하은: Her

Forgotten Chapters of a Life
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*Italics* = Thoughts


Your brows furrow as your eyes stare at the reflection in the mirror. A frown appears on your face as you realise what's wrong.

Not again...

Your arms reach up to do the deed. Yes, without any tools.

Come on, come on...

Your face twists in concentration as your eye starts to twitch.

You can do this, Haeun...

"There! Did it!"

Your arms drop to your sides as a smile replaces the frown on your face. Until...

The bow of your school uniform flops sideways again, distorted.

"Forget it, I give up," you say with a sigh.

Attempt to fix bow #201 - failure


"Good morning, Appa."

Your words are followed by an equally short greeting from your father as his eyes remain fixed on the daily newspaper, "Good morning, sweetie."

A grin makes it's way up your face. It is a rare sight to see your dad in the morning as he is normally always busy with the company and usually had to leave in the earlier hours of the day. Not that you were complaining, though.

"Are you coming home for dinner tonight?"

The question finally makes your dad's eyes tear away from the paper and fixate on your face instead.

"Sorry sweetie, you know how busy I am with work."

Your smile doesn't falter as you simply nod your head. It was expected, after all, from the CEO of Song Corporations. 

"I'll see you later then, Appa."

"Have fun at school, sweetie," is his reply with his eyes already returned to the newspaper.


1 step, 2 steps, 3 steps, 4.

You were not wrong in thinking, before, that today would be a good day to walk to school. You giggle to yourself as you cast a secret glance at the big, intimidating man beside you, who wore a dark suit despite being outside on a sunny day. You had refused your chauffeur earlier this morning on the basis that today's weather seemed simply beautiful. Your refusal, however, did not stop the middle-aged man from sending a bodyguard as a replacement to accompany you on your walk.

"Sorry you had to come with me today, Mino," you say brightly, looking up to the tanned man.

"I'll forgive you if you raise my pay, Lady," was the cheeky reply you received in return as the man in question sends you a su

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Chapter 8: Authornim,please ,hurry! We can't wait to see what happens! But first,do what is needed! :) <3
allisonike #2
Chapter 7: Update soon!! Don't leave us hanging here!
katnisseverthg #3
Chapter 7: this is getting so interestinggg update soon :))
Chapter 7: Coma? Wow! Surprise after another. Well, I Sense that that boyfriend of hers, that Joshua guy is lying about the relationship they had in the past. I'll keep my suggestions for myself,and you,authornim,update soon because It's getting more interesting! :p <3
Chapter 6: So it could be a car accident or something that made her to have lost her memories. I do not know! But I'm really curious about their past and future! Can't wait to see what happens next! Update soon, authornim! <3
LinA1992 #6
Chapter 6: Wooow this is really exciting
hannaa95 #7
Your story is good so far! Hope to read more soon
Looking forward to it! Update soon :)