The Monster


We are of out of breath, looking into each other's eyes. Is that a tear flowing down his face?

“What’s wrong?” I wipe it away with my thumb meanwhile my other fingers go to his neck. I try to comfort him by caressing him with both.

“It’s nothing.” Jungkook smiles.

“… Come on. How can you call this nothing? Did I do something wrong?” I let my hand drop into the water to hold onto his hand and intertwine it with mine. With the other he reaches out to my face again to pull me closer for a peck. I want to show him, that he can tell me everything. I’ll be fine.

“God no!” he laughs “It’s just…” he doesn’t love me. I knew it. I’m sorry too, I went too far. “I asked J-Hope if he could help me… with getting closer to you. He said he would help me. But he came back saying, you didn’t like me that way” more tears start to flow down his face, but he was still smiling. “He said this is why you ignored me at times. He said you wanted me to act as if nothing happened.” His smile disappears. I want to comfort him but I can’t. I am so shocked I can’t even move. I thought J-Hope was the only one I could trust. “He told me not to go near you, so I hung out with Taehyung, but I couldn’t take being away from you. And also, V was so affectionate. Taehyung made out with me in the bathroom against my will during practice. Do you remember when he followed me to the toilet?”

“Yeah, you came back crying, even though you were so happy before.”

“He hit me when I didn’t follow. He put his hand into my pants if I didn’t pull them down myself. He choked me when I didn’t moan. Taehyung is such a monster. It was awful. He told me never to tell anyone, he would hurt you if I did. I mean… he apologized afterwards, he had a rough day. 2 weeks later Taehyung told me it was because he confessed to J-Hope but he liked someone else. But when we were sharing a room last time, he even wanted to take it all a step further.” Jungkook collapses and falls into my arms from all the crying. “He even tried it in the plane yesterday again.” I totally can’t believe what I hear. How could he keep all this for himself for this long? How could he even look Taehyung in the eyes? “I was so worried when he kissed you. I was scared he would treat you the same afterwards.” His whole body shivers. Jungkook is ice cold. In order to warm him up I pull him into my embrace and the back of his head with my hand to calm him down.

I’ve never seen Jungkook cry like this.

“I’ll take care of you from now on. I promise. You won’t have to fear him anymore. ” He holds onto me even closer and lets out a loud sob.



“Thank you.”



Jungkook and I went to our room a little later. We both took a shower and are now cuddling wrapped in all the blankets we found in our room. He was so cute earlier, when he asked me, if I could not put on my shirt. He said he liked the way my body felt while making out. I can tell he’s enjoying the feeling of my bare chest. He’s up and down my abs, snuggling into my arms, kissing me now and then and I could not imagine anything better than this.


The door opens and Rapmonster Hyung enters.

“Didn’t you promise to come to our room for talking about the album earlier?” he asks and petrifies from looking at us. RapMon probably didn’t expect something like this entering the room.

“!” Jungkook on the other hand jumps out of bed only in his boxers running out the door. About 5 seconds later he comes back still running, grabbing a pair of pants and a shirt and running out again.

RapMon closes the door, rolling his eyes. This was kind of embarrassing. I lay back, closing my eyes.

The door opens again.

“Oh yeah, J-Hope was looking for you. He’s in his room right now. He looked very upset, you should go see him.” The door closes again.



I have a bad feeling about this, especially after what Jungkook told me earlier.

As soon as I enter I can see J-Hope with his back turned to me, heavily breathing in and out, in a completely destroyed room. I don’t know if I should say something.

“RapMonster Hyung told me you were looking for me.” As I don’t get any kind of response I decide to make a step closer.

“Don’t!” he says slowly moving his head down. “Don’t even think about coming closer.” He turns around with his teeth clenched. His hands are clenched into fists.

“What d-“

“Don’t. Talk. How could you do this to me?”

“Just tell-“

“I saw you two. I saw you f***ing two in the pool together! What’s so special about him?!”

“I love h-“

“WHY DON’T YOU LOVE ME?!” J-Hope screamed throwing the last lamp to the floor. “What does he have I don’t have, HUH?” he walked towards me “WHAT DOES HE HAVE I DON’T HAVE?!”

“I don’t know.” I start crying. I’ve never seen J-Hope like this. “I just love him”

“DON’T SAY THAT!!” he screams again, making me flich.

J-Hope now stands right in front of me.

“Where’s V?”

“He’s with the others, that bastard. I told him I would be with him if he would succeed in breaking you and Jungkook apart. I know you will never love me. BUT WHY?! I will make you love me.”

He takes a last step closer, so that our chests almost touch. He looks me in the eyes mischievously, picks up my chin and says “You’ll see” before smashing his lips onto mine.

I instantly have to think of Jungkook.  Is this like what Taehyung did to him?! I can only think of Jungkook what if he sees us?!

J-Hope’s lips move against mine. Mine don’t, so he breaks the kiss, slaps me in the face and continues. As I still don’t move. He slaps me again. “MOVE!” he roughly drags me towards the wall, not breaking the kiss. My head slams against the wall. I get dizzy. I start moving and with that Hoseok starts to shove his tongue into my mouth. His hand goes to grab my neck to move my face even closer to his. I can barely breathe, so I push his tongue with mine, trying to get it out of my mouth. His hand now holds on to my throat. That’s what Jungkook said about the choking. I don’t want to die so I let out loud fake moans. More and more tears are flowing down my face. “Why don’t you love me?! LOVE ME!!” J-Hope says. As I started J-Hope’s grip loosens. His hands now travel under my white, flowy shirt to run up and down my abs a few times. Hoseok holds onto my hips only shortly afterwards in order to pull them closer to his. “This feels good, right? RIGHT?!” I don’t respond. I don’t know how. His left hand grabs the waistband of my jeans to pull them. He roughly puts his right hand into my pants and also starts crying hopelessly. “Right?....” he did all the things V also did to Jungkook. This really is awful.

Where is Jungkook? Is he okay? Does Taehyung behave? What if not… I promised him to always protect him but I can’t even help myself.


Hoseok turns his head towards the door, so do I.

“Jungkook!” I shout pushing him away.

Hoseok lets go of me as I run into my love’s arms.

“You’re bleeding!” Jungkook starts crying “JIMIN YOU’RE HEAD IS BLEEDING!” he screams. That’s all I can remember.

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jikookjikook #1
Chapter 2: Well damn! And here I was expecting it to be a jikook kiss :D
luvarin #2
Woa.. this is good author-nim.. im looking forward to jiminie's plan.. :)