
Under The Same Roof
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A/N : If you haven't read the edited prologue yet, I suggest you read it first or else you'll be very confused :'3

After 2 hours of shopping, Myunghee finally got all she needs. She's now carrying one plastic bag of toiletries and other hygiene products, two plastic bags of snacks and groceries, and one paper bag who's smaller than the other ones with a sentence on it that reads "SAVE EARTH, USE PAPER BAGS" in all caps. Myunghee clearly abandoned the idea of the bag, obviously.

"Ugh, why do I have to need so much stuffs? If I had company, shopping will be much better." Myunghee mumbled. She's been living alone for a year and a few months now, She didn't have any same-age neighbours in her floor. Well, except maybe one.

"Why did Mr. Annoying  Brat isn't home anyways? If he is I could just dragged him here with force." Myunghee pouted, still walking down the path to her apartment. She, infact had one same-age neighbour in her floor, and he's in the same school with her AND in the same department. What a coincidents, right?

But he just moved in 8 months ago, so he's still acting like an annoying brat full of confidence that likes to , well no matter how long he had moved in it won't change anyways. He didn't live alone actually, he lives with his older brother, but Myunghee certainly can't drag someone who's older than her here forcefully. Heck, she didn't even knew him that well.

After the not-so-long walk to her apartment, she's now infront of a room that has a small sign on its door that reads "237AB". She pressed the password number on the password thingy (Sorry I didn't know what it was:'v, but if you knew tel me plz) and entered the room. The room was exactly the same as it before she left it, except for a big black converse on the shoe rack.

Wait, a black converse? I don't have those...

Myunghee, being a slow person she is, still confused by the unfamiliar converse she found. Assuming it was probably her neighbour's shoes that he left when he visited her, she run to the kitchen and put the snacks and groceries to its rightful places.

"Uhh... Where should I put the cereals?"

"Just put it in one of the cabinets!"

"Oh yeah! you're righ- AAAAHHHHH!!!" Myunghee screamed histerically, startled by the presence of a tall boy with silver-grey like hair, and-

"Wait, you are the customer I stared at earlier! What are you doing here?!?" Myunghee asked to the said person, still with a startled tone. The boy gave her a confused look before it suddenly changed to a sad look.

"You didn't remember me?" The stranger said with an obvious hint of sadness in his voice. Myunghee swear she seen an imaginary sad tail of a puppy attached to the stranger.

"I don't know, I mean you look familiar to me but I don't know who you are." Myunghee said. The stranger sighed before walking to the living room and plopped himself on the sofa. "You really can't tell me by my looks?" He said, without looking at Myunghee.

"As I said before, you look familiar but I can't tell who you are." Myunghee followed him and sat beside him, already feel comfortable around him because she knows he's not a bad person. "So... Who are you?" She asked.

"I'll give you a hint. I was your husband when we're 5." He said ambigously. The girl was confused. Firstly, she hasn't married yet. Secondly, 5 years old are way too young to get married. Lastly, he said 'was' so did she had a divorce? Okay, that one is very random.

"Aish! You didn't even remember that? Gosh, you didn't even remember the Panda Tunnel don't you? It's like our first and last meeting after 12 yea-"

If this was an animated tv show, Myunghee would have a flashing lightbulb on her head, "Panda Tunnel? 12 years? Are you perhaps... Min Yu?"

Okay, we all here expected for more but that was close enough.

"It's M

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renaetastic #1
Chapter 3: omg i'm so excited for the upcoming chapters, it's super cute!!
I like the concept I can't wait to read it.