So why can't I?

You're my sky
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“You must be having it hard, huh?” Baekhyun kicked a rock on the ground while I sat on the patch of grass facing the river. The sunset painted the sky in a mix of red and orange while the river reflected its image. The hustle of the road ahead can be heard but it didn’t disrupt the serene setting. This is the place I go to when I wanted to clear my head.

“It’s not that hard, I guess. It’s in the past and we can only move on” Those words were not sincere. How do I know? That sting in my heart is a reminder that I have yet to move on.

“you do know that you are really bad at lying, right?” he gave me a sly grin and for a moment, I could only stare at him.
“Why do you seem like you can see through my soul? Tsk.” Sighing, I look at my hands “what do you want me to say, baekhyun. It’s done and two years have passed. It’s something that cannot be undone”

“ahhhhh.. true” he breathed and looked up the sky. “it’s been two years and all I hear you spouting are lies” I opened my mouth to argue but only to close it and look away. There was  a long pause and I can hear the honking of the cars from far away and my heart crawling its way out to the surface, tempting to finally reveal itself.

I knew it was trouble when I saw Baekhyun on the way here and when he offered to walk me home. I knew being alone with the sharpest person in the world would tempt me to bare anything. I knew he was capable of breaking my walls. I knew he’d see through me and I was afraid.

So afraid.

“You know that I am your friend too, right?”Baekhyun whispered which made me clench on my shirt. Stop… I don’t want to deal with this now. Please baek… understand my silence. I pleaded internally.

When I didn’t answer, he walked closer and pats my head. “You’ve been through a lot. It’s nice to let out steam as well” he sat in front of me “But I won’t force you to tell me what your heart is trying to shield but remember, that I am just a call away” He looked around the darkening surroundings “Let’s go. It’s getting late”

Baekhyun accompanied me to our street corner and ran off since he had some errands to run. I was very thankful for Baekhyun and at the same time, I felt remorseful. Sighing, I stopped by the convenience store near our place and bought snacks and a drink since I had to do some studying tonight. Food makes think

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Chapter 5: very very very interesting indeed :D

can't wait for the next update
huhudad #2
Omg the plot is so interesting I cannot wait for the upcoming chapters. I'm also surprised that no one upvoted this fic yet O.o
You're writing style is really good :D
Chapter 2: Interesting :)