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Chanyeol decided to spend the rest of his break on the school rooftop. He sat there, staring into space. "Why am I even avoiding her? Shouldn't I be happy that she came back? " Chanyeol talked to himself.

He pulled his own hair in frustration and sighed. "I don't understand myself."

"I don't understand you either, " a voice appeared from behind.

Chanyeol immediately turned to see Kyungsoo standing at the rooftop door. "Is it her? Your childhood friend? " Kyungsoo went up to him and sat next to him.

Chanyeol bit his lip and slightly nodded. "Y-yeah. How'd you know? "

Kyungsoo shrugged. "It was kinda obvious. Usually you wouldn't even bother about new students. But this time, you looked like you were trying to get yourself unnoticed."

Chanyeol sighed. "I don't even know why. Should I go and tell her about it? But it would be embarassing." He burried his face in his palm and groaned. "Don't say anything about me to her. Even my name."

Kyungsoo stared at Chanyeol and slightly laughed. "That would be hard but, take your time."


There she was, in the hallway, taking out books from her locker. Chanyeol's eyes widened as he made his way towards her. Her locker was right next to his!

What luck does he has.

He cleared his throat and went to his locker, looking at the floor.


He heard her call but he didn't turn to face her. "What? "

"Are you somehow mad at me or something? " Hana enquired. "No."

"I-I see. I Hope we can get along, " she tapped the tall boy on the shoulder. "I'm Hana. What's your name? "

Chanyeol tensed up. He immediately shut his locker and went off to the next class. Hana was left dumbfounded. She stared at his tall figure walking away from her. Again.

She decided to just put it aside and went to class. "Hey, Hana."

She turned and saw Kyungsoo approaching her. "Come on, let's go to class." She nodded and trailed along him.

"Hey, Kyungsoo."

"Hmm? "

"You know, that tall friend of yours? "Yeah, what's with him? "

Hana pouted and looked at the books in her hand. "I asked him his name today and I thought we could b

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