The Five Stages: Deux

Temporarily Yes

I’ll have you know that no, I did not get to punch Yongnam hyung in the face, but it is only Friday so who knows? All jokes aside though, the need to digress from these insane ideas up and left when the reason for it is, as I have known all along, rightfully misguided. Let me explain.


Cue in Thursday night during my volunteer hours, which most recently became hell. Begrudgingly because of Daehyun’s whiskery smile still charming and overly confident addressed to anyone that was graced by his presence. However, on that particular thursday night at the hospital, it was more for the young children clad in small blue or pink giraffe hospital gowns. I saw them through the clear window on the front of the door as I was heading to one of the veterinarian physician’s office to question about a referral. They were huddled around him, big round eyes staring up at Daehyun pleading for something I didn’t know what.

Contrary to hospital etiquette, I stayed by the window and sort of maybe listened to what was going on. Solely for helping out purposes, you know in case he needed back up and stuff. I leaned my ear in the window and a small girl with chocolate brown eyes tugged at Daehyun’s gray slacks.

“How much longer do you think I’m gonna be here Daehyun oppa?” she asked as her bottom lip protruded into a pout. “I don’t want to stay here anymore! The TV only shows one channel, the toys here have so much drool on them and I missed another school field trip… I always miss the field trips in school... ” she continued dejectedly and peered out the window evidently longing to be outside.

“It won’t be long Minah~ You just have to continue with your diet and keep your heart healthy okay? Then, you will be able to watch other channels at home and play with your friends at school. Just remember to always take care of yourself~” Daehyun ruffled her soft black hair and she slowly turned her attention back up at him.

“Liar!” one of the older kids that sat with his back against the back corner and a small book in hand, yelled accompanied by a histrionic eye roll.

“Excuse me, but you will address me properly as your hyung and I am not--”

“Yes you are!" the kid retorted and paused for a few seconds before he continued. "Daehyun hyung, can’t you see? We have no friends! Everyone looks at us funny in school because we’re always here and getting away with one likes sick kids like us! We’re just diseases” The little ones that huddled around Daehyun looked at the boy, then back at him. Their anxiety bubbled as they waited in anticipation for Daehyun to prove that kid wrong, but the tension and prolonged silence grew enough that it tightened the air in the room.

From the dejected dip of their shoulders, to the falter in their eyes, I could see how much these kids were missing their families and were afraid that they’ll never get out of the hospital. The growing fear of being ridiculed for being sick was so carefully etched in their faces, which further deepened their realization of being different and that there really was something wrong with them. I turned the knob of the door determined to help somehow, when Daehyun shook his head and wrap his arms around the mass of kids. Many didn’t fit, but he kept it open to include them all and even the ones who weren't paying attention before and now running to him for comfort.

He was crouching down to embrace them in a better angle and then fell back when one of the bigger kids, plump as an orange leaped to be part of the hug. Daehyun laughed right after he caught himself mid-fall and leaned back using his elbows. His laughter confused the kids for a second before they joined him and moved back, so he could get up. Daehyun sat up in a butterfly position instead and patted the space in front of him, so the kids would cluster around him. They slowly flocked next to each other, while the older kid in the corner shook his head at them and continued reading his book. Daehyun nonetheless smiled at the ones willing to give him their trust, that rough scruffy smile and then closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, let it out and began moving his lips.

He sang to them, while his eyes fluttered close at certain parts and his hands gripped the carpeted floor at others. He sang to wipe away the tears that nestled beneath their eyes and the gnawing in their hearts. When opened, his eyes reflected theirs as they were lost in the promise of love, hope, and dreams, which were echoed in the lyrics of the song. The melody so smooth and soulful trailed out of his plump red lips. He enchanted them all with his honey-like passionate vocals that even the kid in the corner stole very quick glances his way.

As Daehyun continued to sing, I felt a tap on my shoulder and Nurse Min gave me one of her quivering brows. I straightened my posture real quick and then offered her a small smile before she shook her head and motioned for me to follow her.

The most endearing part of that whole night was when we were alone waiting for the bus and that charming smile faltered again for just a moment. Daehyun was so consumed by his own thoughts or more so the sorrow in those kids’ hearts that his eyes dwelled in the night sky and then caught mine for just a second. A second of doubt and nerve and maybe even fear manifested on those brown irises of his before the bus came and the usual Daehyun charming smile returned.

Throughout the ride, we were silent and it hit me then that Daehyun was just an innately nice person. More so like the person I saw in noona after she tried to befriend me day after day to end my loneliness. It’s not that I was somehow attracted to him, no that’s not what was happening here. Instead, it is his vulnerability and will to be strong for others that pulled me in...well just like noona's did. I guess traits like those always undid my systematic brain that wasn’t born into a family of genuine affection and love, so seeing it in person again captivated me. But that was that. Just a pull from something I didn’t really know about and the mystery of it was just bewildering. That. Was. All.

I kept my mind on the scenery outside the window as the bus ride took its course and finally decided to take up Jongup’s dance workshop invitation tonight. After all those troubling thoughts during the week and university test stress, I figured a nice break would be great. I waved Daehyun goodbye as he reached his stop and took in those light brown eyes, the black mole underneath his left eye, his cute button nose, high cheekbones, and slightly large ears a shade tanner than his overall caramel skin tone.

He tapped the glass on the bus from the outside in front of me and I looked up to meet his eyes again. The confusion is gone and then I saw satisfaction and a hint of exhaustion in them. Just small like every trace of imperfection Daehyun rarely ever showed but makes him all the more--

The bus jolted back into drive and I got pushed back a little from the force of it. Daehyun’s eyes brightened in amusement and he stifled a chuckle as he started walking to his apartment. Real cool Junhong. Super smooth.

The rest of the travel was pretty short and I looked at the google map app on my phone for some guidance. After I walked a couple of blocks and made a right turn, the building came into view and the excitement started to cloud my thoughts. It’s been quite some time since I danced again and just the thought of it felt so exhilarating that I couldn’t help the bounce I made with every step. I made another right turn and gawked at the modern building with glass windows that mimicked the dark bluish sky around it.

I made my way inside and met Jongup by the front desk. He radiated in eagerness after he gave me a ticket for the dance class per worker discount. Then, he directed me to take the elevator as a girl that just came out of the bathroom approached him. I gave him a wink and checked out the sign by the elevator. The dance styles get more modern as the floor number increases and hip hop was one of the top floors, so I pressed the up button and waited.

As the elevator doors opened, I hopped in, and tapped the 7th floor button. Midway through Jongup informed me that he was walking Namjoo to the bus via kakaotalk and that he wouldn’t be long. I got off the elevator with a couple of other dancers and stood by the door indicated in the ticket. The crowd of dancers started to fill in the hallway as it drawed closer to 9pm and I surveyed the glass window of the room where the dancers of the previous class were having re-runs of the choreo they just learned.

Ten minutes to 9, Jongup walked in like he was floating in the clouds, big smile plastered across his face and his eyes twinkled.

“Had a pleasant goodbye?” I teased and Jongup turned to face me like he was shocked to see that I was actually next to him.

“Oh, hey! Sorry I took a while I was um--” he stood face blank, probably lost in his thoughts and smiled widely again.

“It’s okay. I don’t really need details when your behavior is already very telling-” I filled in for him and couldn’t help the smirk that creeped on my face as he tilted his head at me in response.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but if you must know the goodbye was more than pleasant and it’s nearing the workshop time, so can’t really explain-” he stalked forward with a wink before I could get another word in. I followed him to the door and went in as he welcomed everyone with that wide smile still on his face.

“Hey guys! Welcome to tonight's intermediate hip hop class! I'm Moon Jongup and I will be your instructor for this evening~ Find a spot in the room to place your things and get ready to have your money’s worth because this workshop is a real workout!” he beamed and I found a corner in the front to leave my things and drank some water before we started.

With seemingly 40 people in the big dance room with white and red walls, one glass wall for outside dancers to peek in, and ginormous pristine mirrors in the front, Jongup motioned everyone to fill in the space, so that he could commenced stretching. I took that as my cue to designate myself to the back, since I usually towered over everyone and somehow ended up in the back anyway. He his speaker that was connected to his iphone and the music bounced off the walls in the big room.

“We’re gonna begin with some head spins, shoulder circles, body rounds, lunges and simple undulations to get the body working. It’s going to be in 2 sets of 8 and then we switch to the other side. Is everyone ready?” Jongup waited for everyone’s consensus and they nodded before he began the count and we started rotating our heads to the right. A small cracking noise came out when I moved my head around and it felt so good to stretch and bring my body back to this familiar territory.

The beat grew faster as the next song played, but Jongup kept his counts steady and relaxing. I could physically feel the stretch ease the tight clutch on my muscles and the knots untwist as my whole body collectively sighed in relief. This was an amazing respite from all the restrictions that have been caging me into my own trap door this week. I breathed into my nose and then out through my mouth as instructed and finally found my center.






My chest heaved, yes heaved also known as the unattractive gasping for air in loud and quick intervals as my chest tightened and lungs expanded to get more oxygen in my system. Yet, it felt so euphoric to let the music intoxicate me and the adrenaline traveled with my blood, which awakened every bone in my body. I took my water bottle, had large gulps of water and wiped the sweat on my forehead. Man, I missed dancing.

“Okay, Performance time! This is my favorite part of the workshops because I get to see you guys take the steps in and make it into something personal and your own. I’m gonna split you up into groups and have special solos afterwards” Jongup explained still high in spirits, despite his damp red shirt and pink hair that clung onto his forehead for dear life. He divided us into four groups by splitting us into the four different corners of the room. He called on group 2 to begin first and everyone except group 2 dispersed out of the way.

A little relieved I got to watch another group perform before I did, I sat with my back against the wall and saw everyone claim a good distance between each other. The music began to play as soon as group 2 were nicely evened out and Chris Brown’s voice echoed in the room as the dancers do a bit of freestyle.

“5, 6, 5 6 7 8!” Jongup counted for the first group up and like a musical recital, they moved in perfect synchrony to the left, down and then undulated back up. Slightly intimidated and more so amazed, I watched them glide to the right, isolate from the neck to their chest and then bounce like a robot. My gaze traveled to the dancers, each one followed the same steps from Jongup’s choreo, but also added their own extra flare to it. It was so interesting to watch. However, one particular dancer, a lot shorter than rest with blonde hair short that was crisp and in time with her steps, caught my eye. She had quick power moves when needed be and waved like the ocean flowing with grace and the feminine uality equivalent of catwoman.

I gaped at her entranced by how easy she made everything look, even the damn knee glides and then the gyration of her hips from right to left. It was like she didn’t have any limbs and I couldn’t help staring at her move around. She turned afterwards, faced my direction and my mouth almost dropped to the floor when her cute small face came into view. This wasn’t some random talented girl that danced like she was a boneless fish. No, this was Nurse Min. Cute and loud Nurse Min that worked in the hospital and whom I just saw and even worked with earlier. Excuse me whatttttt.

I completely forgot my manners as I continued to watch her mostly because of my disbelief and of course Nurse Min undoubtedly noticed and locked eyes with me. My eyes widened in realization and I took a quick scan from my left to my right to check if I was just misdirecting her actions, but no. That was definitely her and I could hear a soft chuckling next to me as Jongup passed by.

I groaned inwardly and Jongup winked at me. Friends, I just seem to be surrounded in such good company these days. Lucky me.






The class ended without another embarrassing hitch mostly on my end and I was especially happy none of my previous actions disrupted my concentration when it was my performance time. I finished my water bottle and stood up from the corner of the room when a finger tapped my arm. I looked around me and then down to see blonde hair and a smiling Nurse Min. .

“Nice improv you did at the end” She said eyes darting up at me with her long black curly eyelashes blinking at me.

“Er yeah thanks. You did pretty amazing yourself! ...Throughout the whole piece actually” I confessed rambling a little and felt my insides jumble up.

“Thank you Junhong, dancing gives me a nice escape from all the stress in the hospital, which seems like I’m not the only one guilty of” she added face patiently waiting for reassurance... I’m assuming.

“Yeah, it’s been a hobby that makes me feel free when I get the chance to indulge in it” I supplied and her face lit up like actually glowed and everything.

“Glad to find another kindred spirit” She commented as her phone went off and her lips curved into a small frown. She took her phone out of her bag and checked it before the frown formed into a deeper upside down letter u. “I have to take this. I guess I’ll just see you next week then~” she waved as I gave her a small nod and she headed straight for the door. I waited for the door to close when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Had a pleasant goodbye?” Jongup mocked with his wiggling brows and toothy smirk.

“Haha very funny” I replied not giving in to the flush I felt creeping on my face.

“Not the particular adjective I would use in this situation, but it’s not my place to judge as you were so smoothly checking her out during her group performance and not to mention the solo one...Very subtle indeed” Jongup bantered, the amusement so prominent in his face I couldn’t help, but narrow my eyes at him. Yet, that came out weak and the sudden increase in temperature was definitely not helping my cause.

“I was just not expecting ‘her’ to be my colleague at volunteer. And I was not checking her out! I was merely amazed by her dancing!” I muttered in a hushed tone not wanting my business to be everyone’s late night gossip.

“Oh yeah? you were practically drooling--”

“I did not drool!” I yelled and my attempts to be inconspicuous faltered immediately.

“Okay okay~ But you know she seemed equally interested in your dancing or whatever it is you said about her dancing” he picked up his bag and started putting all his equipment in it.

“Amazing. I was amazed by her dancing and wait what? She was looking at me?” I couldn’t help fighting the curiosity down.

“Oh? Interested now are we?” Jongup arched his brow and I shrugged coolly because I need to reclaim my dignity while it was still there. “Well since you’re so enthusiastic about it, I don’t think you need anymore details--” Jongup sarcastically replied and I rolled my eyes.

“Fine. I’m just---”

“I’m only messing with you, but if you are interested she definitely seemed equally so, which--” Jongup went on but my mind stopped listening after the word interested reached my ears. Interested. I was interested in her. A girl. A lady in fact!

“Hey, you okay? You’re kinda freezing on me.” Jongup shook his palm in front of me and I hugged him. “Um? O---kay?” he asked or stated, I didn't really know but nevertheless he returned the hug and I snickered out loud.

“Interested! Of course I am! Hah!” I exclaimed ecstatic and Jongup hesitantly patted my back.

“Er yeah. I think you are-”

“Yes. Yes I am! Thanks Jongup! Thank you so much!” I let him go and my laugh faded into a goofy smile, but I couldn't care less because my point have been proven right.

“Glad I can be a source of help! Now let’s go. It’s definitely getting late and I have an early shift tomorrow” he commanded as he headed towards the door and gave his last goodbye to the remaining dancers.

“Let’s go!” I jumped behind him and felt the weight of the world fall off my shoulders. Jongup was right and a hero to all of manhood specifically my own. God bless him for pointing out the obvious that I was just captivated by Daehyun’s nice personality, but Nurse Min. Nurse Min I was interested in!

We took the elevator down and walked to the bus, while talking about the choreo and other dancing styles. The smile on my face was still present as we separated ways and I took the train home since it was the faster route.






Hours later, here I am winking at my reflection on the mirror as I brush my teeth and get ready for the day. Noona comes in to grab an extra roll of toilet paper, while she rolls her eyes at me.

“It’s way too early in the day to be this happy!” she grumbles before stepping out and heading to the bathroom in the living room.

“Not everyone is a grump like you~” I yell out and she groans loudly just to prove my point. The doorbell rings and I look up at the clock on the wall. 10:15am. Probably Ahjumma sent by eomma to refill the groceries. She’s a little earlier than she usually comes, but she probably has more chores to do assigned by mother dearest.

“I got it!” Noona yells and I close the bathroom door. I jump in the shower, turn the water knob and feel even more rejuvenated as the cold water hits my chest. I rest my head under the shower and let it soak my head. Ohh yessss. I take the shampoo bottle in my hands and squeeze a good amount before lathering it on my head.

“Even if she go away, even if she go away~” I sing scrubbing my head in light circles and bop my shoulders from the left then to the right. “I’m a classic man, you can be mean when you look this clean I’m a classic man. Calling on me like a young OG I’m a classic mannnnnn~” I belt before letting the water wash all the shampoo away along with my woes. This guy is a man. A clean suave, classic straight man.

I grab the soap on the stand and scrub scrub away with the tune still hot on my lips. I love this song! I press my knuckles against my hips and wined with the song. After much more dancing, washing all the excess soap and letting the cold water run down on my body for a few more minutes, I take my towel and wipe myself dry. I rub the towel on my hair and can’t help the simple two step my feet have taken upon themselves to eagerly bounce to.

“Oh, even if she go away, even if she go away~” I hang the towel on the rack and find the clean cherry tomato boxers I placed on the toilet seat. I put them on and open the bathroom door. The cold air of the hallway slaps me in the face, but I walk out unfazed and feeling a little parched, so I head to the kitchen.

“I’m a classic man, you can be mean when you look this clean~” I sing grabbing a clear glass and looking for the cold pitcher from the fridge. “I’m a classic man, calling on me like a young OG I’m a classic mannnnn~” I pour the water into my glass and take a nice long gulp of its amazing freshness.

I put the pitcher back into the fridge and place the glass on the sink. I head to the living room to get a nice feel for the sun and shuffle as I head to the window. “You needs get met by the street elegant old fashioned man, yeah baby I’m a classic maaa----”

“Man, I think you meant to say man” Daehyun supplies brows arched and smirk heavily sparkling on his glowing face courtesy to the sunlight shining down on him through the window, which just a few seconds ago I wanted on me. But honestly now, not so much as the need to run and hide in my room forever becomes my top most priority.

I freeze not knowing what to do while the cold air doesn’t feel so nice on my body anymore and making the nubs on my s perk so embarrassingly out. I quickly cover them, standing idly horrified. Of course it’s Daehyun that’s here. Of all the people I know he has to be the one to see me half and humiliating myself.

“I got charm like a leprechaun, mumma a~ Now y’all ing with the wrong mumma aaa~” Noona raps nudging my shoulder with her elbow as she wiggles on my side. Not even bothering to give me a second glance and then she glides to Daehyun with my laptop in hand.

“Cuz even if she go away~ even if-” Noona stops singing probably a little piqued by our lack of enthusiasm, finally looks up at me and notices that no, I have no clothes on besides my bright red cherry tomato boxers and yes, that is Daehyun sitting in the couch looking at us both. Her glance goes to the tall pale mess that is me to the fully clothed, slightly illuminating Daehyun. Then she falls on the ground, missing the couch by a narrow inch and laughs hysterically.

As the cue to finally awaken my senses, I wobbly run to my room and she laughs even harder with a mixture of Daehyun’s loud chortling.

“Hey, classic man! Where you going?!” she yells out and I slam my door before sitting on my bed and groaning to all the heavens. WHAT THE .






It takes Junhong another fifteen minutes to finally come out of his room, fully dressed this time and even sporting his black ray-bans on. Yup, he’s beyond embarrassed.

“Soohae Noona, Daehyun, hello” he raises his palm up as a funny attempt to be suave and cool and sits on the couch opposite us. “I was not aware of your company as I was not given notice by--”

“Hey classic man, stop being rude and take your glasses off” I retort and the edge of Junhong’s mouth twitches. I stifle the laughter nudging at the corner of my lips and take a quick glance at Daehyun, who is trying to do the same.

“No, I will not as you so kindly have not brought into my attention that someone other than Ahjumma was in the apartment to be exact” he remarks irritation clear in his voice, but fails to give him any edge, since it couldn’t mask the deep red color on the tip of his ears.

“But you were such a great ray of sunshine this morning, I couldn’t possibly kill your vibe” I bite and he forces an appeasing smile back, but his eyes bulge out, eyebrows curve in confusion and his teeth come off scary and misplaced, which is all it takes for Daehyun to snort out loud and the giggles overpowers my weak will after the scene of a half Junhong clad in his bright red cherry tomato boxers, hands attempting to conceal his s pops in my head.

Junhong feigns indifference crossing his arms and sunglasses still on when his phone rings and classic man plays.

“Even if she go away, even if-- He answers his phone in lightning speed and grumbles a vexed hello.

“Yes mom--” he tries to mutter lowly and now it’s my turn to snort and Daehyun slaps his right knee, laughing so hard his whole body is vibrating. Junhong shakes his head and finally succumbs to the giggles albeit still more restrained than us. Good morning indeed.

Junhong’s bad mood doesn’t really last since even he has to admit, that that whole thing is hilarious. Also, Daehyun animatedly tells us about his horrific trip here featuring two drunk girls throwing up on the floor and cry/yelling at the pole across from him. Good thing, they puked right before they went in the cart, but it’s still gross and the smell definitely lingered on their face as Daehyun so carefully adds.

“Thank God they didn’t actually go near you!” I comment as we finally head out of the apartment to go to class.

“I’m saying! But the cry/yelling was definitely hilarious. Whoever they were calling was a total idiot. And I quote ‘How can you buy me strawberry cheese cake when I told you I’m deadly allergic to strawberries?! Were you even listening to me or was it just the ?’” Daehyun reenacts the scene with his right hand pointing aimlessly at the apartment buildings around us and his left snugly fitting the curve of his hip. He intentionally stumbles on his feet for more of a dramatic effect on the sidewalk and Junhong laughs and so do I at his impromptu acting.

“That’s not even the worst part. Apparently the lady sitting at the end of the cart slowly gets up and notices that, that is her daughter drunk out of her mind and well let’s just say that, that girl is gonna wake up later with more than just a hangover...” Daehyun recalls shaking his head.

“Damnnn… I see why your father was so adamant about teaching you how to drink noona!” Junhong says wiping an invisible sweat off his forehead.

“Yup and I’m glad he did! That’s so embarrassing!” I cringe as Junhong shudders and Deahyun nods his head.

“That reenactment was great though, can you do that again?” Junhong jokes and Daehyun gives him a lopsided smile. We reach the train and head down to the station. We make our way to the end of the platform and Daehyun reaches for Junhong’s ray-bans, which he decided completed his outfit.

He tips his toes to reach up and Junhong leans back initially confused before leaning in and slumping down to let Daehyun take them. Daehyun puts them on, then raises them up to wink at us before sliding them back on.

“Of course my acting was great, but since you asked so nicely-” Daehyun slumps his shoulders again and adds a bit more slurring to his words this time around. Junhong is completely entertained and hugs his stomach for air.

“We really can’t take you anywhere can we?” a familiar voice yells from behind us and I turn around to see Youngjae and Jongup heading our way.

“I’m not actually drunk you know.” Daehyun fixes his posture and hands Junhong back his sunglasses.

“Sure, Jan. And hey SooHae, Junhong~” Youngjae bites back and waves at us.

“Whaddup! We missed you at the workshop yesterday Soohae!” Jongup greets and I shake my head.

“No way! Junhong told me it was an intermediate class and I’m definitely a beginner! But I can tell it was a really good one with the way Junhong was singing earlier” I tease and Junhong turns pink again. Daehyun tries to silence his chuckling, but it’s there and Junhong only flushes harder.

“Was it accompanied by some racy dance moves?” Youngjae suggests wriggling his eyebrows and Daehyun laughs harder.

“Not quite but the outfit or lack thereof was surely racey...more embarrassing though. Nevertheless, I didn’t wanna kill his vibe being the good friend that I am and all~” I reply smugly and Jongup arches his brow with a smirk so wide I’m beginning to think there is more to Junhong's spontaneous singing.

“Hmmm, the workshop was killer and so were the dancers! Right, Junhong?” Jongup asks nudging Junhong’s arm with his elbow and Junhong laughs awkwardly.

“Yeah sure...” Junhong replies and I tilt my head at him knowing there’s definitely something there. How didn’t I notice?

“It’s nothing noona, so stop staring at me.” Junhong demands rather defensively might I add.

“I’m not staring. Why so touchy?” I ask and Youngjae and Daehyun look at each other while shrugging their shoulders.

“Yes you were and it is nothing. I just sort of saw Nurse Min there too and she was in fact there to dance at Jongup’s workshop. So, no big deal really.”

“Besides the other fact that she killed that choreo! Probably one of the best of the night if you ask me~” Jongup interjects before Junhong can say anything else and everything just clicks in my head.

“And you’re interested in her aren’t you?” I turn my head and a small smile escapes Jongup’s lips. Junhong shakes his head and does that nervous gulping thing he does when he’s feeling a little anxious.

“No I---”

“Yes you are! That’s why you were singing in the shower! It totally makes sense!” I exclaim while Youngjae, Daehyun, and Jongup chorus in a loud ooooohhhhh~ behind me.

“What? No! It just felt good dancing last night after a long break and okay she was really good but that’s besides the point!” He crosses his arms and I cross mine back.

“Should’ve seen it coming since she was tiny like me and you definitely have a thing for short girls!”

“I do---” I blink up at him, then glare him up and down to challenge his statement.

“Alright I may be more inclined to liking shorter girls, but--- fine whatever! I did think she was cute, now will you stop with the bad cop interrogation?” he resigns with an elaborate sigh of his shoulders.

“Awwwwwhhhhhh~” Youngjae comments the delight shining in his eyes.

“Please stop!” Junhong pleads and makes a big show to check for the train.

“I’m only joking~ but you know, I’m having a pool party next weekend because my parents will be away. You should invite her to come with you~” Youngjae suggest and everyone nods their head.

“Ohh yeah! That’s a great idea!” Jongup hi-fives Youngjae and look at Junhong for a reply, but he stays quiet probably imagining a million scenarios in his head.

“You can invite the other nurses too so it won’t look so obvious” Youngjae suggests since Junhong doesn’t say anything and Junhong pauses clearly contemplating that idea. After the train finally arrives, he shrugs his shoulders and a small smile appears on his face.

“Sure” Junhong smile grows wider as Jongup gives him a hi-five too and Youngjae hollers in agreement. I shake my head at them. Boys. We hop on the train as the passengers file out and head to our university.






The idea of asking Nurse Min out was a little nerve-wracking at first and then, brilliant at second thought, but now it was just daunting. How was I even gonna say all that without rambling and sounding like I have some shouting or salivating problem? Watch it not even come out of me and I’m just gonna be staring at her confused face before I run away and trip or fall inside the trash can or something just as humiliating. I can’t freaking do this!

“You okay?” Noona asks as she looks away from her textbook and definitions list, while her eyes briefly lands on me. She waits, tapping her pen lightly on the book and turns her head to watch me as I offer no reassurance of my sanity. I manage to let out a disgruntled sigh and sink deeper into the couch. There’s no way this is gonna work.

“Noona, I can’t ask her out. It’s gonna come out wrong and she’s gonna say no and I’m gonna have to see her every monday and thursday visibly feeling bad but not wanting to dismiss me and make me feel worst. Or I'm going to embarrass myself while trying to say something remotely cohesive to her and she's gonna think I have serious problems and never talk to me again! Either way, it’s going to be a total disaster and I'm gonna luck out in the end!” I complain gripping the sides of my head with clenched fists and elbows resting on my raised knees on the couch.

“Well the answer is easy isn’t it? Just don’t ask her out” she says her tone flat and borderline sounding so unconcerned as if she was voicing opinions about a sports game. I drop my hands and turn abruptly at her. How can she be so apathetic right now?

“Seriously noona? I’m having a mental break down here and you’re just gonna sit there reading up on the anatomy of a damn--” I peer over my shoulder and gasp in horror to see what is taking her undivided attention. “A ing fruit fly?! You’re disregarding me for a ing fruit fly! What the !!!” I yell with the simmering horror thrashing fiercely against my chest and almost stand up from the frustration and resentment.

“Are you finished taking your frustration out on me or do you have to throw a tantrum on the floor kicking violently at nothing?” she replies tone still flat, but there’s an edge of softness at the end, which she always manages to make beneath the layers of her apathy and it annoyingly hits my nerves. I catch myself before I explode and the anger lessens.

“I’m not a child who throws tantrums--” I mumble feeling stupid and small for erupting at her.

“Then you are capable of doing things if you want to or not despite the high it gives you when people are rooting for you to do so” she supplies filling in the body parts in her perfect penmanship.

“Are you saying I’m only doing this because they want me to?” I asked a little offended. “I don’t just blindly follow the crowd! I have opinions-”

“Then follow through with it. You’re not signing yourself off to marriage and it’s not just her that you’re inviting, so why are you so afraid? Is it because you don’t want her rejection or for everyone to feel sorry for you because of the rejection?” she throws at me and I feel like she just punched me in the face. She’s always so heartless in the most opportune moments.

“I don’t know okay! But I'm pretty sure I'm doing this because I am interested in her and not because they all coaxed me into it! I'm just nervous I'll scare her away... And , okay I get what you're doing here but why can’t you just go about it in a nicer way? You always have to say these mind bottling things when I always give you hugs and cupcakes. I don’t understand why I can’t get the same treatment?” I howl back feeling childish and the pout on my lips doesn’t help, but it’s true. She’s always nice and supportive, but then she gets so stoic sometimes it’s unnerving. She’s a slytherin I tell you. A cold blooded slytherin.

“I’m sorry Junhong. I didn’t mean to come off as indifferent, but if I baby you, you’ll just go on and sit in that limbo phase. You won’t do anything, but frustrate yourself into anger and disappointment so, instead I yell and get you thinking. This way you figure out what's actually bothering you and not just the surface problem...”

“Since when were you so keen on psychology?” I retort still a little angry and used that to throw the last bit of malice I can manage.

“Did I mention Himchan is a psychology major?” she sheepishly comments going back to her damn fruit fly.

“I’m beginning to think he’s a bad influence on you--”

“Oh please! And I’ve only known you for more than half my life, so not knowing what you’re like should be more questionable than actually knowing how to deal with you.” she shot back and I just sit on my seat feeling defeated again. Verbal spats with noona was never my strong point. She was always so good at it, but she did live with two other older sisters. She had lots of time for practice, while I had ahjumma and my expensive toys who didn't talk back when I was growing up.

“Fine. whatever!” I get up not wanting to sit near her and feel even smaller than I already do. I go to the kitchen and open the fridge to take a coke can out. I open the can and chug it down halfway, surprisingly feeling parched from all the talking. I close the fridge door and the magnets on the fridge catch my attention.

My brother has been collecting magnets from all over the world when he travels with his family and always manages to send me one too. I read the names of the places he visited. I see London, Prague, Paris, Hawaii, New York, Vietnam, Japan, and Hong Kong. I unconsciously scan the magnets with my hands, until it falls on a picture of me and noona smiling right outside her dad’s flower shop. This was taken two weeks after the incident with her uncle and happened when all the gossip took its toil on noona. Yet, that wasn’t the worst part.

It was the lingering stares of smiles that didn’t reach the eyes of our friends and the teachers always trying to accommodate her. They made sure the kids weren’t talking about her or that she wasn’t overly stressed, but she hated it. All of it. She didn’t want their pity and wanted to be treated normally because the alternative made it evident that there was something wrong.

“Good god! My hair was so weird back then.” she says at the intersection between the kitchen and the living room. I look at her picture and spot the curved u fringe on her forehead, which her mom cut for her. I laugh remembering her horrified shrieking after her mom finished and I looked up from the TV to see her face. She chuckles lightly still not moving an inch. I turn around to face her and she stays by the intersection, but now wearing my black ray-bans.

“Junhong, hello~” she raises her palm up at me and I smile, although she’s clearly mocking me from this morning.

“I-ri-wa(come here)~” I open my arms for her and she hesitantly shuffles her feet before looking up and sticking her tongue out at me.

“Real mature. Are you gonna start kicking your legs at nothing on the floor?” I counter attempting to mock her back and she laughs. I use her momentary occupation to my advantage and take the three steps to reach her before engulfing her small frame into a hug. She doesn’t even flinch and just laughs harder.

“You know, I would never have peg you to turn out to be the sappy one” she retaliated and I loosen my grip around her. She may have a point with all the hugs and cupcakes I’ve been giving her and then there’s this when it was clearly me that was mad at her in the first place.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about but seriously though. How do I even ask her?” I contemplate out loud ready for a subject change, while I take the sunglasses from her and put them on myself. These might as well be the “I am embarrassed” sunglasses don’t look at me pls.”

“I don’t know. Just talk to her like you regularly would about veterinary stuff or even the dancing and other fun things to do. And then say speaking of fun things, my friend is having a pool party this weekend if you and the other nurses wanna come? You know to chill and relax for a bit?” she proposes while looking up at me expectantly.

“That could actually work” I reply and I can feel the smile slowly growing on my face. I can’t believe an idea so simple and easy could have been reached.

“Exactly! And all you had to do was ask me before filling your head with whatever awful scenarios your imagination supplied” she nags like the annoying mom-friend that she is and I shrug accompanied by an elaborate eye roll.

“Whatever eomma!” I retort not being able to resist and she smiles with one side of her lips curving up.

“That’s no way to talk to your mother! And come now, young, angsty and hormonal teenager and finish your homework” she demands with her hands on her hips and eyes narrowed for that mom effect. I dip my head attempting the solemn and sorry look and she nudges for me to walk back to the couch. I follow her and feel just a tad bit lighter. Maybe I can do this.




Hey guys! I really meant when I said I was gonna try and be more consistent with the updates, so here goes the 7th one. This chapter was pretty fun to write and I hope you enjoy reading it. As always, thanks for your patience and see you all in the next chapter where Junhong continues to struggle with himself. Also, I changed the font of the story and hope it doesn't throw off anyone too much. I think it has a more authentic book feel though, so I'm probably going to keep it.

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Chapter 9: It's been such a along time since I've found a story as good as this.
Chapter 8: I need more yongguk-soohae interaction please!!
Chapter 5: Skins vs shirts is such a hot idea!
Chapter 4: I am shipping her with Zelo. Lol and Yongguk, kekek
Chapter 2: There is something so interesting about this story. I don't even know what it is but I'm so loving it.
Ryosas #6
Chapter 8: Hi i never realize that you had the daelo tag on lol at first i was here for oc pov then as i was reading 'oh? it also tell zelo's crush on daehyun?' then i only found out recently it had the daelo tag... i was like 'aha.. so that's why...' i don't mind though!! Because ugghh the story is getting better and better! i can't wait for your updatessss <3 also my favorite character here is himchan hehe
Chapter 5: Oh my goodness the taco scene was amazing. I'm hungry now
Chapter 5: Oh my goodness the taco scene was amazing. I'm hungry now
Ryosas #9
Chapter 5: Gosh, the cafe scene made my mouth water!! I wish there's a cafe like that irl... I'd totally go! Uh oh, I hope junhong and daehyun are okay... Nice chap btw! Looking forward to the next one~ p.s: good to know that himchan thinks guys are fun to kiss lol
Ryosas #10
Chapter 4: I'm loving this! Can't wait for next chapter :D fighting for the updates~