Rompher Orphanage

You're my sky
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Walking in the suburb area was definitely a new thing for me. Houses were far away from each other and the lands that separate them were wide. It made me think how lonely the people must’ve felt. After finishing handing in my homework, I quickly dashed out of the building and out of the university grounds. I was really hyped up while trying to figure out where the orphanage was located but that excitement soon died down, however, when after 30 minutes of trailing this road, I cannot seem to find this establishment.

I tried calling my friend but the network coverage forbid me to do so. “Where is it anyways?”

Resuming my search, I spotted a store and decided to take a break there and possibly ask for directions. As I approached the store, I saw an old couple lounging on their rocking chairs. “Hi, good afternoon” I chirped in and offered a smile. Both looked at me and stared a long while. There was an awkward air between us and I decided to talk again.

“Uhmm- I’d li-”
“Is that the guy who always comes here?” The old man cut me off and his wife slapped him lightly on the arm
“That’s a woman. You’re old now. You can’t even distinguish a man and a woman” She clicked her tongue and smiled at me “I am so sorry for my husband, young one. Age does this to your body”
“You’re old too! What are you saying?” The old man protested
“At least I still know how to differentiate a young woman from a man!” Her voice a tad bit louder this time.
“She sounded like a man, okay?!” The man argued back
“HOW DID THAT SOUND LIKE A MAN?! SHE HAD A CUTE VOICE, OKAY?!” At this, I blushed a little and the man blinked a couple of times before backing down and nodded nervously “.. okay.. fine.”

I know I shouldn’t but I was enjoying the exchange between the couple. They must’ve had a pretty adventurous and fun relationship when they were younger.

“So… what was it you needed, dear?”  the woman said in a calmer tone albeit happy for winning the argument.  I smiled a lot bigger this time and told her about my problem.

“Oh that orphanage?” She said with a hint of recognition. “What orphanage?” the old man, Jungho, piped in now sipping on the tea he had served for us. I happily took a cup when he handed it to me with apologetic smile. “That orphanage that young man always visits” The old woman, who introduced herself as Rena, reminded her husband. “Oh! Yeah… he always comes and buys some of our spicy rice cakes” he grinned “He says they’re the best he’d ever tasted”
“He’s such a charmer” Rena laughed and I can see that she was happy that someone had complimented their food. Just then, a car parked in front of their house and I saw Jungho flash a knowing smile. “And here he is.”

The driver’s door opened and came walking a tall and slightly tanned male. He was wearing a black shirt with fitted jeans and black sneakers. His hair was fixed with a snapback.

I stared at his face as he approached and thought he looked familiar. “Hi.. I’d like the usual please” He said, his voice deep and full.
“Jongin! It’s nice to see you again.  So how was school?” Jungho entertained him as Rena excused herself to prepare his f

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Chapter 5: very very very interesting indeed :D

can't wait for the next update
huhudad #2
Omg the plot is so interesting I cannot wait for the upcoming chapters. I'm also surprised that no one upvoted this fic yet O.o
You're writing style is really good :D
Chapter 2: Interesting :)