Author's Note

Something Stronger than Fate

Hello my lovely readers!!


Thank you so much for reading this to the end ^-^


So time to explain the reasons I wrote this story the way I did (as awful as it might have been). So this story I thought of really suddenly one day. I was just drinking my hot chocolate when I thought of a scene with Wonwoo on a cliff, leaning back with nothing to catch him, all while smiling with his eyes closed… then BAM. I wrote up the story in my head. From the start, I knew how it was going to end (sorry, Wonwoo’s death was planned from the beginning). It was thinking of the stuff in the middle that was more difficult.


The story was really short, I know. It was less that 10K words. But I really wanted this to happen in a short time period. The end came so quickly, because you never really know just when someone will disappear from your life. It could be expected, or it could happen in the blink of an eye. That’s why I made this so short. Forgive me if it was horribly written… >_<


Also I didn’t put any author’s notes in the chapters because I didn’t want to disturb the mood of the story… though that’s probably just me being weird :P


And to the 2 or 3 of you still reading this, I wanted to explain one last thing. I don’t know if I portrayed it well, but I wanted Wonwoo and Mingyu to have some mysteriously strong bond. For them to love each other without having to understand each other, and without having to explicitly state their feelings.. Something that pulled them toward each other.. the red string of fate perhaps? I wanted it so that deep in their subconsciousness, they knew that they were meant for each other. A strange and unexplainable bond that just makes everything seem right when they are together.


Anyways, thanks again for reading my story!

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darksanctuary #1
Chapter 10: i just realized that i've read your stories at AO3 then found you here today but can't help rereading them again... sigh. ofc I'm crying again but I'm satisfied lol such an M.
ajexastxsvt #2
Chapter 10: ㅠㅠ my heart!! Whyy?! Meanie is lifee! Whyy?!

But this is great! Hahahha! Keep it up author-nim! Fighting!
Chapter 8: this is so sad. *cries in the corner*
i love this story so much !!
SeungHodaebak #6
I just read this in less than 1 hour and ditched all my pending tasks.

well you did a great job for breaking my heart. TT____TT
hunhankyumin #7
Chapter 10: Okay, i'm so done with this...
Why, author-nim, why :(((( my tears are... OMG
I love this fic so much, and I want everybody to know this fic. Can I translate this into Vietnamese? I'll keep all the credit
Thank you so much, and sorry for my bad grammar ;A;
byungsxx #8
Chapter 10:

FEELS MAN OMG WHYYYYYㅡi cried okay anw thanks authornim
He17oAlice #9
Chapter 10: They never told each other they loved them...but it was like they knew but they didn't know o.0 I think that's the beauty of how vague their love is ㅠㅠ man I cried too hard. This was great!^^ ♡