he's not spoiled, just well loved

chanyelled's chanbaek drabble collection
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tuesday 161108

words: 1042

genre: fluff,

He feels hot. And stiff. His closed eyes slowly open but close just as fast again. He rolls over to the side feeling a thick layer of cloth following his move. A tired whine is freed from his mouth. He let’s out a deep sigh and manages to slowly pierce his sleep ridden eyes open. He blinks a few times and takes in the room he is in. He recognizes the lamp on the bedside table. The white one. He always leaves it on for him. He doesn’t remember falling asleep here, just like all the times before he must have been carried into to bed. He notices the heavy snowfall from the big window just across the room. After a few minutes of sobering up he remembers how awfully tired he was when he came home from school. He had stayed up all night yesterday to finish a paper he so gracefully forgot he had to do at all. This doesn’t usually happen to him, but it did this time and he cursed himself to hell and back for it. The warmth is slowly starting to annoy him so he decides that whatever he is cooped up in has to go. His gaze travels down his body and he notices the three layers of blankets that covers him. He fights for a few agonizing seconds and manages finally to free himself. His shirt has traveled up his body now exposing his unblemished stomach. Just in cue it starts growling. Loudly. It wants food. He sits up in the kingsized bed and takes in the room one more time. The cold air hits his hot body, making him wrap one of the blankets around his body before he walks out of the room.


To get food he has to go down the big stairway. He manages to only stumble on a few steps considering his still very sleepy state. Letting out a big yawn he pads down the big hallway. The dark wooden floor is cold he notices. Where are his bunny slippers? The hallway is fairly dark with only the faint light of a decorative lamp guiding him through. But that doesn’t matter as the light from the room at the very end is enough. The door is open so he leans on the doorway. He is still not a functioning human being so he has to charge up in some way. His sleepy gaze falls on the man sitting behind the big mahogany desk. His har is dark just as his sharp focused eyes. His shirt sleeves are folded up and the first buttons undone. He is really handsome. Another yawn escapes his mouth and with that he has the man’s attention. His eyes softens and a faint smile graces his plump lips. That’s him, his Chanyeol. 




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Chapter 1: UwU♥️♥️
kokobaek #2
Chapter 3: my hart this is too cute for me to handle TT
alliesalice #3
Chapter 5: Love is everywhere~~~~~
Chapter 5: CuTeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Love it
Chapter 4: ㅜㅅㅜ
alliesalice #6
Chapter 4: It's love and amazing to know that yeol will always be there for him
Hameltart #7
Chapter 4: They're so in love it kinda hurts I don't know whether to laugh or cry
ppjazvi #8
Chapter 3: This are so cute i cried