungkook has also been working out, courtesy of Jimin, and let’s just say that he is probably more ripped than this guy). He also has wide eyes that seemed to crinkle whenever he smiles at whatever his bestfriend says (which makes him look old, in Jungkook’s humble opinion).  He was also wearing a slightly larger jacket (he’s pretty sure he has a jacket that looks just like that) on a white shirt, his jeans were ripped and he wears a pair of freaking Timberlands.

This guy even styles like me! He must have stalked Taehyung and decided to look like me to charm my bestfriend!

His mind was running a hundred miles per minute, thinking of possible scenarios and how he must act on it. Completely ignoring the rest of the world and solely focusing on the pair in front of him. Taehyung sounds positively enamored judging by the faint laugh that he can hear and the slight shaking of his shoulders. Jungkook tried not to let that get to him because he should be the only one who can make Taehyung smile like that and giggle cutely. 

Even if he denies to everyone, sometimes even to himself, that he does not like his bestfriend that way. He can’t help but think of the possibility that they could be something more than good friends who happened to share the same class because clumsy Taehyung entered the wrong class and found himself in the middle of awkward first years and beside still awkward looking Jungkook for the half of the semester.

And okay, so maybe Jungkook has a teeny-tiny crush on the older. (and by that he meant that he is practically in love with the older male)

That explains why he is currently glaring at the general direction of his bestfriend talking to another male while he sits across the café alone with his now cooled coffee on top of his table.

However, his view was obstructed by a tuft of pink, he looked up in annoyance. For one wild second he thought he saw Yoongi-hyung, a much, much younger Yoongi (Jimin is going to cry). The male looked exactly like Yoongi (he blames the pink hair) but much shorter. He was glaring straight into Jungkook’s soul and he swears he saw dangerous intent right in those eyes.

He swears in his life that the short ones are the creepiest and most dangerous people to live on earth as he was vaguely reminded of Yoongi-hyung’s deathly glare (it does not help that this male and the said hyung look like they are twins). The brunette gulped nervously as he waited the Yoongi-look alike to say something.

“Do you know them?” Yoongi-look-alike whispered conspiratorially, pointing towards the direction of his bestfriend and that Seungcheol guy.

“Yes.” He whispered just as quietly (as if they will be heard by the other pair) “One of them is my bestfriend.”

The male took a seat beside him and sent a glare towards the same direction of the pair. “I’m assuming your pertaining to the weird guy.” He said monotonously.

Jungkook, despite all of his exasperation towards his bestfriend, takes offense whenever someone says something bad towards Taehyung.

“Hey! He’s not weird. He’s –“ he trailed off as he heard another tinkling laugh from Taehyung’s table, courtesy of his bestfriend. “ – he’s special.”

The other male scoffed and stared at him as if he had magically grown heads, Jungkook also noted that the male tried to distance himself away. Jungkook hid his blush and glared at the pink-haired male.

“Hey! Why do you even care about them? And why are you sitting with me? I don’t even know you.” he whispered as he tried to collect his pride after being judged by this stranger.

The Yoongi-look alike stared at him lazily (just like Yoongi) and shrugged. “My name is Lee Jihoon, first year from the Music Department.” Jungkook’s eyebrows shot up because the other guy looked like he should still be in high school! But the glare the shorter male sent his way made him stop his train of thought. “And the other guy is my bestfriend, Choi Seungcheol.” The shorter male, Jihoon his mind supplied, tried to say nonchalantly but the light color of his cheeks says otherwise.

They both shared a meaningful silence as they reflected on their lives and how it is affected by their respective bestfriends.

“I guess we are here for the same reason then.” Jungkook mused, he saw the pink haired male slumped in his seat as he glumly stared at the pair across the café. It is safe to say the Jungkook can slightly identify with him.

“I’m Jungkook by the way.” He said after a few beat of silence as he turned towards the oblivious pair on the other side of the café.

Jihoon hummed and leaned his head towards the table and stared at the pair as well.

They both sighed as they heard laughter reverberating around the coffee shop.


Things were going on smoothly, in Jihoon’s opinion. So far, the Daegu pair is still unaware of their presence and had stayed in strictly platonic and friendly terms. They were sharing stories and some jokes here and there (because he just knew Seungcheol will always try those lame jokes that no one appreciates). They were giggling and chatting like they had been friends since forever.

And no, he is not sulking because his bestfriend found a new friend. He is not a freaking preschooler.

He was just worried that his bestfriend befriended someone dangerous (that guy is too friendly for his own good).To tell the truth, he had his qualms when his bestfriend had offhandedly mentioned this classmate who suddenly talked to him out of nowhere. Jihoon noted the slight smile on the older’s face as he recalled that classmate who bounded at him excitedly as he heard Seungcheol talk in Daegu dialect.

The pink-haired male tried not to sulk as he saw how the older male fondly described this classmate, Taehyung. It is not a secret that Seungcheol is a er for cute and cuddly things (he tried not to let that get to him because, HE IS NOT CUTE). And by Seungcheol’s description, this Taehyung is cute and cuddly.

So he took it upon himself to judge his bestfriend’s newfound friend and determine if he is worthy of the older male’s attention or not.

(Because, even if he vehemently denies that he is jealous. He must admit that he does not like that Seungcheol’s attention is focused on someone who is not him.)

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud slap on the table, he turned towards the male beside him who seemed to be throwing imaginary daggers towards the pair across them, more specifically his bestfriend Seungcheol. He was about to berate on the other male but he was interrupted by Jungkook pointing accusatory fingers towards the pair.

Jihoon turned his gaze towards the Daegu pair and his eyes nearly fell off its sockets.

There, he saw his bestfriend wipe something off of Taehyung’s face, somehow looking shy and cute and Jihoon cannot take this. He wanted to pull his hair out and scream violently towards the pair. But alas, the only thing he managed to do was stand up and drop his phone to the ground.

However, their actions seemed to have bought the other customers attention towards them. He immediately sat down and hid himself just in time as his bestfriend turned towards their direction. Luckily the café is quite packed and the pair’s view towards them is slightly obstructed by the light and people passing by. Thank god this corner is a little secluded but just to be sure, Jihoon and Jungkook hid themselves behind the menu and tried to inconspicuously hide from the other pair.

They sneakily took short glances at the pair, they seemed to have forgotten about the commotion and continued with their conversation. Jihoon cannot believe what he had just saw, sure Seungcheol is cuddly, clingy and cheesy as hell, never had he seen the other act like that. It sent a slight pang in his heart because god damn it, he doesn’t want to lose his bestfriend over someone Seungcheol barely even knows.

He glanced towards the male beside him and he saw that the other had his fists curled up. His body tensed and was ready to spring up. However, he also saw a tired resignation into the other’s eyes whenever he hears the slight tinkling of laughter from that table where their bestfriends are.

Once they deemed it safe and clear, they took a breath of relief and removed the menu in front of their faces. They were about to continue spying on the Daegu pair when a voice called to them.

“What are you doing?”


to be continued


A/N: i'm so sorry. *cries* 

i might post this tomorrow.. or the next day idk. T^T 

ILY GUYS. thank you for bearing with me. <3 *throws hearts*

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Chapter 6: taekook are so cute
Chapter 6: Re-reading after slipping (or crashing, to be more precise) into the diamond life makes this more amusing.
Jihoon and his guitar are perfect partners in crime lol XD
missazalea #3
Chapter 4: *sighs deeply* fluffy Jicheol is so addictive <3
missazalea #4
Chapter 3: *giggles endlessly*

Gosh, after the wrestling match between them, it's kinda funny now re-reading the part in which Seungcheol was scared of being harmed by a jealous Jungkook lol yet still I can't stop myself from imagining a sulking Jungkook in this universe if by any chance he was defeated by Seungcheol while Taetae's mockingly cheering for the latter's win!! kkkk
missazalea #5
Chapter 1: I'm re-reading this story again for the nth times and still can't get over how cute jealous Jungkook and Jihoon were ;A;
taebuttocks #6
Blue82 #7
Chapter 6: Jinkies that was cute. I loved it!
Chapter 6: That was so freaking cuuuuute! I'm screaming T.T
That YoonMin sequel was just... Perfect <3
I loved it so so so much <3 <3 <3