Shirts Vs Skins

Temporarily Yes

Three weeks have passed and I find myself on constant dates with my computer screen. I've been reading countless of pdf files and watching videos in hopes of learning a month's worth of material within a week. But everything just becomes a foreign mixture of something I vaguely understood and saw half consciously. So, here I am in the library living like a hermit with my books fueling my growing insanity. Junhong isn't much company either because he's been bent uncomfortably in one of the sandstone armchairs next to me. Pleasantly sleeping of course, for over an hour now even though we should have been spending this time going over quiz material for next week. Why I ever thought veterinary school was doable is beyond me....

I stare at the same sentence on another dreary passage about surgery procedures, picturing the vowelㅏ(a) coming to life and throwing the consonant ㅅ (s) like a frisbee at its surrounding characters. Imitating that of a first punch in an afterschool altercation between bullies and outcasts, the other letters gang on each other and it becomes a bloody war zone.

"I reckon that study method doesn't really work" I blink slightly alarmed and open my eyes to see all the letters are scattered around from their riotous battle. Most of them jumbled into a large pile with the characters ㅠ  (Yu for Yoon) and ㅊ(Ch for Choi) teaming up to sew the pieces together like Alphabet physicians. I blink again hopeful for my unbounded imagination to calm itself and am pleased to see sentences once again. I look up to find a popsicle right in my line of sight and it easily animates my physically and mentally drained body.

"I didn't really know what flavor you'd like, but Junhong did mention your addiction to chocolate" A smile spreads across his winsome face and I am quick to grab the delicious treat. Junhong was lucky enough to volunteer the same hours with Daehyun on thursdays and not only has it secured their friendship, but has bloomed so well that our duo easily became a trio. I offer Daehyun the brightest smile I can conjure at that moment to show my sincere gratitude. Being in the library all morning and only taking small breaks here and there can do things to you.

"Had a strawberry one for him, but it'll probably melt by then so more for me~" He pulls a vacant armchair next to me, eyes twinkling, and sets his messanger bag down next to him. I devour the treat in hand worried the noisy librarian or any of her stringent helpers might see me and publicly kick me out. You'd think with all the books they must read, they'd be more open and kind hearted, but I guess not.

"Take it easy" Daehyun jokes, while savoring his and I double check my surroundings still skeptical. "Don't worry. I had a whole pack of them and the helpers were more than willing to leave us alone inexchange for a lovely treat" he shrugs like he didn't just sweet talk his way through eating in the library, but I learned that's pretty conventional Daehyun. Intended or not, Daehyun seemed to have this effect on everyone and his overly cordial demeanor is just that. 

"I thought you said you had plenty of things to do at the apartment?" I ask casually, enjoying what's left of my treat and he leans back into his armchair and rests his right ankle on his left knee.

"Too loud. Couldn't do work under those circumstances." He finishes his treat and offers to throw my trash away as well.

"Thanks" I say as he shoots it into the bin and takes his laptop out of his messenger bag. 

"Is Youngjae practicing for your next gig or something--?" I ask curious why it was loud enough for him to leave the comforts of his home and be in the school library. He stops typing at his laptop and turns to look at me with an unreadable expression.

"Something like that..." he vaguely answers with a shrug and I try not to think more of it. I go back to reading the Surgery Procedure Outlines making notes on my word document.






The morning passes by and Junhong wakes up 30 minutes later with a kink on his neck and aching limbs. He stretches slowly afraid he'll pull a muscle and finally notices Daehyun next to me intensely taken by his textbook. Another thing that is so plesantly surprising is that Daehyun is just as willing to nerd out with us whenever we have free time. And if that isn't enough to prove how well Daehyun fits in with us, he also has food with him wherever he goes and that is a friend who knows his priorities. 

We stay for another 2 hours before our stomachs' roar their disapproval of all this "productivity" and we head to the Cafeteria for some food. However, we spot the Minx talking with her equally obnoxious friends and make a run for it. Mostly for Junhong's sake. We leave the campus not willing to risk it and stroll along the side streets until we spot this harlequin umbrella café. Curious, we go in and gape at all the polychromatic umbrellas. Some of them are decorated with beautiful sky landscapes on the fabric of the inside of its canopy and others have flowers and breathtaking landmarks from all over the world.

We walk around unaware of the workers spotting us and stare up at the uniqueness of each umbrella. I bump into some tables a few times too captivated to notice where I was going and we all finally settle down as one of the waiters call our attention.

"First timers?" he smiles leading us to the counter and giving us some menus.

"Yeah. These are beautiful~" Daehyun comments and the cashier who has a clean shaven face and gray eyebrows beams.

"What could we offer you guys?" he asks and Daehyun inquires the man for their recommendation for first timers like us. The ahjussi's eyes light up delighted to finally take up that offer and recommend a bunch of foreign food to us. My mouth waters just by the sound of the dishes, although I'm ashamed to say I've never even tried them before. I ignore the inner pessimist in me and relish in the descriptions he gave for each of them. However, we decide to take it one at a time and try our luck with both the soft and hard shell tacos.

He also kindly orders three Hawaiian fruit shakes for us. Mango Peach Paradise for me, Very Berry Punch for Junhong, and the Strawberry Banana Mama for Daehyun. He seats us out on their courtyard accompanied by snug armchairs and large umbrellas above each wooden picnic table. The one we're under is showcasing the famous Chinese Lantern Festival with a dark vast sky to emphasize the brightly-lit lanterns gliding across the fabric. 

I spend most of my time lost in a daydream underneath the glowing lanterns and perch up when the smell of cheese, spice, and barbeque sauce fills my nose. I look up to greet the waiter's friendly smile and my eyes widen as he comes with a large tray filled with food. On them are three large soft white tortillas with meat, cheese, vegetables, and a pink sauce on it. Next to those are large yellow tortillas like huge mutated chips with more meat, tomatoes, peppers, red sauce, and sprinkled on melted cheese. It smells even better on my plate and my tongue tingles in excitement.

The cashier from earlier comes right after him with our shakes each with a small paper umbrella and strawberries situated on the curvy glass. I look at Junhong and Daehyun, and can see the mirrored thrill in their eyes. We each take one of the soft shelled taco and nod before we bite into it. My eyes flutter close as the flavours melt in my mouth. The meat and vegetables are savory, blending so well with the hot cheese. The sweetness of the barbeque sauce, softness of the tortilla and the hint of something special doused in the sauce is like a perfect marriage. It is a complete understatement to say that I enjoyed every bite of that taco and happily munch on my food.

Then, I take a sip of my shake and a blast of sweet flavours dance into my mouth. If I can think of an image all this blessed food is giving me, I would be sitting by the waters in Hawaii with the sun in my face and cold water tickling my feet. The sand is warm and the wind playfully caresses my face. This is paradise and I'm glad we agreed to try something new. 

After eating the soft shell taco, I brace myself for the magic of the hard shell taco and bravely take a big daring bite of it. The initial crunch on the gigantic looking chip mixed with succulent meat, melted cheese and spicy sauce is just enough to get my endorphins swarming my blood stream and awakening every tired bone in my body. Whoever says eating is not a spiritual experience has never been blessed with good food. 

I'm pretty sure we all have moaned into our food, but it just attests as to how good everything is. The waiter comes back to get our verdict on their dishes and an toothy smile leaves his face as he sees our eyes never leave the food in our hands. Upon finishing every last bit of the tacos, the smug look of being apart of something special stays in our faces until the waiter comes back with three coconut shells topped with watermelon, blueberries, pineapples, and peaches. 

"You didn't think we'd let our first timers off without desserts did you?" the cashier comes back and the way Daehyun's eyes pop out and his thick lips open in a delighted smile seems like he's meeting the love of his life, which arguably could be food. I mean I love food and all, but the way he looks at it sometimes is just as intense as the way my mom drools  looks at Kim Soo Hyun and that's saying something. 

"It's a Hawaiian delicacy in my family, but we change a bit of the ingredients to tweak the taste" he explains and we happily take our spoons and dig in. The fruits are fresh the more I eat them, and the sweet soupy coconut base just completes the taste. 

"This --isb ---amazlig" Daehyun says in between bites. "Act--uably all ofz it---all ofbz igz is ama-zlighg!" he continues and the cashier laughs. Daehyun realizing his incomprehensible comments turns pink and his ears mimics the red on the watermelon. We all laugh at his cuteness and he ducks his head low so close to the table. There are rare moments when Daehyun ever gets embarrassed, but they are what makes him even more captivating. 

"Bery Amazlighg indeed!" Junhong says in between monstrous bites as well and we all laugh even louder. Something about his gigantic bites and messy chewing tickles my sides and Daehyun finally looks up too. Still pink, but laughing with his straight teeth out and eyes shut. My mouth twist in a proud way at Junhong for handling the situation so well and it gets wider as Daehyun's eyes glow his way, too even if it is just for second. 

The rest of our dessert is filled with more laughter unlike the beginning of our day in the library and I slouch into my seat feeling heavy and satisfied with myself. We enjoy the remnants of our shakes each delicious in its own way and let our minds relax for once.

We stay until around 6pm since the place is crowding with lots of young people and couples enjoying this nice day out. We head back to the direction of the campus before Daehyun stops us by the gates.

"You guys are seriously going back?" he asks incredulous.

"Yeah...Aren't you?" I ask quirking my brow and he slumps his shoulders.

"I mean I planned to, but we studied a lot and it's a saturday! We should call it quits and do something fun~" Daehyun offers to the both of us casting his ever so alluring whiskery smile.

"What did you have in mind?" Junhong gives in all too quickly and I laugh despite myself. I can't pretend a break from studying isn't what I need. All the lectures and mini exams have been so intense I can't believe it hasn't been a month since the semester started.

"Well actually there's soccer practice right now at my old University and we could go and watch if you guys don't mind going~" Daehyun suggests leading us away from the gates and back out on the sidewalks.

"You play soccer?" Junhong queries and we follow Daehyun to one of the bus stops.

"Yeah~ We all did actually! But now only Yongnam plays professionally for the U-leagues. Doesn't stop us to show up to practice and play a bit like old times though" Daehyun beams probably reminscing his soccer practices and the bus arrives shortly. I mentally note to look up U-league later since it is very unKorean of me to be nonchalant about soccer and well I just never really paid attention to it. And I didn't want to admit I knew close-to-nothing about the said sport because well it would ruin the giddy childlike aura in Daehyun.






The ride takes a little longer than half an hour, but Daehyun was busy telling us about their old competitions and all these soccer stories during their undergraduates years that I feel like I already did the research I told myself to do earlier. I learned that U-League is a nation wide soccer competition between universities starting from March until October. Y University, Daehyun's previous school placed really well it's first time in the competition and they even won two years ago, which was the last time they all played together.

He goes on to tell us that Yongnam is the striker or main attacker and now captain of the team. Daehyun and Jongup were the left and right forward, which was basically Yongnam's attacking helpers. Yongguk was the center midfielder, who was both an attacker and defender, but in his case was the interceptor of the ball. Himchan was the Center-Back, who played defense and was right in front of Youngjae who was the goalie, which doesn't need much explanation. They all joined in different years, but with all the long rigorous training, they became close very quickly.

We get off the bus almost missing our stop and the security guard makes us sign up for a visitor's pass before we can enter the field. Daehyun says they are usually lenient, but since there's no actual game, he can't just let anyone in the campus. Something about spying on the teams during practice and they can't afford that right now when they are so close from winning the whole competition.

We enter the campus and a sudden excitement makes me feel light on my toes. We follow closely behind Daehyun and his face brightens in a way I've never seen before. The reflection in his eyes show images of buildings and lecture halls, but I can tell by the exuberant tone in his voice that the memories from each and everyone of these places are inundating his senses. I follow the end of his finger pointing out see so many mundane locations that bring a wide smile to his face and before we know it, the field calls to him.

He jogs to it too excited to walk, but not completely prepared to set foot in the field all to soon. It is a paradox I know too well and we make our way to the entrance of the stadium not knowing what to expect. 

"Are you guys ready?" he asks exhilirated and we nod our heads behind him. He leads us up the staircase to the stands and when an opening finally greets us, he inhales the air around him like he was holding his breath the whole time.

"Welcome~" he spreads his arms around wide and drags us out of the steps and into the stands. The sunset dances in our eyes and the endless field of green fills them. 

Honestly speaking, it looked like every other field on the television not that I would ever say that to Daehyun. It would break his heart...but being in one after avoiding them my whole life is pretty exciting in itself. 

"Yah!!! Isn't that Jung Daehyun?" A yell echoes throughout the field and everyone turns their heads so quick I hope no one procured a self-induced whiplash. As if winning the U-league championship, Daehyun mouth opens wide in surprise and then he charges down the steps heading straight to I pressume to be his old--still teammates at heart. 

"It's been so long!" Daehyun groans loudly. Seemingly overwhelmed with all good feeling in his chest, he lunges at his mates and they all catch him in an awkward group hug. 

"Two years too long!" One yells enthusiastically with a dark fringe and a lopsided smirk forming on his boyish face.

"Ignoring us all this time with your new friends?" Another jested hair ash blonde and brows quirked with so much gusto he would give Youngnam a run for his money.

"Not sneaking any lingering touches right?" A boy who appears just as beguiling as Daehyun himself manages to give an actual hug and they all huddle next to each other moving in circle while cheering their team's name.

"I would think some things have changed, but I'm sure that bit really hasn't" Bright pink hair cheers from the benches with Youngjae Himchan and even Yongguk right behind him.

"HYUNGS!" The tallest of the bunch who undoubtly mimics a man in his late-twenties, hair gelled and earrings too large for his ears moves away from the circle absolutely surprised. He's younger than them?

"Hey kid, Still wearing those fangs?" Youngjae smiles and now the whole lot of them run to Jongup & co. leaving Daehyun and the soccer ball long and forgotten like yesterday's fad.

"Can't possibly get rid of our lucky charm!" Daehyun runs towards them, too and now they're in an even bigger circle huddled together and chanting like mad men. Junhong and I just stay afooted in the stands completely lost in such a happy site. To truly belong in something no matter how fleeting and short is life's greatest wonders.

They continue to jump around talking in smaller groups hugging each other and what not. It looks like the chaos that ensues after everyone leaves from an actual game and takes quite a bit of time until all of them calmed down and sit on the grass. Himchan however, makes an attempt to squat at the greenery beneath him, but unsurprisingly springs up looking around for a distraction and finally notices us in the stands. He waves at us like royalty and motions for us to come down. 

Daehyun spotting Himchan in the corner of his eyes, gets up and runs to us a little red. It doesn't take long until he's right in front of us and offers a sheepish smile. 

"Sorry for leaving you guys! I really excited--- it's um been a while" He reasons voice low and shy unlike his usual charming tone.

"Two years to be exact" Junhong mocks, placing his arm on Daehyun's shoulder with his smile so wide I swear I see Daehyun's eyes quiver for a second before settling in with his usual wonted grin.

"Do you two need some privacy? Because the locker rooms are always open for the wandering eyes!" Yongname says in the same brazen air he had opening the door completely half to me a few weeks ago and causes Junhong to freeze and dart his eyes everywhere else, but the said man in front of him.

"Now you would know all about that, wouldn't you Yongnam hyung?" Daehyun bites back suprisingly takes my hand and I grab a hold of Junhong as Daehyun leads us down to the field. Hoots and wolf calls echo the field as Yongnam and Daehyun stare into each other's eyes without breaking contact like some sort of stare off. I follow behind him feeling like I'm being offered to the wolves a little less afraid with Junhong right next to me. Just a little since there's more than 10 of them all smug and muscular. And then there's Himchan looking at his nails already bored of this boyish ritual.

"Hello Daehyun's friends~" the ash blonde haired boy gets up and offers a smile to us as if he wasn't one of them barking mad not too long ago. "My name is Jackson, Jackson Wang!" he said with a wink and all too eager, which I daresay was appointed to me, but a figure was quick to push his way in front of me and block his view. 

"Oh, don't you dare pull one on Lady Soo Hae! Keep your eyes off her!" Himchan squeaks completely shielding me from the pack and I never felt so proud to share a bed with him. My unconventional gay hero!

"C'mon Chan, they're just being polite" Yongnam explains, but Himchan is relentless. 

"Yeah hyung just a friendly hello that's all" the Wang guy adds sullen to have caused a rather odd bit of tension.

"Can't blame me when you guys we're roaring around like a bunch of thirsty animals. You'll frighten our new friends!" Himchan reasons and it strikes me as odd since our first meeting was rather bizzare...well mostly the bit about jumping Junhong...

"All in good fun Channie~" Daehyun pats Himchan. "And besides Soo Hae is mine so don't try anything" he continues and my head turns so fast I'm surprise my neck didn't dislocate itself. Ummmm what?

"UH. Ex-cuse me Daehyun, but she's clearly with me" Himchan grabs my hand and takes Junhong's too.

"Both mine. No touch." Himchan narrows his eyes at them and I try not to laugh. He's like a kid in the play pen that grabbed all the toys and is unwilling to share them with anyone. As if proving my point, Himchan slaps Daehyun's hand as he attempts to grab me and Junhong away. Then, Himchan dramatically flips his hair out of his face and starts to lead us away from the crowd. But then, Yongguk's deep voice comes to life, which somehow stops Himchan dead in his tracks.

"Alright Channie I'm sure they get it. We should at least introduce them and not mark this reunion with awkward tension" A small part of me wanted to yell "Like you're one to talk!" still a little bitter, but I shrug the urge as quickly as it comes. However, he gets Himchan to turn around and stare at them real hard before letting out a loud hmph! He takes us back to where we originally were and offers a fake smile.

"Okay okay. I was rash. This is Lady Soo Hae and this is Junhong" he looks at them and waits, but his patience gets the best of him. "Well are you guys gonna sit there like a bunch of hoodlums and introduce yourselves or not?" he eggs on and I don't miss Youngjae's eye roll or Jongup's snickers.

"Definitely the kind of attitude we're missing on the field! Hi Lady Soo Hae, Junhong! I'm Im Jaebum left wing" the guy with a boyish face and lopsided smirk introduces himself adding the bit of soccer Iingo I just learned. They don't all feel accustomed to mention their positions do they?

"And I'm Park Jin Young, but you can call me Junior, midfielder" the boy with the strikingly similar features as Daehyun smiles, cat eyes greeting us, and me and Junhong look at each other curiously before bowing. I guess they are.

"Hey guys, what's up? I'm B, the center back" a very tall and lanky boy with noodle legs and arms beams looking no less than 16.

"B?" I ask a little puzzled why he didn't care to express his full name.

"Trust me on this one, don't ask!" Yongnam advices and everyone nods. B shrugs indifferent.

"uh--- hello then B" Junhong waves and I wave too. He raises his brows at us, smile soft and welcoming.

"I'm Kim Yugyeom, right wing~" the tallest...well second tallest next to Junhong, nods appreciatingly at Junhong and offers me a thumbs up.

"I'm Choi Youngjae center midfielder" a guy with a sunshine like smile comes forward and gives us both a bow. Two Youngjaes what are the odds.

"I'm Mark Tuan midfielder" a guy with a thin voice and shy eyes bows as well.

"And I'm Park Jimin" another young looking boy with dark hair and arguably the cutest eye-smile to date says hello to us.

"See, that wasn't so bad!" Daehyun defends and Himchan doesn't spare him a short glance. He just shrugs and takes us with him to the benches.

"You're not gonna play Channie?" Yongnam asks and Himchan shakes his head no.

"But we need one more player for it to be seven even" Yoo Youngjae calculates and Himchan looks at him unconcerned.

"What happened to the rest of the team?" He folds his arms and the rest of the boys still in the team give him the most wide-eyed look coughing simultaneously.

"Those scumbag traitors!" Yongnam barks and the rest are still desperately coughing to cause some diversion. Himchan frowns and his face becomes a little contorted in guilt.

"Hey, why can't Junhong join us?" Jackson asks and smiles when he notices everyone seems to brighten at the idea.

"Yeah, you don't wanna play a bit of soccer? You're pretty tall like Crouch, you could do some headers for us!" Jaebum adds and now everyone looks at my giant best friend.

"I haven't really played soccer in awhile" Junhong interjects and they all just shrug and wave it off.

"Neither has the rest of them, so don't worry too much" the noodle arm and legs boy points to Daehyun's lot and the rest laugh.

"It's all for fun~" the Jimin kid smiles cheerful casting us his really cute eye-smile and Junhong shrugs giving in. Himchan smiles for the first time since he's dramatic protective outburst and Yongnam's scowling lessens. 

"Okay, but I'm calling him on our team!" Daehyun motions Junhong to stand behind him, but Jaebum is quick to grab him.

"Hey, we called Crouch! He's with us!" he reasons and Jackson cheers besides him.

"You guys can have Captain too!" Junior winks at Yongnam and someone lets out an approving whistle. 

"Trying to take revenge on your Captain?" Yongnam asks all authorative.

"Why ever would you think that... Captain" Junior smiles wickedly and I'm getting a little apprehensive for Junhong.

"Then who else are we trading in?" Choi Youngjae interjects quickly and everyone looks around and in the same instant point their hands towards "Jackson!"

"Wow guys! Really? Just gonna hand me in like that?!" Jackson glowers kicking the soccer ball at them, but they don't flinch and Yugyeom even catches the ball like it's no big deal.

"Yeah~ Bye Hyung!" Yugyeom casually waves ball in hand and so the two teams are split into seven. Yongnam team's with Jongup, Yoo Youngjae, Daehyun, Jimin, Jackson, and Yongguk. Meanwhile, the other team with Jaebum, Choi Youngjae, Junior, B, Mark, Yugyeom, and Junhong. 

Himchan takes me to the bench, hands me some drinks and snacks from a large duffle bag on the ground. Probably Yongnam's...

"Heads or Tails?" Jaebum asks Yongnam as both teams figure out their positions.

"Tails" Yongnam replies and Jaebum flips the coin high before it lands back in the palm of his hand and he flips it again. 

"Heads~ Guess you guys have the honor of being skins today!" He smiles and I stare at Himchan hoping to get an explanation.

"It's exactly as it sounds. They're gonna have to play with no shirts on." Himchan shrugs and I gape at him increduously.

"Whuttt' I mutter and he looks at me kindly.

"Well since Junhong's new and soccer's a pretty fast paced game, it might be too confusing to tell which one of them is in his team. So, splitting the teams into shirts and skins would make it easier... And because it's like a tradition around here" Himchan explains rolling his eyes and quickly points to the boys taking their shirts off and unabashedly placing them next to him.

One by one they come, as if the view far away isn't enough, shrugging their shoulders and folding their shirts neatly like a mass produce of boyfriend dolls. Youngjae gives a short casual wave at us shoulders wide, skin glowing in the dark, and stomach flat. Jongup and Jimin come like a double team of trouble with abs finely cut and that V-line peaking out. Well, damn. Yongnam approaches arrogantly placing his shirt on Himchan's lap, skin as pale as ever, and making kissy faces at Himchan. Yongguk trails behind arriving as Yongnam leaves. He does us the honor of taking his shirt off in front of us and Jackson playfully whistles across the field. He takes it off in one swift move, places it next to Himchan and crouches down next to me to grab a water bottle from the bag. I don't really go out of my way to greet him since he's beyond polite greetings, but am force to acknowledge him when Himchan calls for his attention.

"Bring some of the water bottles Guks" Himchan neither shows signs of asking or demanding, but what really got my attention is the oddly cute and endearing nickname Himchan gave him. I look up despite my resolution to be indifferent about his presence and realize he's standing rather close holding three water bottles in his hand. I lean back completely uncomfortable and Himchan yells in my defense.

"Hey! Watch it!" He yells at him and he finally looks around specifically down at me and steps back apologetically. Did he not notice he was crowding up my space? He offers another awkward smile offering a way too professional apologetic bow and turns around quickly. We watch his figure go and Himchan sighs out loud.

"I wouldn't be surprised if a ball hits him straight in the face not that a good smack won't bring him back to earth! Always full of thoughts, but only meets me in silence...and I'm suppose to be his best friend" Himchan mumbles bitterly and I wonder if the reason he's so out of it is because he's found out about Himchan and his twin brother...

Jackson follows suit bowing at Himchan and offering a gentle smile before quickly turning his body around and his bouncing blonde hair swishes as he runs back. He still seemed scared of Himchan and the smile on Himchan's lips proves he feels no remorse for his outburst earlier. And finally, a enchanting face comes running, ruffling his brown hair, shirt in his hand.

"Keep an eye on it for me~" Daehyun winks at us while placing his shirt on my end of the bench and his glorious tattoo illuminates in front of my face in his golden tan skin. I knew the quote was "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" for Junhong had mentioned that. However, Junhong didn't mention the little feet markings tracing along the words and the little moon in the corner making it all the more intimate.

"Kick their !" Himchan advices and I finally look up to a smug looking Daehyun. He runs back to the field and Himchan side eyes me.

"You know, you're really not helping his already ginormous ego" Himchan spats like he's saying something as bland as the sun is yellow, while my mouth opens widely in surprise. 

"Wha-wha--what do you mean?" I finally stutter. Himchan gives me this weird smile and I feel even more cornered.

"Well you've only stared at his chest the moment he came to view. I mean it's not a bad sight, but Jimin and Jongup can easily knock his good looks out" Himchan flips his hair to get a better view of my face and I can feel the sun in my cheeks, although darkness has already fallen and the night air welcomes us.

"It was his tattoo. I--- I also like Harry Potter, so naturally my eyes would fall into the quote so largely written across his chest" I ramble and Himchan lets it sink in before he offers a friendlier smile. Nothing weird and insinuating something not there type of smile.

"Good" He answers with no other explanation that I am taken aback and completely miss the beginning of the game. "I like you Soo Hae and I don't mean to be rude, but he's more than just a pretty face to gawk at" Himchan continues and I turn my head very slowly his way completely nonplussed. What just happened? I mentally question fighting the dejected feeling in my chest.

"Oh." The word leaves my mouth before I can even register I really did say that out loud and I feel betrayed. "I--- I'm not like that" I defend lamely, not knowing how to express myself in proper words and feeling kind of helpless. But Himchan is quick to defuse the tension and I can feel his eyes at me.

"I'm sorry that came out all wrong. I didn't mean to offend you like that SooHae. Honest. It's just--- I--" he stays silent for a bit and I sit patiently waiting for an explanation. It wouldn't make sense to think Himchan thinks of me in that way since he's always been very protective and nice. I'm sure there's something more to it...hopefully.

"Daehyun is a good friend. A very charming, but sensitive friend and it's his business to talk about his life not mine, I know(eye roll). But I also know that pretty boy act is a facade...well was once! And between you and me, I feel like there was a lot of pent up resentment in that title before he accepted it as just something apart of himself. And being his friend, you kinda want to protect him and make him realize that there's more to him than his good looks and the people that matter will see that too" Himchan finally answers and I feel a sense of uneasiness as I slowly walk out of my comfort zone and embark in a conversation--friendship rather, that is more than just casual hellos and good luck on your test type of thing. I know people make friends every day and share secrets and innermost opinions about things because that's the whole point of having a friend, but I've always just had that with Junhong and to me that is enough. Well, right now it feels like it was enough because as I watched the altercations and deep understanding these guys have with each other I sort of feel envious to not have more people to share things with. And honestly who better to start something so unknown and exciting than Himchan. He is blunt, dramatic, and sassy, but his eyes are always kind. And I already feel an odd attachment to him and his overpowering mother hen type.

I turn my head to meet his gaze and big brown eyes look at me like they're really seeing the deep layers and thick walls of my soul. I shiver feeling exposed and know this is the reason why I don't pursue any deep relationships with others, but I try anyway. Because I want to and opening up to their group always felt nice and something I can hope to belong in someday.

"It's okay. I get what you were trying to say." I say with confidence and offer a small smile. He tilts his head to the side like he isn't prepared for that response and I start to feel a little stupid. Was that too fast? Should I have fought him a bit like his usual banter with the others? But then long arms stretch out to me and I am wrapped in a very warm and loud embrace. I sit there frozen for a bit not really expecting that, but he ruffles my hair and pulls away hopefully not because of my lack of a reaction. 

"Thank you for understanding~" he smiles eagerly kind brown eyes opening up to me. "And I'm really sorry about what I said. I never intended to hurt you in anyway seeing as your one of the few girl friends I have that is hearing me out" he confesses and I can feel my lips form a frown.

"What? You seem like you have plenty of friends both girls and guys." I defend for him not really convinced this is a fact maybe just a bit of an exageration?

"No it's true. Girls never really liked me because I was always "too much" for them probably jealous of my gorgeous skin and I know being gender specific about friends is dumb, but I always wanted a girl friend. I'm always surrounded by guys, and don't get me wrong. They're challenging, adventurous, and fun to kiss, but the emotional support and comprehension girls have with each other is something I always envied. And all the ones I have seem like they're mostly there because I give really boy advice (Wide grin). Which if you haven't noticed, is why I really wanted to get close with you. You seem a little boyish than I expected, but I think its a good medium to my girly tendencies if we're gonna label them like that and I really do want to be friends... if that's okay." His words hang there in a sort of desperate and genuine way that I didn't really know what to say. No one has ever seeked me out as a friend and if they did it was usually as a package deal with Junhong. But that's totally not what it seems with Himchan right now and even Junhong threw me away a couple of times until I finally grew on him like the captivating person that I am. But all jokes aside, it feels nice for someone to want to be my friend and just me-- boyish or not, so I nodded quickly before my lack of a response sends the wrong idea. And again, those long arms hug me. This time more constricting and I'm sure there's a bit of squealing. But it's all very warm and I'm sure I'll be able to breathe in a second.

"Thank you" Himchan says again finally letting me go and giving me more snacks. I open my mouth to protest, but someone yells from the field, which catches our attention. We look away quickly and diverge our eyes to the shuffling feet and tall figures across the field. It is rather exciting to watch the ball switch from player to player some effectively steering the ball closer to the goalie, while others block it before anything victorious happens. 






Time passes by and both teams haven't managed to snag a goal, but the game is still very exciting accompanied by Himchan's snarky commentary. Himchan makes a startled gasp and I follow his eyes not wanting to miss all the action. Right there at that second, Junhong trips on his own feet, while Jaebum quickly chases off for Daehyun. Daehyun does a trick to make Jaebum lose his balance and quickly kicks the ball to Jongup directly ahead of him. Mark, the really shy looking guy blocks Jongup from securing a goal and tries to kick the ball to Junior, but Jongup intercepts it and passes the ball to Daehyun again. I hold my breath as everyone crowds around him like lions on a deer hunt, while his teammates are either still trying to catch up to him or is already being blocked by someone else.

In the height of the moment, Daehyun kicks the ball high up barely missing Bambam's reach and Yongnam comes out of nowhere and headbutts the ball towards the goal. It flies due northwest and Yugyoem, their goalie narrowly misses the ball probably caught off-guard by Yongnam's sudden appearance. The ball zooms flies to the net, bouncing off as they collide, and Himchan screams. Everyone's mouth gapes widely at the turn of events and run towards Yongnam frantic. They crowd around him yelling "CAPTAIN!" forgetting they were in opposing teams and manically hopping in a circle again.

Himchan jumps his right leg curling higher up than his left and actually runs out eager to join the festivity. Feeling the adrenaline from the game, I follow behind him goosebumps all over my arms. I can see why the country's fully immersed in this sport. I stand next to Junhong grooving his hips and arms to the cheers of the team, while Jongup moves in his own sensual rhythm. The guys starts to dance as well hyping each other and cheering loudly.






The powerful energy boost expires and some are now sitting on the floor laughing, while others are laying down completely exhausted from all the running. Totally convinced that I won't be able to move a single muscle, I lay on the grass staring off at the sky with noona squatting not far behind me. She's animatedly chatting with Jongup, the two Youngjaes and Himchan and it's nice to see her fully relax with other people. She's always been so reserved when left alone, and I feel thankful for them and their ability to bring her out of it. Meanwhile the ash blonde Jackson is snoring next to me. We were just talking about our favorite artists, when he suddenly got quiet and soon after his breathing became slow and relaxed. I laugh at how crazy the whole thing was and close my eyes feeling like Jackson had the right idea.

"Okay everyone! In light of our awesome persistence for victory, drinks at the Fat Tonic!!" Yongnam yells from a distance and everyone cheers loudly after him. Naturally, my eyes bolt open and Jackson jumps up like he wasn't just snoring .45 seconds ago. Noona stands in front of me asking me if I can get up, but I tell her I will in a minute still hesistant about moving my body too soon. She stands there waiting for me, but Himchan calls for Daehyun to help me up and takes noona along with him out of the field. Daehyun comes in a bit, the wind blowing his brown sweaty hair and he shivers probably missing the warmth of his shirt. 

"Can you move?" Daehyun examines my limp body and reaches out his hand for me. 

"I can try" I muster the courage to grab his hand because I didn't want to seem really weak and give in all my efforts to get myself up. I manage to lift myself halfway with the help of Daehyun's solid grip. Although its remarkable that I can even push myself to this extent, it is not enough and I brace myself to try harder. 

With a deep breath, I jerk my body higher in a quick jolt, but mistakenly pull Daehyun's hand down to bring myself up. So, gravity gets the best of him and I roundabout falling fast after him. My arms push hard barely missing the sides of his stomach in an attempt to shelter my fall, but they shake vigorously from the impact and I crash into him anyway. My head lands on his chest and sore body engulfs him in a loud slam. A loud guttural groan escapes from the both of us and I feel horribly responsible. 

It takes me a few seconds to open my eyes head pressed hard on his right pectorial and I freeze on the spot. My hands roam the premises completely in denial of what just transpired until I've traced his arms and chest. Quickly realizing what I've done aka feel Daehyun up like a ing creepy weirdo, I spring my body up with my palms on either sides of Daehyun's head and knees bent straddling his mid-thighs. Something clicks on my leg and I try not think about it because at least when I look down I can see Daehyun's breathing get better.

His eyes flutter open, like they've been closed this whole damn time to save me the embarrassment and not have to face him after I unsubtly d him, but of course my timing is just a little bit off and he's staring at me like he's not really seeing me. His sweaty hair is even more disheveled and stuck to his forehead, thick lips slightly open as he huffs for air, and eyes big in wonder. Hoping this is him being me earlier and not really grasping the gravity of the situation, I fallback to the side and land next to him.

The fall hurts so much I'm sure whatever muscle I strained before is definitely worst off now and lay there with my arms throbbing. I keep my thoughts focused on the night sky above. He coughs and it brings me back to the soccer field, all too conscious of the grass on my body and how it slightly itches when mixed with pain and guilt. I turn my head around to look at him and he looks at me, too. Face unreadable except for all the sweaty huffing and the image makes me quickly avert my eyes back to the sky where it's safe and black.

"Daehyun, I'm so sorry!!" I squawk awkwardly and feel all the blood rush to my face and like sparks to a fire, I feel my face heat up in light of the situation and my not so smart ideas.

"It was an accident" he airily mutters and my stomach churns and mouth taste bitter with more remorse.  

I look at him again, but his eyes are staring at the entrance and I keep my gaze there too. It takes another minute for noona to notice we're missing and she comes with Himchan and Yongnam looking for his star player. They see us from the entrance of the field and Yongnam bolts our way. He arrives completely perplexed and looks like he's doing his best to not say something really dirty right now.

"Whatever you're thinking, no. Just help us up. " Daehyun requests in a sort of demanding way. Yongnam only quirks his brow for a second before screaming for Himchan to call for more help. 

"For now, but don't hold me responsible for whatever I may say in the future" he huffs, winks at me, and crouches low next to Daehyun. "Sorry Junhong, but you're sorta out of my reach. We'll get two or three of the guys to help you up!" Yongnam reasons. Noona comes running next to me stopping abruptly in front of us words failing her. She opens and closes three times before Yongnam beckons her to help him push Daehyun on his back. She wavers seemingly hesistant to leave me, but I motion my head to Daehyun and she eventually nods and helps Yongnam.

Noona gently places Daehyun on Yongnam's back and wraps his hands around Yongnam's neck. Yongnam slowly stands up with noona holding his legs and wrapping them around Yongnam's waist. Himchan finally comes with help and takes noona's place supporting Daehyun. She runs back to me and helps pick me up along with Jaebum, Jackson and Yugyeom. Jaebum and Yugyeom wrap my arm around their neck and support me up, so I can stand. My arms are aching again, but not as much as before and we slowly make our way to the bench.  

"We need to take the two of you to the hospital!" Youngjae adds as they place us both on the bench leaning on them for support.

"NO!" Daehyun and I quickly refuse and the rest of the guys try to stop our protest.

"We can't just take you home!"

"You guys look like you've broken something! Especially you Daehyun!"

"You're a doctor you know this is not safe!" they all refute Daehyun and I, but Youngjae makes a loud shushing noise and we all get quiet.

"I know I'm not suppose to call right now, but it's an emergency. Can you please help me?" he says and all eyes are now on him. He talks on the phone, his voice desperate and nervous. "Okay. I'll drive there now...thank you. thank you so much!" color comes back to his face and he hangs up the phone right after.

"You're still going to get help, but we'll keep it confidential" he claims looking at Daehyun for a while, before he tells the guys to bring us to his car. They slowly support us to Youngjae's white mercedes benz and help us get in. They slide me into the back seat and noona comes in the other side to help gently seat me into the car. They do the same to Daehyun on the other side of the car. 

After much argument, Himchan gets on the passenger seat deeming himself the most reliable in these situations and Youngjae starts his car. The rest offer to trail along, but Youngjae tells them following behind defeats the whole purpose of being stealthy. He does promise to keep everyone posted and to let them visit tomorrow after they have rested and are checked for injuries. All are too reluctant to leave and want to help, but Yongnam eventually agrees much to Himchan's pleas and they longingly watch the car drive away. 

The car ride is long and the traffic is no joke, but I lull myself to noona's humming and lean my head on the leather. Before I know it, noona shakes my shoulder a little bit to wake me up. I open my eyes and see Himchan on the other side of the door ready to support me. 

"Get Daehyun first--" I suggest, but Himchan doesn't even give me a second look and Youngjae is already next to him supporting my other side. Himchan wraps my left arm around his neck, while Youngjae takes my right arm and they walk slowly to Youngjae and Daehyun's apartment. I try not to wince everytime my hold around their heads move even the slightest and chew on my bottom lip as a distraction. The walk there is rather slow and I also try not to look back because it makes the walk even harder. We reach the building and the door man rushes to help us, and presses the elevator button. 

The ride up is slow and antagonizing and I'm trying to keep my eyes open. But as the elevator dings at each floor, I feel my head sink and it hurts to stay awake. With a soft nudge, Himchan and Youngjae support me out of the elevator and Youngjae presses some codes on the number pad on their door. The light turns green and they slowly take me to the the closest bedroom, which happens to be Daehyun's.

I can tell it's his by the overpowering smell of cheesecake and the familiar bed I slept in three weeks ago. They help me sit at the edge of the bed and then I slide into the cushion feeling the aches in my arms double. I excruciatingly bring myself up to his pillow and succumb to its sweet scent and overwhelming warmth.






I feel cold metal pressed on my chest and it takes every bit of energy I have left to push it away. 

"I know its uncomfortable, but it will only be a few seconds" A woman whose voice feels secure and all-knowing in a you can trust me kind of way coaxes me to give in. A sudden fear of realization that this woman could definitely be my mother washes over me, but as the softness of her voice echoes in my memory, the thought dies down quickly as I remember how unlikely that would be. My parents just called two days ago saying they were flying to Thailand for another country club reunion reassuring me with the accessibility of my credit card if I needed anything...because you know, money solves everything. 

Scornful, I find the round metal and trace the rubbery substance connected to it, before letting it fall away from my abdomen. My arm throbs and the pain pulses with my heartbeat, but I don't regret pushing that thing away from me. I can feel my lips tug down and my something other than the soreness in my chest tightens. I let the ugly feeling engulf me and almost flinch when I hear the door open. Footsteps make their way across the carpet and stops right by me.

"Is he awake?" A gentle voice says lightly as if speaking in a loud tone would break me. 

"Kind of, but I'm sure it's mostly just half consciousness" the womanly voice informs all so professionally and I wonder who this woman is and why she's here. Is she a friend of theirs? Or someone's family member? 

Curious, I slowly squint my eyes and the darkness of the room welcomes me besides the light on Daehyun's table. I follow the light and right there next to it, a woman with dark hair, reading glasses and red lips leans on Daehyun's table. I shut my eyes confused and look to same spot with the woman still there dressed in a white lab coat and hands-- hands on her shoulders. Then one rubbing her cheek. I divert my attention to the owner of the hands slowly following the length of the person's arms when something twitches on me. 

Curious again, my eyes divert to my right and down to my hand feeling warm all over. Tiny palms rest there keeping me company and the same tightness in my chest lightens as a small head and puffy cheeks rest on the bed under my pillow. Shiny black hair falls on her face as she breathes softly against the mattress and just like that I feel the tightness leave all together. I turn my head to watch her sleeping form and my eyes sink into another peaceful sleep. 





I know this has been long overdue, but I hope the exciting series of events make up for it. >< Being back in college has been very difficult, but I'm definitely not abandoning this story. It just takes me a while to feel satisfied with how things are moving. Nonetheless, I'm sorry for the wait and I'm sure there are errors everywhere, but I didn't want to prolong this any longer. Thanks for your patience and giving this story your undivided attention. I'll see you guys in Chapter six where things get a little more fun. :D

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Chapter 9: It's been such a along time since I've found a story as good as this.
Chapter 8: I need more yongguk-soohae interaction please!!
Chapter 5: Skins vs shirts is such a hot idea!
Chapter 4: I am shipping her with Zelo. Lol and Yongguk, kekek
Chapter 2: There is something so interesting about this story. I don't even know what it is but I'm so loving it.
Ryosas #6
Chapter 8: Hi i never realize that you had the daelo tag on lol at first i was here for oc pov then as i was reading 'oh? it also tell zelo's crush on daehyun?' then i only found out recently it had the daelo tag... i was like 'aha.. so that's why...' i don't mind though!! Because ugghh the story is getting better and better! i can't wait for your updatessss <3 also my favorite character here is himchan hehe
Chapter 5: Oh my goodness the taco scene was amazing. I'm hungry now
Chapter 5: Oh my goodness the taco scene was amazing. I'm hungry now
Ryosas #9
Chapter 5: Gosh, the cafe scene made my mouth water!! I wish there's a cafe like that irl... I'd totally go! Uh oh, I hope junhong and daehyun are okay... Nice chap btw! Looking forward to the next one~ p.s: good to know that himchan thinks guys are fun to kiss lol
Ryosas #10
Chapter 4: I'm loving this! Can't wait for next chapter :D fighting for the updates~