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"Here. Look at this picture. Do you remember now?" Hana's mum passed her a picture.


Hana took the picture and stared at it. It was a picture of a little Hana with a little boy, hands wrapped around each other's shoulders. Both had the happiest expression anyone could have, smiling widely showing their non-existant front teeth.


Hana took a closer look at the picture she was holding. The more she looked at it, the more memories came playing in her head.




"Hana! Just jump! I'll catch you so you won't f-" before Chanyeol could even finish his sentence, Hana had already jumped and landed perfectly fine. She stood up and dusted off the dirt on her palm.


Both of them were playing at the nearby playground while waiting for Hana's mum to finish shopping.


"I'm not a scaredy cat like you, Chanyeol," she laughed and stuck her tongue out.


Chanyeol pouted and crossed his arms. "I'm not a scaredy cat. I'm a brave man." Hana chuckled at his statement and nodded.


"Alright, alright. You're a brave man. So you must protect me from now on. We're friends, right?" she pinched Chanyeol's left cheek.


Chanyeol's eyes widened and he pinched Hana's right cheek back.
"Oww. Chanyeol, move off your hands." Hana whined.


Chanyeol laughed. "No. Not until you let go of yours."


Hana poured and released Chanyeol's cheeks. "Done. Now your turn."


Chanyeol chuckled and pinched a bit harder before letting go.


"Hana! Let's go home. I'm done with the grocery shopping," Hana's mum called.


"See you tomorrow, Chanyeol," Hana waved at him as she trailed behind her mum.


"Bye," Chanyeol waved back.




Hana smiled to herself as she remembered the memory. She turned the picture around and saw a note.


'Let's promise to stay together forever.' It read.


It was Hana's handwriting. She smiled and laughed at her own childish note.




"Here. It's a present from me, since you said you're leaving," Chanyeol handed Hana a bar of her favourite chocolate.


Hana happily received the chocolate and started eating it while staring at Chanyeol. "Why is your face like that?"


Chanyeol blinked. "Like what?"


"You look sad. Is it because of me leaving?" She playfully poked his cheeks. "N-no. I'm sad because you didn't offer me any of your chocolate.." Chanyeol cleared his throat. Hana laughed and shoved some chocolate into his mouth.


"There. Happy now?"


Chanyeol smiled and nodded.




Hana real

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