You Don't Remember?


The light is so bright. OMG am I dead yet?! Ah, my head hurts.

I open my eyes finding myself laying in the arms of somebody. Somebody, who doesn’t wear a shirt. I can tell from the beautiful skin that it can only be one person. I simle to myself.

I look up not moving my face away from the soft skin. He’s sleeping.

I push myself up a little bit to reach his face for a short peck on his cheek. Snuggling into his side again, looking up to the ceiling he suddenly moves. He turns towards me throwing his arm around me so that he can pull himself closer.

“You’re not dead” he moans, burying his face in my neck. He kisses my neck and ads “Thank god. I really thought I’m gonna lose you.” I turn towards him and he looks me deep in the eyes smiling.

“What happened?” I’m confused.

“You don’t remember?” now Jungkook is also confused. But, why? “You really don’t?”

I shake my head. He stared at me for a few seconds.

“Haha fooled you. Nothing happened…… we were…juuust… uhm”

I lean forward in order to give him a kiss. “It’s okay, you don’t have to explain. I can be with you that’s all that matters.”

“But uhmm.. I gotta tell you one thing…”

“What is it?”

He looks worried.

“Our October comeback is gonna be delayed by one month.” Whaaat?? Did Rapmonster Hyung hurt himself again?? “J-Hope Hyung was sent to a mental hospital this morning. He’s gonna come back in October.”

“Why??” and suddenly all the things that happened last night popped into my head again. Jungkook notices it and puts his hand on my cheek to caress it.

“Shhh don’t think about it. Everything will be fine when he returns. They said he couldn’t take the whole “Happy virus”-thing anymore.”  J-hope I laugh.

“What is it?” Jungkook asked.

“It’s just… can I tell you something funny but embarrassing?...  Gosh, it all makes so much sense now… J-hope came into the bathroom while I was showering the other day. And..” I giggle. “He saw my .” Jungkook also couldn’t back hold his laughter.

“Bwahahaha what did he do?”

“He looked at it.”

“Right at it?!”

“For more than 5 seconds straight.”

“Well it is quite pretty, though.”

“WHAT?! When did you ever see my d??”

“Remember that one time you said yours was bigger than mine? We compared them and we found out mine is bigger and yours is prettier.”

“Yeah, but that was like 4 years ago. Things could have changed since then.”

“Wanna compare again?” Jungkook asks mischievously smirking at me.








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jikookjikook #1
Chapter 2: Well damn! And here I was expecting it to be a jikook kiss :D
luvarin #2
Woa.. this is good author-nim.. im looking forward to jiminie's plan.. :)