Chapter 01.

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"Why are they even living in our house?" Mingyu's aunt protested. "We have their money, without this money we would be nothing you know?!?! Plus we know where their pa--" The husband replied. " SHUSH!! Don't talk about their parents! and What money?! Their parents didn't even leave that much money! We can't afford to take care about these damn brats anymore. They need to leave this house as soon as possible. I seriously thought that taking them would at least give us money but no!" the woman replied back. "Don't worry honey, I'll think about something because I also don't like the kids being around. How can their useless parents leave with so little money? Next week.. next week or soon or something, I don't know.." The man said softly.


Waking up to this every morning, Kim Mingyu would make sure that he would cover his little sister's ears to prevent her from hearing the conversation. Kim Miho and Kim Mingyu shared one room because their aunt and uncle stated that if they separate rooms, it would cost more electricty-wise, water-wise, everything-wise. Mingyu let it go as he knows that Miho doesn't need her own room yet. Miho was only seven years old and a very sweet young child. Listens to his older brother all the time and never whines, doesn't disobey his big brother because at such a young age, Miho knows the struggles his big brother went through, for her, for the both of them.

Covering her tiny adorable eyes from the sunlight that was shining through the window, Miho turned around and yawned, "Oppa.. i'm still--- still shhhleepyyy. two more minutes please?" Mingyu smiled at his little sister who was using his arm to cover the sunlight, "Okay Miho, just make sure to get ready alright? School starts today." Miho nods her head as she releases her tight grip from the older brother's shirt, "hmm. arrashheoo~." From there, Mingyu stood up and fixed hs bed hair. Walking out towards the kitchen, he met his uncles and auntie's eyes, "Ohh Mingyu.. You were awake?" the aunt fake-smiled sheepishly.

"No, I just woke up a few seconds ago. I'm going to make breakfast for Miho and I because school starts today." The uncle then joins the conversation and says, "okay but hurry up because I don't want you using electricity much in this house. Your aunt and I already has lots of bills to payoff and just having you and your sister here is already hard enough for us because your usele--". Mingyu bows apologetically and says, "I'm sorry uncle, and yes will do."

In the kitchen, Mingyu hurriedly cooked something very simple and it was just toast, some sunny side-up eggs, with sausages. He also made hot chocolate for the both of them because it was both their favorite. Cleaning up and finishing up, he got their breakfast ready and immediately settled it down on the table, just in time for his sister to come down. "I thought you said two minutes Miho? What happened?" Mingyu smiled. "Sorry~ I slept a few more minutes and then I brushed my hair then washed my face because ..." Miho looked down at the plate laid upon her. Mingyu giggled, "Because ...? because you drooled?" Mingyu laughed.

Miho embarassed, "Oppa.. You didn't have to point it out you know?" and Mingyu just told her that it was totally okay and normal because everyone goes through it. He also made sure to tell her sister to eat quickly because she still had to shower and get ready for school as it was their first day. A few minutes after their talk, the siblings then ate their breakfast and Mingyu went to wash the dishes and made sure the whole kitchen was tidy while Miho ran to the bathroom (making sure not making any loud noises as their aunt and uncle were also getting ready for work) and quickly showered. By the time Mingyu finished, Miho was also finished and was already in the room. The older brother comes in and made sure his sister was all ready and when he was sure that she was, he then proceeded to the bathroom and also took a quick shower.

After the siblings got ready, they both walked out the house and made sure everything was locked because before they left the house, the aunt already has left for work. Smelling the nice fresh air, MIngyu goes, "Come on princess, school time!" and the small child beside him smiled excitedly and goes, "Hya!! here we go!" and both headed to Pledis Elementary. During the walk to Miho's Elementary school, a specific someone caught his eye.


"Woongieee~ wake up or else we will be both late to school. Umma has prepared breakfast already and Appa is about to leave for work. Let's gooo~~" Wonwoo cutely woke his brother up. The younger brother then suddenly goes, "hug hug hug! then I'll wake up~" and Wonwoo couldn't help smiling at the fact that his little brother is literally adorable. Wonwoo then hugs the latter and picks him up during the process and cutely talks with his intended high-pitch voice, "breakfast is ready!!" as he kept kissing his seven year old brother on the cheek. 

As Woong was already sitting on his chair, he was singing his ABC's as he was waiting for his mom to put his plate in front of him. Wonwoo was helping his mom prepare while their dad was getting ready for work. Minutes later, the dad finished getting ready for work and wonwoo and the mom finished preparing food. The family then ate breakfast together, but made sure to eat fast while still having fun. 

"Are you ready for school Woong?" the dad asks when he was about to leave for work and Woong approaches his dad and hugs him saying that he is ready and excied as well. In the kitchen area, the mother also asked the same thing and wonwoo replies, "I am ready but I don't know mom, there's always people around Jeonghan and I but I'm not saying I don't like it, it's just that, they're always there and I can't have time with my best friend. Jeonghan is also not okay with it but he told me last year that we were both famous for something.. I forgot." 

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jaetaeten #1
Chapter 5: lol dumb,dumber,dumbest,the most dumbest

but the story is cute tho ^^
Chapter 5: So exciting
can't wait for more
Chapter 3: New reader here! Love this story <3
Keep up the great work!
3036jonestom #4
Chapter 2: please update authornim!!
NamCookie #5
Chapter 1: Keep up the good work, am looking forward to seeing what will happen between the two couples
snsdsmtown #6
Chapter 2: Hi!! New reader here!! I can't wait for future chapters and don't worry, your chapters arent short, they are rather long tbh. Anyways, Take your time to update!
SHINeeEXO14 #7
omg cant wait to read this~~ ☺