Chapter 5

Something Stronger than Fate

It was Saturday, the day Mingyu was supposed to see a movie with Chan. He got up, ate breakfast, and got dressed relatively quickly. It was still early to leave, but he decided to head out anyways. He figured he could kill time somewhere along the way. He put on his shoes and turned the knob to open the door, but the was a push on the other side that made the door open quickly. Mingyu looked down to see the reason why.


Wonwoo was sitting in front of his door, leaning his back against it. When Mingyu opened the door, he turned around with a smile to say hi.


“What are you doing here? Why didn’t you knock?”


“I had a feeling you would be coming out, so I waited.”


Mingyu sometimes just couldn’t understand Wonwoo’s thoughts. But then again, when did he ever?


“I’m meeting a friend today.”


Wonwoo got up and patted himself free of dirt, then looked up at Mingyu.


“That’s fine… but do you have some time to spare beforehand?”


Mingyu looked at his watch before responding.


“Yeah, I’ve got time.”


“Let’s go for a drive.”




Mingyu didn’t know how long they were on the road. Either way, by now it would be too late to go see that movie with Chan. He texted him Sorry, something came up… I don’t think I can make it today… He suddenly didn’t feel like going anyways. Especially after what Seungcheol told him yesterday, he felt like he needed to be with Wonwoo right now. His phone lit up almost immediately, and Mingyu saw the screen. Aww, what happened?


He ignored the message. He couldn’t just tell him that he felt like seeing someone else. He didn’t want to explain himself either, so he hoped that Chan would just understand.


“Is that your friend?” asked Wonwoo.


“Yeah… He.. cancelled on me. No biggie. More importantly, where are we going?’


“I wonder...”


“... sounds great.”


After a 40 minute drive, Wonwoo parked the car in the shoulder of the freeway. They were in a mountainous area, and they were at the side of a cliff. Mingyu was wary of where they were because of what happened last time, when Wonwoo place himself in danger at such an unpredictable moment. If he dared to do something like that again, it would mean their doom for sure, as Mingyu would most certainly go after him again. When the two got out of the car, Mingyu watched Wonwoo carefully, taking note of his every step. He watched him walk in front of the car to go around it, and past Mingyu who had yet to shut the door. Wonwoo inched closer and closer to the edge, then turned to look at Mingyu.


“Don’t worry, I won’t jump this time.” he assured him.


Mingyu relaxed, not realizing the amount of tension he had built up in the first place. He walked to where Wonwoo was and stared out into the open land. The vast city below was beautiful. He couldn’t tell which view he enjoyed more, the scenic city, or the dauntingly beautiful boy next to him. Wonwoo didn’t say anything, so Mingyu spoke first.


“Seungcheol told me about you. About your heart… and why you do the things you do...”


Wonwoo was unfazed by his confession.


“I know.”


“I… I don’t like it when you try to find ways to die…”


Wonwoo looked at Mingyu, and without missing a beat, he replied.


“Then I’ll stop.”


Mingyu looked at Wonwoo, surprised. Shocked, really, and in utter disbelief. Why did he agree so readily? Did he really hear what Mingyu said? He’s been seeking death for two years, according to Seungcheol. Why would he stop after Mingyu, of all people, said something about it? How sincere was this promise? Did he mean it? Mingyu couldn’t be more confused.


“... “




“... why?”


Wonwoo looked out to the city, as Mingyu looked at him. A gentle breeze ruffled their hair, and Wonwoo breathed in the fresh mountain air.


“I realized something the other day, when you desperately tried to save me. You got angry for me. No... you got angry at me. Normally I wouldn’t care what others think. I wouldn’t care at all... but for some reason, I care when it’s you. I didn’t like seeing you like that. I didn’t like seeing you upset because of me.”


He closed his eyes for a brief minute before continuing.


“I know we haven’t known each other for long, but I feel like you are a part of me. I need you in my life. I don’t need you to say anything, and I don’t need you to do anything… I just need you to be there. And it just feels so right when you are. I feel at ease, and I feel at home when I’m where you are. I feel like you are my home. The wind may take me places, but if you aren’t there on my journey, I feel like I’m going nowhere. Without you I no longer have a direction. Without you, there is no anchor pulling me back from escaping life through a small window when I find the chance.”




“I’ve done some thinking. I didn’t really care until now whether I lived or not. Not until you came into my life. I wondered if you were a good enough reason for me to keep living, and I realized that you were. So…”


Wonwoo took Mingyu’s hands, and placed them on his own neck, positioned in choke hold.


“I’m giving my life to you. When you decide that you no longer need me, I want you to destroy me with your own two hands, because that’s when my life truly won’t have any meaning to it anymore.”


Mingyu looked at him sternly, with furrowed eyebrows.


“You’re crazy if you think I would ever want that… “


After looking at him with a frustrated expression, he sighed. His gaze softened, his hands moving from a choking position on Wonwoo’s neck, to an endearing hold on his face.


“....but can I take it then, that your heart is mine as well?’


Wonwoo smiled, looking up at him.


“It was yours from the beginning”


Mingyu wrapped his arms around Wonwoo and held him tightly, squeezing his eyes shut.. Wonwoo buried his head into Mingyu’s chest, and his hands grasped the back of Mingyu’s shirt. It was at this moment that the two were inseparable. It was at this moment Mingyu knew he needed Wonwoo just as much as Wonwoo needed him.


“As mine was yours.”

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darksanctuary #1
Chapter 10: i just realized that i've read your stories at AO3 then found you here today but can't help rereading them again... sigh. ofc I'm crying again but I'm satisfied lol such an M.
ajexastxsvt #2
Chapter 10: ㅠㅠ my heart!! Whyy?! Meanie is lifee! Whyy?!

But this is great! Hahahha! Keep it up author-nim! Fighting!
Chapter 8: this is so sad. *cries in the corner*
i love this story so much !!
SeungHodaebak #6
I just read this in less than 1 hour and ditched all my pending tasks.

well you did a great job for breaking my heart. TT____TT
hunhankyumin #7
Chapter 10: Okay, i'm so done with this...
Why, author-nim, why :(((( my tears are... OMG
I love this fic so much, and I want everybody to know this fic. Can I translate this into Vietnamese? I'll keep all the credit
Thank you so much, and sorry for my bad grammar ;A;
byungsxx #8
Chapter 10:

FEELS MAN OMG WHYYYYYㅡi cried okay anw thanks authornim
He17oAlice #9
Chapter 10: They never told each other they loved them...but it was like they knew but they didn't know o.0 I think that's the beauty of how vague their love is ㅠㅠ man I cried too hard. This was great!^^ ♡