What about me?

You're my sky
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The halls were decorated with huge portraits of people I suspected as owners of this establishment. 
The hallways were clad with armored statues which made it look scary and inappropriate for an orphanage. 
It was like being in another country and time, it was eerie yet fascinating at the same time. Another thing that
is bothering me are the walls. I was never one for supernatural but my friends had once told me that I seem to
have an eye open for seeing unearthly creatures. Well, I couldn't exactly say I believe them but right now,
I feel like the walls are talking to me. It was creepy

I was beginning to think that Jongin had brought me to a wrong place. 

I looked around nervously, rubbing the goose bumps on my arms. It was cold and the atmosphere felt lonely.
Still, I struggled to keep my pace with Jongin and Gina, my eyes trying not wander to images on the walls 
as they seem to draw me in. Again, It felt REALLY creepy. 

"They were waiting for you" I flinched when Gina broke the haunting silence. We stood in front of a tall 
wooden door, It seemed very old. There were engravings on the door, something which I dismissed as decorative.
I refuse to add meaning to things as  I would only scare myself. 

I am a scaredy cat. so what? It's not like I am the only one. 

I averted my thoughts and looked at Gina who was also regarding me carefully yet kindly "You ready? 
Some kinds, however, may not warm up to you soon but when they do, you'll see they aren't that bad" I nodded
fully understanding the situation. I took a glance at Jongin who stared down at me as if he was reading me. 
I looked down, unable to take his challenge of having a staring contest. 

Just then, Gina opened the big double doors. Unlike what I felt when I entered the house, The dining room
was warm and bright. Laughter bounces from one wall to the other.Warmth seemed to envelope the entire area 
in a yellow veil of happiness, it was blinding.  Two very long wooden tavles had occupied the center of the room,
both are occupied by kids as they were gobbling down on their supper while chatting with one another. I smile
at the scene.

Yet, it was a refreshing contrast from what I had felt earlier. 

"Jongin!!" One by one, children dashed towards the said man beside me and tackled him, their plates long forgotten as they burst into chants of the man's name. He bent down to be at eye level with the kids and proceeded to take 
in every tale they had to share. I took the time to look around the place again. All of the kids were swarmed 
around Jongin...... except for six kids. 

Six kids seated in different areas of the tables. One kid was still eating like nothing was happening, another 
was reading a book, uninterested. Two, who seemed like they were siblings as they stuck close to each other yet 
their eyes were carefully observing the commotion and the last two were just staring at the other kids blankly. 
I looked at Gina, who also had her attention on  the six kids who didn't budge and I even caught the slightest 
sigh she released before calling the other kdis and tear them away from Jongin. I took one last glance at the
six kids before following Gina as she beckoned me close. 





I had my chin propped up on my palm as I let my mind drift away from the lesson and stared at the view outside.
Those six kids... I wonder what they were thinking or what they felt. They may have different reactions to the 
arrival of Jongin but they all had one thing in common: Fear. How did I know? It's obvious how they tried to 
shield themselves from outsiders. It's intriguing what one can do to because of the fear and anger. 

I was unconciously biting my nails as

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Chapter 5: very very very interesting indeed :D

can't wait for the next update
huhudad #2
Omg the plot is so interesting I cannot wait for the upcoming chapters. I'm also surprised that no one upvoted this fic yet O.o
You're writing style is really good :D
Chapter 2: Interesting :)