Chapter 12 Dangerous

Style love of Vampire girl

Today Tiffany wake up early but it not so good because of Taeyeon. Tiffany was change to other room to make herself easy but Taeyeon still bother Tiffany like knock Tiffany's room in midnight sometime make sound also do like ghost to bother Tiffany.

" Fany-ah you know why you lose me?? " Taeyeon asked after they finish their breakfast.

" Maybe you stronger than me" Tiffany said in angry voice and walk to the couch but Taeyeon follow her and sleep on Tiffany's lap too.

" You strong too but it's the rule of vampire " Taeyeon said.

" What rule?? " Tiffany wonder.

" Rule of fire and water. Fire alway lose water forever if we not married fire element can win like normal but we married already so if one element lose it lose forever example if you water element and I'm fire element so I'll lose forever. " Taeyeon said.

" And why you married with me?? You can have choice to not married with me and i'll die. " Tiffany asked.

" If I said true promise me you not angry or hate me ok?? " Taeyeon said.

" Yes!! I'll not angry or hate you " * Cos I love you * Tiffany thought.

" I think if I married with you... Maybe I can forget Jessica.. " Taeyeon said softly.

" Oh really?? and how... " Tiffany not yet finish to said she feel hurt in her heart. *  Why..Why it alway Jessica?* Tiffany thought.

" Why are you crying Fany-ah?? " Taeyeon get up and look at Tiffany's face but Tiffany bend down her face.

" Tae can you..can you don't mention.. "

" Don't cry" Taeyeon wipe Tiffany's tear

" I promise from this day I don't mention other girl beside you " Taeyeon said.

" You promise already don't forget it" Tiffany said then they hook their hand.


"Fany-ah order it?? " Taeyeon said after saw Tiffany look at the menu. They went to eat food outside their house and the restaurant that they go is Yoona's restaurant.

" Emm... take fried fish and the drink take... " Tiffany said but Taeyeon interrupt

" Two milk " The waitress write it down and left. Tiffany staring Taeyeon cos she want to order orange juice.

" Fany-ah I want to tell you something " Taeyeon said.

" What?? If you tell me to pay it don't hope.. " Tiffany said.

"No.. but..err..I "

" You want next life to say it?? " Tiffany staring Taeyeon.

"Hey calm down I want to tell...... "

" Two milk arrived " The waiter said and put two milk on the table.

" Tae you call milk agian?? I drink it everyday I want to vomit just saw this milk. " Tiffany look at the glass.

" Your mum told me to give you drink milk everyday cos vampire like us don't drink blood but sometime we need to and this milk it not like other milk it help us don't have feel to drink blood. " Till Taeyeon explain about advantage of the milk the food already come out.

" Fired fish and steak coming later pls change to other food " One brown hair girl said on one beside Yoona who said it.

" If I change it free?? " taeyeon asked.

" I alway see you eat already and run away everytime.. " Yoona smirk.

" You have this hobby Tae " Tiffany staring Taeyeon.

" I alway pay it everytime if not it has bad name of my dad " Taeyeon said.

" Hurry to eat careful it turn to cold. " Yoona act the good waitress told TaeNy to eat.

" Yoona eat together " taeyeon drag Yoona to sit.

" Noo I don't want to do third person "

" I tell you to eat "

" So can I sit near your wife?? " Yoona smile.

" Don't do anything stupid if you don't want to die before have beautiful wife like me " Taeyeon said.

Three of them enjoy the dinner and talk happy with each other.

" Fany-ah wait for me I go somewhere don't go anywhere got it?? " Taeyeon told Tiffany then she run away.

" Like this it call escape or not?? " Tiffany turn to ask Yoona.

" Nope see this " Yoona give Tiffany a wallet.

" What's this?? "

" Taeyeon's wallet maybe hurry go put and forget bring it. " Yoona said. Tiffany open it then one photo drop from wallet Tiffany took it and saw the photo is Taeyeon with Jessica hug each other. Yoona gave tissue to Tiffany.

" Why give it to me?? "

" You crying wipe it I have alot of story tell you" Yoona said. Tiffany touch her eye and find out havr tear like Yoona said.

* Why i'm so timid when everytime I know Taeyeon's past with her girlfriend * Tiffany thought.

" Tiff you come to change Taeyeon you know?? I remember in this 2 year I never see smile or laugh but when she married with you you seem give new life to her also she byuntae sometime but she smile and laugh to you " Yoona's word make Tiffany stop cry also it show that she have something important in Taeyeon's life too.

" How about you Yoona?? I never see you smile. Smile little to me if you smile you will very lovely I swear by put my bat " Tiffany smile.

" I smile now ^_^ by the way Taeyeon give this bat to you?? " Yoona asked.

" yes What wrong?? "

" Nothing.. It cute " Yoona laugh.

" It'll has tell me "

" No.. I think it so cute " Yoona laugh again it make Tiffany pout.

           (2 hour later)

Taeyeon not yet come back it make Tiffany worried alot.

" Taeyeon surely escape Yoona?? look it 2 hour already " Tiffany said.

" Don't think alot she  not leave you alone.. "

" I can't wait anymore I need to find her now" Tiffany not wait for Yoona answer she run away from restaurant.

Yoona's restaurant is in Vampire Soshi area so it not difficult for Tiffany to find Taeyeon.

* Tae Tae where are you I found you everywhere also pet shop I go to find you too afraid someone catch you for sale oh have other way too why it so dark*  Tiffany thought and go that way maybe Taeyeon drop in this way but it nothing.

" Hey!! I found it " One voice from Tiffany's back then she feel something cover her head.

" stop what are you doing?? Taeyeon help me " Tiffany shouted.




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Tae143tiff #1
Chapter 16: Update plesase
embongtaar #2
Angelrepgirl #3
Chapter 16: Hope you update soon author
mioaio #4
Chapter 16: Been a year . _ .
SoaeadDicT #5
Chapter 16: Still hoping for updating..:(
SunnySunshinee #6
I love vampire stories!! and your fic sounds awesome!!! :3
sone1259 #7
Chapter 16: please update soon, great story! Is Sica a vampire too? but Tae said she a human. I really wanna know about her & yul =P cyte TaeNy
abibi33 #8
Chapter 16: update soon i want to know what will they do
Sica also a vampire?? O.O
anyway update soon *-*